patir vidhatte puruṣasya śakra
Содержание книги
- utthito ghora-darśanaḥ
- sa vai vṛtra iti proktaḥ
- svenaiva lābhena samaṁ praśāntam
- trātāśritān vāricaro 'pi nūnam
- devarṣi-tiryaṅ-nṛṣu nitya eva
- namas te yajña-vīryāya
- sama-viṣama-matīnāṁ matam anusarasi yathā rajju-khaṇḍaḥ sarpādi-dhiyām.
- grasantaṁ bhuvana-trayam
- tejāṁsy astrāyudhāni ca
- sādaraṁ tri-daśair hariḥ
- svayaṁ niḥśreyasaṁ vidvān
- dadhyaṅṅ ātharvaṇas tvaṣṭre
- indram evaṁ samādiśya
- na veda para-saṅkaṭam
- na dharmaṁ na yaśaḥ pumān
- bhagavat-tejasānvitaḥ
- namuciḥ śambaro 'narvā
- na te śastrāstra-varṣaughā
- vṛtro 'surāṁs tān anugān manasvī
- The Plea of Vṛtrāsura
- agre tiṣṭhata mātraṁ me
- sa indra-śatruḥ kupito bhṛśaṁ tayā
- diṣṭyā bhavān me samavasthito ripur
- atho hare me kuliśena vīra
- tenaiva śatruṁ jahi viṣṇu-yantrito
- patir vidhatte puruṣasya śakra
- na nāka-pṛṣṭhaṁ na ca pārameṣṭhyaṁ
- mamottamaśloka-janeṣu sakhyaṁ
- vidhya śūlaṁ tarasāsurendraḥ
- jahi sva-śatruṁ na viṣāda-kālaḥ
- tam ajñāya jano hetum
- grasate tāni taiḥ svayam
- paśya māṁ nirjitaṁ śatru
- You have crossed the illusory energy of Lord Viṣṇu, and because of this you have given up the demoniac mentality and have attained the position of an exalted devotee.
- O respectable one! Vṛtrāsura, who was completely able to subdue his enemy, took his iron club, whirled it around, and then threw it at Indra with his left hand.
- cukruśuḥ samaharṣayaḥ
- tadā ca khe dundubhayo vinedur
- vijvarā nirvṛtendriyāḥ
- strī-bhū-druma-jalair eno
- tayendraḥ smāsahat tāpaṁ
- tāvat triṇākaṁ nahuṣaḥ śaśāsa
- taṁ ca brahmarṣayo 'bhyetya
- rajas-tamaḥ-svabhāvasya
- su-durlabhaḥ praśāntātmā
- vṛtras tu sa kathaṁ pāpaḥ
- cintā bandhyā-pater abhūt
- rājñā tathā prakṛtayo
- praśrayāvanato 'bhyāha
- ity arthitaḥ sa bhagavān
- As the Kṛttikās, through Agni, had a child named Skanda, Kṛtadyuti, through Citraketu, became pregnant after eating remnants of food from the sacrifice.
patir vidhatte puruṣasya śakra
tato 'numeyo bhagavat-prasādo
yo durlabho 'kiñcana-gocaro 'nyaiḥ
O Indra! Our Lord obstructs endeavors for artha, dharma and kāma. One should infer that this is the mercy of the Lord, which is rarely attained by others but attained by those with attachment to only the Lord.
Having told you the method of killing me to take me to the side of the Lord, you should consider that you do not have the mercy of the Lord since he will give you wealth and enjoyment. He obstructs his sincere devotee (puruṣasya) from endeavoring for artha, dharma and kāma. If the Lord stops those endeavors, one can infer that to be the Lord’s mercy. “But we have not had such an experience.” It is rare for anyone except those who are solely dedicated to the Lord. Therefore it is unavailable to you. Completely devoid of his mercy, you will obtain wealth. Believing you will attain wealth, quickly throw the thunderbolt at me.
|| 6.11.24 ||
ahaṁ hare tava pādaika-mūla-
dāsānudāso bhavitāsmi bhūyaḥ
manaḥ smaretāsu-pater guṇāṁs te
gṛṇīta vāk karma karotu kāyaḥ
O Lord! I shall become the servant of servants whose only shelter is your lotus feet. May my mind remember the Lord of my life, may my words chant your glories and may my body serve you.
Seeing that Indra did not throw the thunderbolt, Vṛtrāsura then thought “Oh! What will I say to this rascal Indra who sees everything materially? I will make a request at the lotus feet of my Lord.” Then, seeing the Lord appear through his meditation, he spoke this verse. I will again become the servant of the servants who take shelter only of your lotus feet. Please say why there is such delay. I am tormented out of longing. The Lord says, “Very soon I will bring you to my side. Please ask for a boon.” May my mind remember you, Lord of my life! May my words sing your qualities! May my body massage your feet, fan you and give you betel nut! This is the prayer of my mind, voice and body.
|| 6.11.25 ||