darendra vidrāvaya kṛṣṇa-pūrito 

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darendra vidrāvaya kṛṣṇa-pūrito


darendra vidrāvaya kṛṣṇa-pūrito

bhīma-svano 'rer hṛdayāni kampayan

O conch! Filled with air by Kṛṣṇa and sounding fearsome, you cause the hearts of the enemy to tremble. Drive away the Yātudhānas, Pramathas, Pretas, Māṭrs, Piśācas, and terrifying brāhmaṇa ghosts.

Darendra means O Pāñcajanya!

|| 6.8.26 ||

tvaṁ tigma-dhārāsi-varāri-sainyam

īśa-prayukto mama chindhi chindhi

cakṣūṁṣi carmañ chata-candra chādaya

dviṣām aghonāṁ hara pāpa-cakṣuṣām

O sharp blade! O best of swords! Employed by the Lord, cut the troops of my enemy! O shield with a hundred eyes! Cover the eyes of the sinful enemies. Cover the eyes of the sinful men! 

O sharp blade! O best of swords (asi-vara)! O shield endowed with a hundred moon symbols! Cover the eyes of the sinful enemies.

|| 6.8.27-28 ||

yan no bhayaṁ grahebhyo 'bhūt

ketubhyo nṛbhya eva ca

sarīsṛpebhyo daṁṣṭribhyo

bhūtebhyo 'ṁhobhya eva ca

sarvāṇy etāni bhagavan-


prayāntu saṅkṣayaṁ sadyo

ye naḥ śreyaḥ-pratīpakāḥ

May all our fears arising from planets, meteors, humans, snakes and scorpions, sharp toothed animals, ghosts, and sins, unfavorable to our well-being, be destroyed by chanting continuously the name and forms of the Lord!

Ṣreyaḥ-pratīpakāḥ means “unfavorable for our well-being.”

|| 6.8.29 ||

garuḍo bhagavān stotra-

stobhaś chandomayaḥ prabhuḥ

rakṣatv aśeṣa-kṛcchrebhyo

viṣvaksenaḥ sva-nāmabhiḥ

May Garuḍa, praised in verses of the sāmas, the personified Vedas, protect us from unlimited miseries! May Visvakṣena protect us from miseries by his names!

Garuḍa is praised in the Bṛhad-sāma and Rathantara-sāmas. Another version is stotra-stobha-chandomayaḥ. In that case stobha mean the syllables of the Gītā and Purāṇas. Another version is stotra-stomaḥ, meaning “a collection of hymns of praise.”

|| 6.8.30 ||

sarvāpadbhyo harer nāma-


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