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When the Supreme Lord saw the cowherd community distraught and fleeing in fear, He calmed them, saying, “Don’t be afraid.” Then He called out to the bull demon as follows.
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- O girls! The dust of Govinda’s lotus feet is so sacred that even Brahmā, Śiva and the goddess Ramā take that dust upon their heads to dispel sinful reactions.
- She cried out: O master! My lover! O dearmost, where are You? Where are You? Please, O mighty-armed one, O friend, show Yourself to Me, Your poor servant!
- She told them how Mādhava had given Her much respect, but how She then suffered dishonor because of Her misbehavior. The gopīs were extremely amazed to hear this.
- The gopīs again came to the bank of the Kālindī. Meditating on Kṛṣṇa and eagerly hoping He would come, they sat down together to sing of Him.
- The Gopīs Songs of Separation (Gopī-gītā)
- One gopī joyfully took Kṛṣṇa’s hand between her folded palms, and another placed His arm, anointed with sandalwood paste, on her shoulder.
- A slender gopī respectfully took in her joined hands the betel nut He had chewed, and another gopī, burning with desire, put His lotus feet on her breasts.
- One gopī, beside herself with loving anger, bit her lips and stared at Him with frowning eyebrows, as if to wound Him with her harsh glances.
- Kettledrums then resounded in the sky while flowers rained down and the chief Gandharvas and their wives sang Lord Kṛṣṇa’s spotless glories.
- In the midst of the dancing gopīs, Lord Kṛṣṇa appeared most brilliant, like an exquisite sapphire in the midst of golden ornaments.
- Expanding Himself us many times as there were cowherd women to associate with, the Supreme Lord, though self-satisfied, playfully enjoyed their company.
- Seeing that the gopīs were fatigued from conjugal enjoyment, my dear King, merciful Kṛṣṇa lovingly wiped their faces with His comforting hand.
- O faithful upholder of vows, please destroy our doubt by explaining to us what purpose the self-satisfied Lord of the Yadus had in mind when He behaved so contemptibly.
- How, then, could the Lord of all created beings—animals, men and demigods—have any connection with the piety and impiety that affect His subject creatures?
- When the Lord assumes a humanlike body to show mercy to His devotees, He engages in such pastimes as will attract those who hear about them to become dedicated to Him.
- Nanda Mahārāja Saved and Śaṅkhacūḍa Slain
- ukadeva Gosvāmī said: One day the cowherd men, eager to take a trip to worship Lord Śiva, traveled by bullock carts to the Ambikā forest.
- Nanda, Sunanda and the other greatly fortunate cowherds spent that night on the bank of the Sarasvatī, strictly observing their vows. They fasted, taking only water.
- Lord Kṛṣṇa said:] My dear sir, you appear so wonderful, glowing with such great beauty. Who are you? And who forced you to assume this terrible body of a snake?
- O master of mystic power, O great personality, O Lord of the devotees, I surrender to You. Please command me as You will, O supreme God, Lord of all lords of the universe.
- Once Lord Govinda and Lord Rāma, the performers of wonderful feats, were playing in the forest at night with the young girls of Vraja.
- The Lords called out in reply, “Do not fear!” Then They picked up logs of the śala tree and quickly pursued that lowest of Guhyakas, who swiftly ran away.
- Lord Govinda chased the demon wherever he ran, eager to take his crest jewel. Meanwhile Lord Balarāma stayed with the women to protect them.
- The Gopīs Sing of Kṛṣṇa as He Wanders in the Forest (Yugala-gītā)
- The Slaying of Ariṣṭa, the Bull Demon
- When the Supreme Lord saw the cowherd community distraught and fleeing in fear, He calmed them, saying, “Don’t be afraid.” Then He called out to the bull demon as follows.
- You fool! What do you think you’re doing, you wicked rascal, frightening the cowherd community and their animals when I am here just to punish corrupt miscreants like you!
- Thus repulsed by the Supreme Lord, the bull demon got up and, breathing hard and sweating all over his body, again charged Him in a mindless rage.
- Having thus killed the bull demon Ariṣṭa, He who is a festival for the gopīs’ eyes entered the cowherd village with Balarāma.
- Upon hearing this, the master of the Bhojas became furious and lost control of his senses. He picked up a sharp sword to kill Vasudeva.
- Erect a wrestling ring with many surrounding viewing stands, and bring all the residents of the city and the outlying districts to see the open competition.
- You, elephant-keeper, my good man, should position the elephant Kuvalayāpīḍa at the entrance to the wrestling arena and have him kill my two enemies.
- Please go to Nanda’s village, where the two sons of Ānakadundubhi are living, and without delay bring Them here on this chariot.
- When these two have been killed, I will kill Vasudeva and all Their lamenting relatives—the Vṛṣṇis, Bhojas and Daśārhas.
- ukadeva Gosvāmī said: Having thus instructed Akrūra, King Kaṁsa dismissed his ministers and retired to his quarters, and Akrūra returned home.
- The Killing of the Demons Keśī and Vyoma
- The horse demon was so terrifying that his neighing frightened the demigods into leaving their heavenly kingdom. But by our good fortune You have enjoyed the sport of killing him.
- Subsequently I will see You appear as time personified, serving as Arjuna’s chariot driver and destroying entire armies of soldiers to rid the earth of her burden.
- One day the cowherd boys, while grazing their animals on the mountain slopes, played the game of stealing and hiding, acting out the roles of rival thieves and herders.
- In that game, O King, some acted as thieves, others as shepherds and others as sheep. They played their game happily, without fear of danger.
- Akrūra’s Arrival in Vṛndāvana
- As he traveled on the road, the great soul Akrūra felt tremendous devotion for the lotus-eyed Personality of Godhead, and thus he began to consider as follows.
- Akrūra, overwhelmed with affection, quickly jumped down from his chariot and fell at the feet of Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma like a rod.
- Honored by Nanda Mahārāja with these true and pleasing words of inquiry, Akrūra forgot the fatigue of his journey.
- Just see how much suffering I have caused My offenseless parents! Because of Me their sons were killed and they themselves imprisoned.
- By good fortune We have today fulfilled Our desire to see you, Our dear relative. O gentle uncle, please tell Us why you have come.
- When the young gopīs heard that Akrūra had come to Vraja to take Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma to the city, they became extremely distressed.
- But even as the gopīs cried out in this way, Akrūra, having at sunrise performed His morning worship and other duties, began to drive the chariot.
- While immersing himself in the water and reciting eternal mantras from the Vedas, Akrūra suddenly saw Balarāma and Kṛṣṇa before him.
- There are still others, who worship You, the Supreme Lord, in the form of Lord Śiva. They follow the path described by him and interpreted in various ways by many teachers.
Śukadeva Goswāmī said: The demon Ariṣṭa then came to the cowherd village. Appearing in the form of a bull with a large hump, he made the earth tremble as he tore it apart with his hooves.
This chapter describes the killing of Ariṣṭasura, and Kaṁsa’s contemplation of the necessity of destroying Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma after learning from Nārada that They are actually the sons of Vasudeva. Kaṁsa responds by ordering Akrūra to bring Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma to Mathurā.
As tarhi (then) is used in this sentence, the word yada should also be supplied. Thus the meaning is that when (yada) Kṛṣṇa began His rāsa-līla in the evening, then (tarhi) Ariṣṭāsura came. The Viṣṇu Purāṇa confirms that Ariṣṭāsura entered Kṛṣṇa’s village at twilight, as the Lord prepared to dance with the gopīs:
prodoṣārdhe kadācit tu rāsāsakte janārdane
trāsayan sa-mado goṣṭham ariṣṭaḥ sampāgataḥ
“Once, midway through the period of dusk (pradoṣa-kāla 8:24 p.m.-10:48 p.m.), when Lord Janārdana was eager to perform the rāsa dance, Ariṣṭāsura madly entered the cowherd village, terrifying everyone.”
Therefore the word atha (next) is spoken here to present a different idea in contrast to the mood of enjoying the rāsa dance. Ariṣṭa had the form of a bull with a very high (mahat) hump on his back. The stomping of his hooves made the earth tremble.
|| 10.36.2 ||
rambhamāṇaḥ kharataraṁ padā ca vilikhan mahīm
udyamya pucchaṁ vaprāṇi viṣāṇāgreṇa coddharan
kiñcit kiñcic chakṛn muñcan mūtrayan stabdha-locanaḥ
Ariṣṭāsura bellowed very harshly and pawed the ground. With his tail raised and his eyes glaring, he began to tear up the embankments with the tips of his horns, every now and then passing a little stool and urine.
Roaring very loudly and harshly, Ariṣṭa scraped the earth with his hooves. He dug out the embankments of the fields with his horns and passed stool here and there.
|| 10.36.3-4 ||
yasya nirhrāditenāṅga niṣṭhureṇa gavāṁ nṛṇām
patanty akālato garbhāḥ sravanti sma bhayena vai
nirviśanti ghanā yasya kakudy acala-śaṅkayā
taṁ tīkṣṇa-śṛṅgam udvīkṣya gopyo gopāś ca tatrasuḥ
My dear King, clouds hovered about sharp-horned Ariṣṭāsura’s hump, mistaking it for a mountain, and when the cowherd men and ladies caught sight of the demon, they were struck with terror. Indeed, the strident reverberation of his roar so frightened the pregnant cows and women that they lost their fetuses in miscarriages.
Ariṣṭa’s loud roaring made the cows and women have miscarriages. The Vedic literature categorizes miscarriages as follows: ā-caturthād bhavet srāvaḥ pātaḥ pañcama-ṣaṣṭhayoḥ/ ata ūrdhvaṁ prasūtiḥ syāt. “Up to the fourth month a premature delivery is called srāva, in the fifth and sixth months it is called pāta, and after this it is considered a birth (prasūti).”
|| 10.36.5 ||
paśavo dudruvur bhītā rājan santyajya go-kulam
kṛṣṇa kṛṣṇeti te sarve govindaṁ śaraṇaṁ yayuḥ
The domestic animals fled the pasture in fear, O King, and all the inhabitants rushed to Lord Govinda for shelter, crying, “Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa!”
|| 10.36.6 ||
bhagavān api tad vīkṣya go-kulaṁ bhaya-vidrutam
mā bhaiṣṭeti girāśvāsya vṛṣāsuram upāhvayat
|| 10.36.7 ||
gopālaiḥ paśubhir manda trāsitaiḥ kim asattama
mayi śāstari duṣṭānāṁ tvad-vidhānāṁ durātmanām