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The individual stereotipe of time a separate somatic to cage. 16.Содержание книги
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The individual stereotipe of time a separate somatic to cage. 16. 1. The first, normal physiological mechanism of work a sjmatic to cages in an aether dynamic time: - Reading of beam time in dipolar a viscero plasma - works. - To be light of property a viscero plasma in achromatin to threads - is not broken. - Work of a cage of an organism in a mode of a stream of time - is balance. -The mechanism of cruciform alignment of the cell nucleus is respected, is equal to 90 gr. - A beam spending properties a kario plasma to kernels of a cage of an organism a good. - A normal the transformation by transition to zol on gel in focus a viscero plasma a cage her mitosis. 2. The second, a lethargy the mechanism of work of a somatic cage in an aether dynamic time: - Reading of beam time in dipolar a viscero plasma - does not work. - To be light of property a viscero plasma in achromatin to threads - is frozen. - Work of a cage of an organism in a mode of a stream of time - is disbalance. - Crosswise of these two physical sizes in space of a body of a cage. -The mechanism of the cruciform alignment of the cell nucleus is impossible to calculate. - The beam spending properties karioplasma to cage kernels - is braked. - A absence the transformation by transition to zol on gel in focus a viscero plasma a cage her lethargy. 3. The third, oncological mechanism of work of a somatic cage in an aether dynamic time: - Reading of beam time in dipolar a viscero plasma - works. - A to be light of property a viscero plasma in achromatin to threads - is not broken. - Work of a cage of an organism in a mode of a stream of time - is disbalance. -The mechanism of cruciform alignment of the cell nucleus is negative, not observed, often equal to acute, deviant angle.
- In power lines of a magnetic field of the Earth - it is broken, are not carried out. - The beam, spending properties a cario plasma kernels of a cage of an organism – is to not present. - A slight the transformation by transition to zol on gel in focus a viscero plasma a cage her amitosis.
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