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Settling down near to a kernel of a somatic cage, tsentrioli  are on one axis with the centre of a kernel of this cage and the geometrical centre of a body of most this somatic cage!

This law of three participants of the crosswise requirement says that the magnetic axis of a magnetic field of the Earth works in respect of observance of the crosswise requirement which gives a command to parts a cages a kernel of this cage. Crosswise, in relation to a cross-section stream an aether of the dynamic time going in difference from a magnetic axis of the earth, along a vector from the West on the east. But the axis the north-south, coaxial with a magnetic field of the Earth goes from the mechanism of constant biogyroscopic movements of a kernel of a somatic cage.The kernel as though constantly "searches" for an axis the north-south »a magnetic field of the Earth.So it turns out that the crosswise requirement is set by a kernel of a somatic cage, especially in division - a mitosis.At amitotic division the crosswise requirement is not observed also a cage forcedly broken off literally, since a kernel on two affiliated, without the mechanism of transfer of a set of chromosomes. If to compare not biologically roughly that such a mitosis and that such amitotis division it is possible to tell that a mitosis - this cultural and not hasty cutting of a round loaf of bread by a knife. And amitotic division - is rapid and loaf rupture of a loaf of bread by hands.The cage to centre in the course of the division beginning, receives a command of a kernel and the first starts to disperse along a magnetic axis the north-south to cage poles in the first phases of indirect division - a mitosis.Then it starts to structure cage cytoplasm the escalating with the help achromatical threads approximately so: from two polar a tsentrioli growth of microtubules simultaneously with a divergence tsentrioli to poles and formations of a spindle with radiance from shentrioly to a peripheral contour of a cage begins.


The system a axle extensions one end to the cage middle hooks on the doubled chromosomes, and by other end is hooked to dipolar the doubled cellular centre of a cage strictly on an axis the north-south.Chromosomes are split on affiliated and to be line, is crosswise in relation to the located axis a axle thread , that is is strict on an axis the West-east. Razdray to chromosom on dipolar the south-north to axle a begins threads still before the crosswise command on to tie up will work shitoplasms of the cage on affiliated delimitation across on the West-east.So why the cage to centre, the kernel centre, the centre of a body of the cage are on one axis. All is simple! Because they carry out mutually axial consent magnetic, field Axes, a magnetic field of the Earth with an axis an aether of a dynamic stream of time.The cage lives in time under condition of a convergence and reading to it of two real not conditional physical sizes, from which main, this selective time. Therefore, the bio gyroscopicae a mechanism of a kernel of a somatic cage lets out a cross the figurative requirement, forcing to execute an axial mutual consent the core to part a cages.Command: "become" - in a system, goes and the aether of dynamic time the laser - biologically in a projection a viscera plasma focus of a cage taking into account cross-section located power stream of a magnetic field of the Earth is let out in the form of a constant signal from "gauges" of a kernel of a cage, as the mechanism of high-grade reading.

The vector power, a magnetic field is all on all a line of pushing away of the mechanism a cross of the figurative requirement for correct reading of selective time a viscero plasma in its focus of a cage.

Razdraj- membranes located in the volume of the endoplasmic focus of the somatic cell nucleus -perfectly, are intended for the reception and amplification of streaming time signals with the dynamic absorption absorption, especially at the time of cell multiplication and contributes to the correct mechanism of cross-shaped alignment in the nucleus of this somatic cell, very important for the process correct mitosis


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