Subsequently I will see You appear as time personified, serving as Arjuna’s chariot driver and destroying entire armies of soldiers to rid the earth of her burden. 

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Subsequently I will see You appear as time personified, serving as Arjuna’s chariot driver and destroying entire armies of soldiers to rid the earth of her burden.



Nārada said, “You have destroyed this demon for the benefit (diṣṭyā) of the people.”


|| 10.37.15-20 ||

cāṇūraṁ muṣṭikaṁ caiva mallān anyāṁś ca hastinam

kaṁsaṁ ca nihataṁ drakṣye paraśvo ’hani te vibho

tasyānu śaṅkha-yavana-murāṇāṁ narakasya ca

pārijātāpaharaṇam indrasya ca parājayam

udvāhaṁ vīra-kanyānāṁ vīrya-śulkādi-lakṣaṇam

nṛgasya mokṣaṇaṁ śāpād dvārakāyāṁ jagat-pate

syamantakasya ca maṇer ādānaṁ saha bhāryayā

mṛta-putra-pradānaṁ ca brāhmaṇasya sva-dhāmataḥ

pauṇḍrakasya vadhaṁ paścāt kāśi-puryāś ca dīpanam

dantavakrasya nidhanaṁ caidyasya ca mahā-kratau

yāni cānyāni vīryāṇi dvārakām āvasan bhavān

kartā drakṣyāmy ahaṁ tāni geyāni kavibhir bhuvi


In just two days, O almighty Lord, I will see the deaths of Cāṇūra, Muṣṭika and other wrestlers, along with those of the elephant Kuvalayāpīḍa and King Kaṁsa—all by Your hand. Then I will see You kill Kālayavana, Mura, Naraka and the conch demon, and I will also see You steal the pārijāta flower and defeat Indra. I will then see You marry many daughters of heroic kings after paying for them with Your valor. Then, O Lord of the universe, in Dvārakā You will deliver King Nṛga from a curse and take for Yourself the Syamantaka jewel, together with another wife. You will bring back a brāhmaṇa’s dead son from the abode of Your servant Yamarāja, and thereafter You will kill Pauṇḍraka, burn down the city of Kāśī and annihilate Dantavakra and the King of Cedi during the great Rājasūya sacrifice. I shall see all these heroic pastimes, along with many others You will perform during Your residence in Dvārakā. These pastimes are glorified on this earth in the songs of transcendental poets.


Nārada said, “I know the sequence of Your pastimes, having already seen them in Your various previous descents. This is only an outline of Your future pastimes, and is not intended to be a comprehensive account. I will see You kill the Pañcajana (śaṅkha) demon. I will watch You retrieve the Syamantaka jewel along with Your wife (bhāryayā) Jāmbavatī. And You will deliver a brāhmaṇa’s son from the abode of Yamaraja.”


|| 10.37.21 ||

atha te kāla-rūpasya kṣapayiṣṇor amuṣya vai

akṣauhiṇīnāṁ nidhanaṁ drakṣyāmy arjuna-sāratheḥ



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