And there, O King, jesters would entertain the Lord by displaying various comic moods, expert entertainers would perform for Him, and female dancers would dance energetically. 

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And there, O King, jesters would entertain the Lord by displaying various comic moods, expert entertainers would perform for Him, and female dancers would dance energetically.



He would then look at ghee, a mirror, the cows and bulls, the brāhmaṇas and the demigods and see to it that the members of all the social classes living in the palace and throughout the city were satisfied with gifts. After this He would greet His ministers, gratifying them by fulfilling all their desires.


Kṛṣṇa greeted His ministers (prakṛtīḥ).


|| 10.70.13 ||

saṁvibhajyāgrato viprān srak-tāmbūlānulepanaiḥ

suhṛdaḥ prakṛtīr dārān upāyuṅkta tataḥ svayam


After first distributing flower garlands, pān and sandalwood paste to the brāhmaṇas, He would give these gifts to His friends, ministers and wives, and finally He would partake of them Himself.


After distributing these items to the brāhmaṇas and others, Kṛṣṇa accepted them (upāyunkta) for His own pleasure.


|| 10.70.14 ||

tāvat sūta upānīya syandanaṁ paramādbhutam

sugrīvādyair hayair yuktaṁ praṇamyāvasthito ’grataḥ


By then the Lord’s driver would have brought His supremely wonderful chariot, yoked with Sugrīva and His other horses. His charioteer would bow down to the Lord and then stand before Him.

|| 10.70.15 ||

gṛhītvā pāṇinā pāṇī sārathes tam athāruhat

sātyaky-uddhava-saṁyuktaḥ pūrvādrim iva bhāskaraḥ


Holding on to His charioteer’s hands, Lord Kṛṣṇa would mount the chariot, together with Sātyaki and Uddhava, just like the sun rising over the easternmost mountain.


Dāruka (Kṛṣṇa’s driver) stood beside the chariot with joined palms. Kṛṣṇa held his joined hands with His right hand and mounted the chariot.


|| 10.70.16 ||

īkṣito ’ntaḥ-pura-strīṇāṁ sa-vrīḍa-prema-vīkṣitaiḥ

kṛcchrād visṛṣṭo niragāj jāta-hāso haran manaḥ


The palace women would look upon Lord Kṛṣṇa with shy, loving glances, and thus He would get free from them only with difficulty. He would then set off, His smiling face captivating their minds.


Though Kṛṣṇa was accompanied by Sātyaki, Uddhava and others, the queens glanced at Him with shy loving glances hinting at their agitation. Their glances implied, “How can we tolerate the torment of being separated from You?” Captivated by their affection, Kṛṣṇa smiled, indicating “My dear restless ladies, why are you so overwhelmed by this little bit of separation? I am coming back later today to enjoy with you.” Enchanting their minds with His sweet smile, Kṛṣṇa somehow freed Himself from the bondage of their loving glances with great difficulty.


|| 10.70.17 ||

sudharmākhyāṁ sabhāṁ sarvair vṛṣṇibhiḥ parivāritaḥ

prāviśad yan-niviṣṭānāṁ na santy aṅga ṣaḍ ūrmayaḥ


The Lord, attended by all the Vṛṣṇis, would enter the Sudharmā assembly hall, which protects those who enter it from the six waves of material life, dear King.


When Kṛṣṇa would exit separately from each of His many palaces, each individual form would be visible to the persons present on those particular palace grounds and to the neighboring residents, but not to others. Coming along the main road up to the entrance of the Sudharmā assembly hall, all the forms of Kṛṣṇa would merge into a single form, and thus He would enter the hall surrounded (parivāritaḥ) by the Vṛṣṇis.


|| 10.70.18 ||

tatropavistaḥ paramāsane vibhur babhau sva-bhāsā kakubho ’vabhāsayan

vṛto nṛ-siṁhair yadubhir yadūttamo yathoḍu-rājo divi tārakā-gaṇaiḥ


As the almighty Supreme Lord would seat Himself upon His exalted throne there in the assembly hall, He shone with His unique effulgence, illuminating all the quarters of space. Surrounded by the Yadus, lions among men, that best of the Yadus appeared like the moon amidst many stars.


Kṛṣṇa was attended by the Yadus, who were lions among men (nṛ-siṁhair).


|| 10.70.19 ||

tatropamantriṇo rājan nānā-hāsya-rasair vibhum

upatasthur naṭācāryā nartakyas tāṇḍavaiḥ pṛthak



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