When the Lord assumes a humanlike body to show mercy to His devotees, He engages in such pastimes as will attract those who hear about them to become dedicated to Him. 

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When the Lord assumes a humanlike body to show mercy to His devotees, He engages in such pastimes as will attract those who hear about them to become dedicated to Him.



Śukadeva Gosvāmī said, “As the demigods cannot be blamed if they transgress dharma, then what to speak of Śrī Kṛṣṇa.”


|| 10.33.34 ||



svairaṁ caranti munayo ’pi na nahyamānās

tasyecchayātta-vapuṣaḥ kuta eva bandhaḥ


Material activities never entangle the devotees of the Supreme Lord, who are fully satisfied by serving the dust of His lotus feet. Nor do material activities entangle those intelligent sages who have freed themselves from the bondage of all fruitive reactions by the power of yoga. So how could there be any question of bondage for the Lord Himself, who assumes His transcendental forms according to His own sweet will?



Śukadeva Gosvāmī said, “Even the devotees of the Lord are not bound by religion or irreligion. Satisfied with their exclusive service to the dust of Kṛṣṇa’s lotus feet, the devotees become liberated from the bondage of karma (karma-bandhāḥ) by the power of bhakti-yoga (yoga-prabhāva). What is the question of bondage for the Lord of those devotees, who accepted (ātta) the transcendental bodies (vapuṣaḥ) of others’ wives by His unrestricted free will (icchayā)?”


|| 10.33.35 ||

gopīnāṁ tat-patīnāṁ ca sarveṣām eva dehinām

yo ’ntaś carati so ’dhyakṣaḥ krīḍaneneha deha-bhāk


He who lives as the overseeing witness within the gopīs and their husbands, and indeed within all embodied living beings, assumes forms in this world to enjoy transcendental pastimes.


After considering that Kṛṣṇa had no fault in embracing others’ wives, this verse points out that there is no one superior to Kṛṣṇa who pervades every inch of creation.


Śukadeva Gosvāmī said, “What is Kṛṣṇa’s fault in embracing the gopīs externally since He is constantly embracing them within their hearts (sarveṣām-dehinām-antaḥ)? What is Kṛṣṇa’s fault in seeing the external bodies of the gopīs when internally He is constantly observing their mind and intelligence (adhyakṣaḥ)? What is the fault of Kṛṣṇa who served the bodies of the gopīs (deha-bhāk) by various playful gestures such as wiping away the perspiration from their faces after rāsa-līlā (krīdanena)?”


|| 10.33.36 ||

anugrahāya bhaktānāṁ mānuṣaṁ deham āsthitaḥ

bhajate tādṛśīḥ krīḍa yāḥ śrutvā tat-paro bhavet



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