na veda para-saṅkaṭam 

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na veda para-saṅkaṭam


na veda para-saṅkaṭam

yadi veda na yāceta

neti nāha yad īśvaraḥ

Selfish people do not know the pain of others. If the requester knew others’ pain, he would not ask, and if the donor knew others’ pain he would not refuse to give, since he is capable of giving.


The sage speaks part of the verse. “Selfish people do not know the pain of others. If the requester knew others’ pain, he would not ask.” The devatās speak the other part of the verse. “Selfish people do not know the pain of others. If the donor knew others’ pain he would not refuse to give.” Thus the verse has two meanings. Those who request and have attachment to the enjoyment of Svarga do not know the suffering they cause to the person (by taking his bones) from whom they ask. If they knew, from good intelligence as devatās, they would not ask. Since you do not have intelligence you are not real devatās, but are equivalent to animals such as tigers. Hearing what the sage said, the devatās then replied. The donor who is selfish and attached to the happiness of long life and possession of a body with senses, does not know the suffering of the requester, caused by attacks of the fierce enemy. If he knew, since he should have intelligence and knowledge as a sage, then he would not say “I will not give,” since he is are capable of giving. Since you lack discrimination, you are not a real sage. Because you are filled with lamentation and illusion, you are equivalent to a cow. 

|| 6.10.7 ||

śrī-ṛṣir uvāca

dharmaṁ vaḥ śrotu-kāmena

yūyaṁ me pratyudāhṛtāḥ

eṣa vaḥ priyam ātmānaṁ

tyajantaṁ santyajāmy aham

The sage Dadhīci said: Just in order to hear from you about religious principles, I first refused to offer my body. I will give up this body which is leaving anyway.

I have heard about dharma in your answer to my refusal. Or the words can be sarcastic “I have not heard about dharma, just some fancy words. Anyway, I will state my desire.” I will give up this body which will die in a short time anyway. I will give up the body before it gives me up. I offer it to you. This will be good fortune for me.

|| 6.10.8 ||


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