Confronted next by the wrestler Kūṭa, Lord Balarāma, the best of fighters, playfully and nonchalantly killed him with His left fist, O King. 

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Confronted next by the wrestler Kūṭa, Lord Balarāma, the best of fighters, playfully and nonchalantly killed him with His left fist, O King.



Cāṇūra struck (abādhata) Kṛṣṇa on the chest with clenched fists.


|| 10.44.22-23 ||

nācalat tat-prahāreṇa mālāhata iva dvipaḥ

bāhvor nigṛhya cāṇūraṁ bahuśo bhrāmayan hariḥ

bhū-pṛṣṭhe pothayām āsa tarasā kṣīṇa jīvitam

visrastākalpa-keśa-srag indra-dhvaja ivāpatat


No more shaken by the demon’s mighty blows than an elephant struck with a flower garland, Lord Kṛṣṇa grabbed Cāṇūra by his arms, swung him around several times and hurled him onto the ground with great force. His clothes, hair and garland scattering, the wrestler fell down dead, like a huge festival column collapsing.


The word indra-dhvaja means as follows: “In Bengal, on the occasion of a certain festival, people erect a tall column in the form of a man and decorate it with flags, banners, etc. Cāṇūra collapsed on the ground just as such a pole might fall.”


|| 10.44.24-25 ||

tathaiva muṣṭikaḥ pūrvaṁ sva-muṣṭyābhihatena vai

balabhadreṇa balinā talenābhihato bhṛśam

pravepitaḥ sa rudhiram udvaman mukhato ’rditaḥ

vyasuḥ papātorvy-upasthe vātāhata ivāṅghripaḥ


Similarly, Muṣṭika struck Lord Balabhadra with his fist and was slain. Receiving a violent blow from the mighty Lord’s palm, the demon trembled all over in great pain, vomited blood and then fell lifeless onto the ground, like a tree blown down by the wind.


Balarāma struck Muṣṭika with His palm and Muṣṭika fell down dead on the earth. Balarāma also crushed him with His embrace and uttered foul words as he lay dying.


|| 10.44.26 ||

tataḥ kūṭam anuprāptaṁ rāmaḥ praharatāṁ varaḥ

avadhīl līlayā rājan sāvajñaṁ vāma-muṣṭinā



|| 10.44.27 ||

tarhy eva hi śalaḥ kṛṣṇa-prapadāhata-śīrṣakaḥ

dvidhā vidīrṇas tośalaka ubhāv api nipetatuḥ


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