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Having determined how to kill the enemy, that Lord of infallible vision made a sign to Bhīma by tearing in half a small branch of a tree.



Having determined how to kill the enemy, that Lord of infallible vision made a sign to Bhīma by tearing in half a small branch of a tree.



Kṛṣṇa took a branch in His hand within the vision of Bhīma and made a gesture suggesting, “Just as I am tearing apart this branch, so you should tear him apart.” Iva here means eva certainly.


|| 10.72.42 ||

tad vijñāya mahā-sattvo bhīmaḥ praharatāṁ varaḥ

gṛhītvā pādayoḥ śatruṁ pātayām āsa bhū-tale


Understanding this sign, mighty Bhīma, the best of fighters, seized his opponent by the feet and threw him to the ground.

|| 10.72.43 ||

ekam pādaṁ padākramya dorbhyām anyaṁ pragṛhya saḥ

gudataḥ pāṭayām āsa śākham iva mahā-gajaḥ


Bhīma pressed down on one leg with his foot while grabbing Jarāsandha’s other leg in his hands, and just as a great elephant might break the branch of a tree, Bhīma tore Jarāsandha apart from the anus upward.

|| 10.72.44 ||


eka-bāhv-akṣi-bhrū-karṇe śakale dadṛśuḥ prajāḥ


The King’s subjects then saw him lying in two separate pieces, each with a single leg, thigh, testicle, hip, shoulder, arm, eye, eyebrow and ear, and with half a back and chest.


The citizens saw the two parts each with one leg, one arm and one ear.


|| 10.72.45 ||

hāhā-kāro mahān āsīn nihate magadheśvare

pūjayām āsatur bhīmaṁ parirabhya jayācyatau


Understanding this sign, mighty Bhīma, the best of fighters, seized his opponent by the feet and threw him to the ground.

|| 10.72.46 ||

sahadevaṁ tat-tanayaṁ bhagavān bhūta-bhāvanaḥ

abhyaṣiñcad ameyātmā magadhānāṁ patiṁ prabhuḥ

mocayām āsa rājanyān saṁruddhā māgadhena ye



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