Содержание книги

  1. тпелі тақырып «Дені саудың-жаны сау»
  2. йымдастырылған оқу қызметтері
  3. Максаты :Жақсы әдетке, өз- өзіне сенімділікке тәрбиелеу. Әуенге сай қимыл жасауга дағдыландыру.
  4. н тыңдау: «Біз осылай өсеміз» Ю.Чичков
  5. ІV-бөлім: Көңілді ойындар
  6. Біртіндеп ұйқыдан ояту, шынықтыру шаралары
  7. Бесін ас. Ойындар, дербес әрекет. Т. Молдағалиевтің «күз» өлеңін жаттау. Мақал мәтелдер». Айда өседі. » ойыны . Баланың жеке даму картасына сәйкес жеке жұмыс
  8. Балалардың үйге қайтуы
  9. You are going to watch a video about the famous scientist Marie Curie and compare it with the given text.
  10. Compare the video and the text and find 5 factual mistakes in the text. Correct them.
  11. Marie named polonium after her favouriteMotherland - Poland.
  12. These sentences were taken out of the text. Find the correct place for them.
  13. Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe
  14. Le Tragique Princesse! The Back Story Behind The Princesse De Lamballe's Entry Intro France Upon Her Marriage & Meeting Marie Antoinette!

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Compare the video and the text and find 5 factual mistakes in the text. Correct them.

1. Compare the video and the text and find 5 factual mistakes in the text. Correct them.

1) ________________________________________________________

2) ________________________________________________________

3) ________________________________________________________

4) ________________________________________________________

5) ________________________________________________________

2. These sentences were taken out of the text. Find the correct place for them.

A. Another obstacle was that her father had too little money to support her ambition to go to university.

B. Despite all difficulties, she took two Master's degrees — one in physics, the other in mathematics and became a brilliant scientist.

C. They loved books, poetry and science and taught their children many things.

D. After the war she concentrated her time on investigating the medical application of radioactive materials.

E. She was awarded a second Nobel in 1911 (for chemistry) for her work on radium and its compounds.

F. Her work helped advance the medical science and save thousands of lives.

3. Find the necessary word to complete a sentence in the word search.

1) Marie Curie wasn`t always a famous ______________.

2) Marie`s sister, ______________, became a doctor – something unheard of for______________ then.

3) Marie discovered ______________ and polonium. These two elements are ______________.

4) Marie`s husband, ______________, was a notable scientist too.

5) Marie and her husband won a ______________ Prize for their work.

6) After her husband`s death Marie became the first woman ______________ at the ______________.

7) Madame Curie invented the ______________. During World _______ 1, she made mobile X-ray machines.

8) Madame Curie died in 1934 of ______________, caused by exposure to radiation.



4. How are people today benefitting from the work of Marie Curie?





1. Compare the video and the text and find 5 factual mistakes in the text. Correct them.

1)First, she was a little girl born in Poland.

2)Her mother died from tuberculosis when Marie was ten.

3)Marie’s elder sister, Bronia, became a doctor.

4) Later, Marie went to Parisin 1891 to study at the Sorbonne.


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