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The ether dynamic to left a rotating type , absorption of time by a cage -↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 10 из 10 Содержание книги
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The ether dynamic to left a rotating type , absorption of time by a cage - defective, broken off poorly – to draive occurrence, an aether of dynamic time in the somatic cage, contradicting a normal current of time, at its passage through live cages. Return transformation of a "cancer" cage -well submits to occurrence laws потокового time in a greater degree somatic, and to a lesser degree a vegetative cage and depends on restoration of the law of the crosswise requirement of a kernel of a cage and its coaxial mutual consent to organoid at quiet, indirect division of a cage - a mitosis. 283 The direct transformation of a "cancer" cage- badly submits to current laws потокового time within the lowermost layers of atmosphere of a planet the Earth which "skating rink" of time is absorbed by live cages on this planet. And the above the atmosphere layer in which there is a process of absorption of time by a cage, the is more than chances of direct division of a cage - amitotic division. The lethargy a cage –that mechanism make to spring , a right-left to centripetal point a vector , an aether of dynamic time, by focus a viscera plasma to cage networks where, time does not enter into a cage and does not leave a cage through this focus, owing to infringement of the crosswise requirement of two vectors joint to be live , working with a cage consistently and continuously. The bifurkacio - is aprocess to exposition a through, reradiating occurrence and to exit an aether of dynamic time in relation to an axis of a kernel of a cage in a concrete point of space of a cage. The point to bifurkacio- areradiating point , of a through input - an exit beam, an aether of dynamic time, to express a through an axis of a kernel of a cage. The corner to bifurkacio - acorner of a through input-exit of a beam selective, aether of dynamic time, in relation to vertical (north-south) to a vector of magnetic power lines of the Earth. The right to rotate of tropos to corner a bifurcatio- is equal stably degrees. The left to rotate of tropos to corner a bifurcacio - is not stable and is never equal to 45 degrees. The rezekcio to waves of density to time (English: rezekcio –glass in glass) - a glass in a glass)- is a wave of density an aether of dynamic time. That not a linearly-cross-section wave, in difference from the longitudinal radio physical waves working within atmosphere of a planet the Earth on three groups of frequencies.
A density the time -is an analogue of the term completeness of time, it is the same process, событийного, the aether of dynamic time, is reached by stratification of a cross-section, ring wave, against each other. Therefore time vector, goes always towards the least density. The right to rotate type a density of time- works on decreasing on an exit at passage through a cage as the design of focus of a cage reads out it in a regular mode of absorption. The left to rotate type a density of time- works on accruing at not passages through a cage as the design of focus of a somatic cage does not read out it with absorption and time stream bending around a cage, is compelled to get condensing characteristics on perimetre of its contour. The right-left to rotate type , a absence of density of time - is present o razdraj -chaotic absorption an aether of dynamic time through the broken off design of focus a cage, in the presence of a jumping, axial mutual consent a organoid the cages, responsible for the crosswise requirement of a kernel and not a right angle of the same crosswise requirement.
The cross wise, an aether the dynamic requirement of a kernel the somatic, not differentiated cage at its division-thatintegrate, the speculative concept entered by the author at judgement of a convergence in one, unique somatic cage of vertically - magnetic and is horizontal-time vector two of really physical sizes, doing a somatic cage dynamically live in time and space. Only the right angle of a recross of an invisible stream of two physical constants, in concrete space of a sharing cage, gives a true command on mutual to be a razdraj chromosomes on poles, almost as «under Newton's second law», in the form of two mutually counterbalancing forces. Axial mutual consent to organoids of cage - it the mechanism of orientation of a cage in space, through the high-grade crosswise requirement after the relation to a magnetic axis, at not direct division - a mitosis. The corner of an axial mutual consent to organoids a sharing cage is aright angle in 90 degree, the axial consent an aether of dynamics of a cage with power a magnetic field of the Earth, at cross-section absorption of a cage an aether of dynamic time, especially at the moment of it not direct division, at the moment of a normal mitosis.
The viscero plasma to focus of a cage -isa topographic the expedient design, more organised a gialo plasma to viscero plasma networks in a body of a cage are closer to its kernel, divided to level double membranes, for the mechanism of selective absorption an aether of dynamic time. The polar mechanism to identical a cage of kernel - works a successive , an impulse - a signal from a kernel, for a organoids cages ь and first of all for the cellular centre, and as a result the aether is directed for performance of the correct mechanism of reading dynamic time a cage in its division. The aether dynamic to generation of focus of a cage -is aprocess to emanation of correlations of highly differentiated, beam time, to relic created for a viscero plasma to cage focus, as the relic program of the further ability to live. The form functionality of a kernel of a cage- is initially put mechanism, it is active in a live cage, is passive in vegetative cages that essentially distinguishes a somatic cage from the vegetative. 285 Razdraj - right-left to razdraj of rotate type , the dynamic waves broken off, an aether - not the regular mechanism of failure, at direct transformation of a cancer cage that is, at direct division of a cage - amitotic division Vector absorption of time -is amechanism to draiver of absorption an aether of dynamic time a cage at a mitosis. The somatic cage is functional, a organoid , an aether the dynamic design possessing em, anacio of property in relation to an aether, bearing dynamically life-giving time. The moony, an individual stereotype of time, for vegetatic to system of nerves , an organism of the person -it is initially developed a long -stereotype coded in us at level of vegetative nervous system, a human body. 288
The sunny, an individual stereotype of time, for somatic to system of nerves , an organism of the person -it is again developed a time - stereotype coded, in us at level of vegetative nervous system, a human body. The ether dynamics - that a conceptual section of theoretical physics studying not inertial, ubiquitous systems, as even laboratory created devices working within the limits of laws an aether of dynamics, not to be inertia in the work, by definition.
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