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The Supreme Lord Kṛṣṇa addressed the lord of the ocean: Let the son of My guru be presented at once—the one you seized here with your mighty waves.



Concealing Their innately perfect knowledge by Their humanlike activities, those two omniscient Lords of the universe, Themselves the origin of all branches of knowledge, next desired to reside at the school of a spiritual master. Thus They approached Sāndīpani Muni, a native of Kāsī living in the city of Avantī.


Since Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma were covering Their innate (nānya-siddhā:svābhāvikam) knowledge by Their human-like behavior, They went to the gurukula to acquire knowledge.


|| 10.45.32 ||

yathopasādya tau dāntau gurau vṛttim aninditām

grāhayantāv upetau sma bhaktyā devam ivādṛtau


Sāndīpani thought very highly of these two self-controlled disciples, whom he had obtained so fortuitously. By serving him as devotedly as one would serve the Supreme Lord Himself, They showed others an irreproachable example of how to worship the spiritual master.


In order to teach others (grahayantau:sikśayantau) perfect dealings with the guru, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma served (vṛttim:upasattim) the guru with great devotion according to the scriptural rules. They were also respected by the guru.


|| 10.45.33 ||

tayor dvija-varas tuṣṭaḥ śuddha-bhāvānuvṛttibhiḥ

provāca vedān akhilān sāṅgopaniṣado guruḥ


That best of brāhmaṇas, the spiritual master Sāndīpani, was satisfied with Their submissive behavior, and thus he taught Them the entire Vedas, together with their six corollaries and the Upaniṣads.


|| 10.45.34 ||

sa-rahasyaṁ dhanur-vedaṁ dharmān nyāya-pathāṁs tathā

tathā cānvīkṣikīṁ vidyāṁ rāja-nītiṁ ca ṣaḍ-vidhām


He also taught Them the Dhanur-veda, with its most confidential secrets; the standard books of law; the methods of logical reasoning and philosophical debate; and the sixfold science of politics.


Sāndīpani Muni taught Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma the confidential portion of the Dhanur-veda, military science, which includes knowledge of the appropriate mantras and the presiding deities of warfare. Dharmān refers to the Manu-saṁhitā and other standard lawbooks (dharma-sāstras). Nyāya-pathān refers to the doctrine of Karma-mīmāṁsā and other such theories. ānvīkṣikīm is knowledge of the techniques of logical argument (tarka). The six-fold political science is quite pragmatic and includes (1) sandhi, making peace; (2) vigraha, war; (3) yāna, marching; (4) āsana, sitting tight; (5) dvaidha, dividing one’s forces; and (6) saṁśaya, seeking the protection of a more powerful ruler.


|| 10.45.35-36 ||

sarvaṁ nara-vara-śreṣṭhau sarva-vidyā-pravartakau

sakṛn nigada-mātreṇa tau sañjagṛhatur nṛpa

aho-rātraiś catuḥ-ṣaṣṭyā saṁyattau tāvatīḥ kalāḥ

guru-dakṣiṇayācāryaṁ chandayām āsatur nṛpa


O King, those best of persons, Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma, being Themselves the original promulgators of all varieties of knowledge, could immediately assimilate each and every subject after hearing it explained just once. Thus with fixed concentration They learned the sixty-four arts and skills in as many days and nights. Thereafter, O King, They satisfied Their spiritual master by offering him guru-dakṣiṇā.


For details of the sixty four arts one should consult the Tantras. Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma satisfied (chandayām āsatuḥ) their guru by inducing him to accept some remuneration, saying “Please take as dakṣiṇa something that you desire.” According to the Amara-kosa dictionary, the word chanda means desire or allurement.


|| 10.45.37 ||

dvijas tayos taṁ mahimānam adbhutaṁ saṁlokṣya rājann ati-mānusīṁ matim

sammantrya patnyā sa mahārṇave mṛtaṁ bālaṁ prabhāse varayāṁ babhūva ha


O King, the learned brāhmaṇa Sāndīpani carefully considered the two Lords’ glorious and amazing qualities and Their superhuman intelligence. Then, after consulting with his wife, he chose as his remuneration the return of his young son, who had died in the ocean at Prabhāsa.


The child of the brāhmaṇa was swallowed by the conchshell demon while he was playing at Mahā-Śiva-kṣetra, the great pilgrimage place of Lord Śiva [Prabhāsa].


|| 10.45.38 ||

tethety athāruhya mahā-rathau rathaṁ prabhāsam āsādya duranta-vikramau

velām upavrajya niṣīdatuḥ kṣanaṁ sindhur viditvārhanam āharat tayoḥ


“So be it,” replied those two great charioteers of limitless might, and They at once mounted Their chariot and set off for Prabhāsa. When They reached that place, They walked up to the shore and sat down. In a moment the deity of the ocean, recognizing Them to be the Supreme Lords, approached Them with offerings of tribute.


|| 10.45.39 ||

tam āha bhagavān āśu guru-putraḥ pradīyatām

yo ’sāv iha tvayā grasto bālako mahatormiṇā



|| 10.45.40 ||

śrī-samudra uvāca

na cāhārṣam ahaṁ deva daityaḥ pañcajano mahān

antar-jala-caraḥ kṛṣṇa śaṅkha-rūpa-dharo ’suraḥ


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