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I. S.T.) - an individual stereotype of time of one cage - 281Содержание книги
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The ether the dynamic requirement, in a focus design a viscero- plasmas to cage -is joint with a planet magnetic field, the relic program of absorption of waves of density of time, geometrically not linear focus by a somatic cage, at its division. The cross-wise requirement is the ether of the dynamic time of the dividing somatic cell- it is a biologically expedient mechanism of compass direct angle projection, the nucleus of a somatic cell, between the axis of the cell space rupture and the flow time axis, for the passage of a full cell division (mitosis) of the cross convergence of axial time and axial space into wolume of nucleus of this somatic cell, especially in the period of its full-division in mitosis. A Zol, an aether the dynamic requirement for a viscera - plasmasis a regular mechanism of work in nearby nuclear focus to viscero plasmas, in a usual mode, for absorption of waves of density of time, at its division A Gel, an ether the dynamic requirement for vistsera - plasmasis not the regular mechanism of work in nearby nuclear focus to viscero plasmas, in to live a mode, for absorption of waves of density of time, at its division.
The transformation- it process of the internal mechanism of the continuous The efforts, coming to an a and to integrate of changes of the organism. it is an aether the dynamic program, as once the hours got all once, in space of one somatic or vegetatic to cages. The bilateral to polar of centriolly, a somatic cage at a mitosis - have 100 % dependence on normal space of a magnetic field of the Earth at performance of the basic function in a mitosis. The bilateral not polar of centriolly a somatic cage at amitotic division - have 100 % dependence unfortunately, from anomaly of concrete space of a magnetic field of the Earth at performance of the basic function in amitotic division.
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