Lord Kṛṣṇa was pleased with Trivakrā, so He decided to straighten that hunchbacked girl with the lovely face just to demonstrate the result of seeing Him. 

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Lord Kṛṣṇa was pleased with Trivakrā, so He decided to straighten that hunchbacked girl with the lovely face just to demonstrate the result of seeing Him.



Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma appeared splendid when Their complexions changed to match Their moods. Kṛṣṇa spread yellow ointment upon His body, and Balarāma blue ointment upon His. Samprāpta-para-bhāgena means the cosmetics exhibited the highest excellence. “By the logic of bhūṣaṇa-bhūṣanāṇgam, we can understand that actually Kṛṣṇa’s ornaments are beautified by contacting His body, rather than the other way around.”


|| 10.42.6 ||

prasanno bhagavān kubjāṁ trivakrāṁ rucirānanām

ṛjvīṁ kartuṁ manaś cakre darśayan darśane phalam


Lord Kṛṣṇa was pleased with Trivakrā, so He decided to straighten that hunchbacked girl with the lovely face just to demonstrate the result of seeing Him.


|| 10.42.7 ||

padbhyām ākramya prapade dry-aṅguly-uttāna-pāṇinā

pragṛhya cibuke ’dhyātmam udanīnamad acyutaḥ


Pressing down on her toes with both His feet, Lord Acyuta placed one upward-pointing finger of each hand under her chin and straightened up her body.


Pressing down on the front of Kubjā’s feet with His two feet, Kṛṣṇa held her chin with two upward pointing fingers and pulled her body up.


|| 10.42.8 ||

sā tadarju-samānāṅgī bṛhac-chroṇi-payodharā

mukunda-sparśanāt sadyo babhūva pramadottamā


Simply by Lord Mukunda’s touch, Trivakrā was suddenly transformed into an exquisitely beautiful woman with straight, evenly proportioned limbs and large hips and breasts.


Immediately Kubjā was transformed into a beautiful woman with straight, even limbs, large hips and full breasts. “By the touch of Mukunda” (mukunda-sparśanāt) indicates that this was the primary reason.


|| 10.42.9 ||

tato rūpa-guṇaudārya-sampannā prāha keśavam

uttarīyāntam akṛṣya smayantī jāta-hṛc-chayā


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