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Lord Kṛṣṇa Slays the Demon Śālva



The charioteer said, “I removed You from the battlefield because You fell unconscious (mūrcchitaḥ) from the blows of the enemy’s club. Afterwards, you said, ‘Damn you, fool! You do not understand Me properly!’”


Thus ends the commentary on the Seventy-sixth Chapter of the Tenth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.


Chapter Seventy-seven

Lord Kṛṣṇa Slays the Demon Śālva


|| 10.77.1 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca

sa upaspṛśya salilaṁ daṁśito dhṛta-kārmukaḥ

naya māṁ dyumataḥ pārśvaṁ vīrasyety āha sārathim


Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: After refreshing Himself with water, putting on His armor and picking up His bow, Lord Pradyumna told His driver, “Take Me back to where the hero Dyumān is standing.”


In this chapter, Kṛṣṇa returns to Dvārakā from Indraprastha and quickly kills Śālva, who was flying in his magical vehicle. Pradyumna, who was well-versed in kṣatriya-dharma, sipped ācamana (upaspṛśya salilaṁ) and then put on his armor. Then he returned to the battlefield in order to correct the fault of fleeing from the battlefield incurred by his charioteer while executing his duty of protecting him.


|| 10.77.2 ||

vidhamantaṁ sva-sainyāni dyumantaṁ rukmiṇī-sutaḥ

pratihatya pratyavidhyān nārācair aṣṭabhiḥ smayan


In Pradyumna’s absence, Dyumān had been devastating His army, but now Pradyumna counterattacked Dyumān and, smiling, pierced him with eight nārāca arrows.


Pradyumna challenged Dyumān, saying “Now see if you can strike Me!” After saying this and allowing Dyumān to shoot his weapons, Pradyumna counter attacked (pratihatya) with His own deadly arrows.


|| 10.77.3 ||

caturbhiś caturo vāhān sūtam ekena cāhanat

dvābhyaṁ dhanuś ca ketuṁ ca śareṇānyena vai śiraḥ


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