Lord Kṛṣṇa Blesses the Liberated Kings 

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Lord Kṛṣṇa Blesses the Liberated Kings


The immeasurable Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sustainer and benefactor of all living beings, coronated Jarāsandha’s son, Sahadeva, as the new ruler of the Magadhas. The Lord then freed all the kings Jarāsandha had imprisoned.

Thus ends the commentary on the Seventy-second Chapter of the Tenth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.


Chapter Seventy-three

Lord Kṛṣṇa Blesses the Liberated Kings


|| 10.73.1-6 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca

ayute dve śatāny aṣṭau niruddhā yudhi nirjitāḥ

te nirgatā giridroṇyāṁ malinā mala-vāsasaḥ

kṣut-kṣāmāḥ śuṣka-vadanāḥ saṁrodha-parikarśitāḥ

dadṛśus te ghana-śyāmaṁ pīta-kauśeya-vāsasam

śrīvatsāṅkaṁ catur-bāhuṁ padma-garbhāruṇekṣaṇam

cāru-prasanna-vadanaṁ sphuran-makara-kuṇḍalam

padma-hastaṁ gadā-śaṅkha rathāṅgair upalakṣitam

kirīṭa-hāra-kaṭaka- kaṭi-sūtrāṅgadāñcitam

bhrājad-vara-maṇi-grīvaṁ nivītaṁ vana-mālayā

pibanta iva cakṣurbhyāṁ lihanta iva jihvayā

jighranta iva nāsābhyāṁ rambhanta iva bāhubhiḥ

praṇemur hata-pāpmāno mūrdhabhiḥ pādayor hareḥ


Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Jarāsandha had defeated 20,800 kings in combat and thrown them into prison. As these kings emerged from the Giridroṇī fortress, they appeared dirty and shabbily dressed. They were emaciated by hunger, their faces were dried up, and they were greatly weakened by their long imprisonment.

The kings then beheld the Lord before them. His complexion was dark blue like the color of a cloud, and He wore a yellow silk garment. He was distinguished by the Śrīvatsa mark on His chest, His four mighty arms, the pinkish hue of His eyes, which resembled the whorl of a lotus, His lovely, cheerful face, His gleaming makara earrings and the lotus, club, conchshell and disc in His hands. A helmet, a jeweled necklace, a golden belt, and golden bracelets and armlets decorated His form, and on His neck He wore both the brilliant, precious Kaustubha gem and a garland of forest flowers. The kings seemed to drink His beauty with their eyes, lick Him with their tongues, relish His fragrance with their nostrils and embrace Him with their arms. Their past sins now eradicated, the kings all bowed down to Lord Hari, placing their heads at His feet.


In this chapter Kṛṣṇa frees the kings imprisoned by Jarāsandha. The kings were emaciated by thirst and aggrieved due to their long imprisonment. Upon leaving the prison the kings saw Kṛṣṇa, who mercifully revealed to them His effulgent personal form resplendent with the color of a fresh rain cloud. Kṛṣṇa’s neck was adorned with a fragrant flower garland and His famous Kaustubha gem, which glowed brilliantly as the best of jewels. Seeing Kṛṣṇa’s incomparable beauty the kings seemed to be (iva) embracing (rambhantaḥ) the Lord with their arms. Feeling most satisfied, the kings praised the Lord. Kṛṣṇa then blessed them with objects of enjoyment befitting kings and sent them off to their respective kingdoms. Śrī Kṛṣṇa then returned to Indraprastha.


|| 10.73.7 ||

kṛṣṇa-sandarśanāhlāda dhvasta-saṁrodhana-klamāḥ

praśaśaṁsur hṛṣīkeśaṁ gīrbhiḥ prāñjalayo nṛpāḥ


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