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Lord Kṛṣṇa Blesses the Liberated Kings
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- He would decorate His body, the very ornament of human society, with His own special clothes and jewelry and with divine flower garlands and ointments.
- And there, O King, jesters would entertain the Lord by displaying various comic moods, expert entertainers would perform for Him, and female dancers would dance energetically.
- Some brāhmaṇas sitting in that assembly hall would fluently chant Vedic mantras, while others recounted stories of past kings of pious renown.
- Twenty thousand kings who had refused to submit absolutely to Jarāsandha during his world conquest had been forcibly imprisoned by him in the fortress named Girivraja.
- There is nothing unknown to you within God’s creation. Therefore please tell Us what the Pāṇḍavas intend to do.
- Desiring unrivaled sovereignty, King Yudhiṣṭhira intends to worship You with the greatest fire sacrifice, the Rājasūya. Please bless his endeavor.
- O Lord, exalted demigods and glorious kings, eager to see You, will all come to that best of sacrifices.
- ukadeva Gosvāmī continued:] Thus requested by his master, who, though omniscient, acted as if perplexed, Uddhava took this order upon his head and replied as follows.
- By this decision there will be great gain for us, and You will save the kings. Thus, Govinda, You will be glorified.
- The invincible King Jarāsandha is as strong as ten thousand elephants. Indeed, other powerful warriors cannot defeat him. Only Bhīma is equal to him in strength.
- After crossing the rivers Dṛṣadvatī and Sarasvatī, He passed through Pañcāla and Matsya and finally came to Indraprastha.
- Thus surrounded by His well-wishing relatives and praised on all sides, Lord Kṛṣṇa, the crest jewel of the justly renowned, entered the decorated city.
- With wide-open eyes, the members of the royal household came forward in a flurry to lovingly greet Lord Mukunda, and thus the Lord entered the royal palace.
- Lord Kṛṣṇa bowed down to His aunt and the wives of His elders, O King, and then Draupadī and the Lord’s sister bowed down to Him.
- The Slaying of the Demon Jarāsandha
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Your decision is perfect, O King, and thus your noble fame will spread to all the worlds, O tormentor of your enemies.
- First conquer all kings, bring the earth under your control and collect all the required paraphernalia; then execute this great sacrifice.
- No one in this world, even a demigod—what to speak of an earthly king—can defeat My devotee with his strength, beauty, fame or riches.
- What can the tolerant not bear? What will the wicked not do? What will the generous not give in charity? And who will those of equal vision see as an outsider?
- He indeed is to be censured and pitied who, though able to do so, fails to achieve with his temporary body the lasting fame glorified by great saints.
- Over there is Bhīma, son of Pṛthā, and this is his brother Arjuna. Know Me to be their maternal cousin, Kṛṣṇa, your enemy.
- Having said this, Jarāsandha offered Bhīmasena a huge club, took up another himself and went outside the city.
- As they skillfully circled left and right, like actors dancing on a stage, the fight presented a magnificent spectacle.
- As they thus fought, this contest between opponents of equal training, strength and stamina reached no conclusion. And so they kept on fighting, O King, without any letup.
- Having determined how to kill the enemy, that Lord of infallible vision made a sign to Bhīma by tearing in half a small branch of a tree.
- Lord Kṛṣṇa Blesses the Liberated Kings
- O master, Madhusūdana, we do not blame this King of Magadha, since it is actually by Your mercy that kings fall from their royal position, O almighty Lord.
- Please tell us how we may constantly remember Your lotus feet, though we continue in the cycle of birth and death in this world.
- Again and again we offer our obeisances unto Lord Krishna, Hari, the son of Vasudeva. That Supreme Soul, Govinda, vanquishes the suffering of all who surrender to Him.
- As you live your lives, begetting generations of progeny and encountering happiness and distress, birth and death, always keep your minds fixed on Me.
- O descendant of Bharata, the Lord then had King Sahadeva honor them with offerings of clothing, jewelry, garlands and sandalwood paste, all suitable for royalty.
- The kings told their ministers and other associates what the Personality of Godhead had done, and then they diligently carried out the orders He had imparted to them.
- When they arrived at Indraprastha, the victorious heroes blew their conchshells, bringing joy to their well-wishing friends and sorrow to their enemies.
- That You, the lotus-eyed Supreme Lord, accept the orders of wretched fools who presume themselves rulers is a great pretense on Your part, O all-pervading one.
- O unconquerable Mādhava, even Your devotees make no distinctions of “I” and “mine,” “you” and “yours,” for this is the perverted mentality of animals.
- On the day of extracting the soma juice, King Yudhiṣṭhira properly and very attentively worshiped the priests and the most exalted personalities of the assembly.
- Therefore we should give the highest honor to Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Lord. If we do so, we will be honoring all living beings and also our own selves.
- Upon hearing such intolerable blasphemy of the Lord, several members of the assembly covered their ears and walked out, angrily cursing the King of Cedi.
- Anyone who fails to immediately leave the place where he hears criticism of the Supreme Lord or His faithful devotee will certainly fall down, bereft of his pious credit.
- An effulgent light rose from Śiśupāla’s body and, as everyone watched, entered Lord Kṛṣṇa just like a meteor falling from the sky to the earth.
- Then the Lord, the son of Devakī, took the reluctant permission of the King and returned to His capital with His wives and ministers.
- Female dancers danced with great joy, and choruses sang, while the loud vibrations of vīnās, flutes and hand cymbals reached all the way to the heavenly regions.
- Men and women, all adorned with sandalwood paste, flower garlands, jewelry and fine clothing, sported by smearing and sprinkling one another with various liquids.
- The kettledrums of the gods resounded, along with those of human beings. Demigods, sages, forefathers and humans all poured down showers of flowers.
- My dear Parīkṣit, the Supreme Lord remained there for some time to please the King, after first sending Sāmba and the other Yadu heroes back to Dvārakā.
- I have now replied to your question, O King, concerning why Duryodhana was dissatisfied on the occasion of the great Rājasūya sacrifice.
- The Battle Between Śālva and the Vṛṣṇis
- Lord Śiva said, “So be it.” On his order, Maya Dānava, who conquers his enemies’ cities, constructed a flying iron city named Saubha and presented it to Śālva.
- Seeing His subjects so harassed, the glorious and heroic Lord Pradyumna told them, “Do not fear,” and mounted His chariot.
- When they saw the glorious Pradyumna perform that amazing and mighty feat, all the soldiers on both sides praised Him.
The immeasurable Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sustainer and benefactor of all living beings, coronated Jarāsandha’s son, Sahadeva, as the new ruler of the Magadhas. The Lord then freed all the kings Jarāsandha had imprisoned.
Thus ends the commentary on the Seventy-second Chapter of the Tenth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.
Chapter Seventy-three
Lord Kṛṣṇa Blesses the Liberated Kings
|| 10.73.1-6 ||
śrī-śuka uvāca
ayute dve śatāny aṣṭau niruddhā yudhi nirjitāḥ
te nirgatā giridroṇyāṁ malinā mala-vāsasaḥ
kṣut-kṣāmāḥ śuṣka-vadanāḥ saṁrodha-parikarśitāḥ
dadṛśus te ghana-śyāmaṁ pīta-kauśeya-vāsasam
śrīvatsāṅkaṁ catur-bāhuṁ padma-garbhāruṇekṣaṇam
cāru-prasanna-vadanaṁ sphuran-makara-kuṇḍalam
padma-hastaṁ gadā-śaṅkha rathāṅgair upalakṣitam
kirīṭa-hāra-kaṭaka- kaṭi-sūtrāṅgadāñcitam
bhrājad-vara-maṇi-grīvaṁ nivītaṁ vana-mālayā
pibanta iva cakṣurbhyāṁ lihanta iva jihvayā
jighranta iva nāsābhyāṁ rambhanta iva bāhubhiḥ
praṇemur hata-pāpmāno mūrdhabhiḥ pādayor hareḥ
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Jarāsandha had defeated 20,800 kings in combat and thrown them into prison. As these kings emerged from the Giridroṇī fortress, they appeared dirty and shabbily dressed. They were emaciated by hunger, their faces were dried up, and they were greatly weakened by their long imprisonment.
The kings then beheld the Lord before them. His complexion was dark blue like the color of a cloud, and He wore a yellow silk garment. He was distinguished by the Śrīvatsa mark on His chest, His four mighty arms, the pinkish hue of His eyes, which resembled the whorl of a lotus, His lovely, cheerful face, His gleaming makara earrings and the lotus, club, conchshell and disc in His hands. A helmet, a jeweled necklace, a golden belt, and golden bracelets and armlets decorated His form, and on His neck He wore both the brilliant, precious Kaustubha gem and a garland of forest flowers. The kings seemed to drink His beauty with their eyes, lick Him with their tongues, relish His fragrance with their nostrils and embrace Him with their arms. Their past sins now eradicated, the kings all bowed down to Lord Hari, placing their heads at His feet.
In this chapter Kṛṣṇa frees the kings imprisoned by Jarāsandha. The kings were emaciated by thirst and aggrieved due to their long imprisonment. Upon leaving the prison the kings saw Kṛṣṇa, who mercifully revealed to them His effulgent personal form resplendent with the color of a fresh rain cloud. Kṛṣṇa’s neck was adorned with a fragrant flower garland and His famous Kaustubha gem, which glowed brilliantly as the best of jewels. Seeing Kṛṣṇa’s incomparable beauty the kings seemed to be (iva) embracing (rambhantaḥ) the Lord with their arms. Feeling most satisfied, the kings praised the Lord. Kṛṣṇa then blessed them with objects of enjoyment befitting kings and sent them off to their respective kingdoms. Śrī Kṛṣṇa then returned to Indraprastha.
|| 10.73.7 ||
kṛṣṇa-sandarśanāhlāda dhvasta-saṁrodhana-klamāḥ
praśaśaṁsur hṛṣīkeśaṁ gīrbhiḥ prāñjalayo nṛpāḥ