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Variants an aether of dynamic generation of beam time a cage at its division in a mitosis, amitotis division and lethargy .              14.


The crosswise a requirement of complete alignment, the axis of the ether of dynamic time and the axis of the two polar spaces , for the nucleus of the somatic cell, in its complete division-mitosis


Horizontally-lateral, an aether a dynamic vector of absorption of time in borders of nuclear focus of a 5. cage, under built on under a relic stream of selective absorption of time with crosswise dependence from magnetic field of the Earth

In 1951 the American histologist Porter and its colleague to a Pallada, and also the Swedish scientist Shestrand, have opened in projections of the geometrical centre of the cage, more organised law a viscero plasma to which they could none a commentator. Also it, about the help of means electronic a microscop, it was possible to fix in this place the whole network of two planimetric membranes which after joint discussion they have suggested to name a viscero plasma a network or is more clearer - system of double membranes of a cage. The old term – ergasto plasma, offered by earlier French histologist Garne, too has received a start in life.

 Appointment and mission kanals to viscera plasma a networks. Located in urgently focus of a kernel of a cage just it is necessary to us to find out in the course of perusal of this chapter, my dear reader. That is, here in this question, it is a lot of not the arrangement.

 The viscero plasma a network - it to membrane a repeating a kernel contour, as covers at a bulb, the branched out system a kanal , only conditionally limited to double membranes.The membranes forming a wall a viscero plasma of a network, are similar on the structure to an external cellular membrane.

The channels filled with a structural liquid, can change in cage division the status because of that that it starts to crystallise as though, turning from an is liquid-shaped condition to gel figurative, and we too will consecrate this fact in the natural plane connected with absorption of waves of density an aether of dynamic time by this site of a cage in the period of division.

In 1861 chemist Thomas Graham or as still it named colleagues Grem, investigated behaviour of solutions of various substances which it poured in the tubes closed from one end by slices of parchment. Tubes then fell to a vessel with pure water. Simple water the soluble substances similar to salt to sugar, passed through parchment as presence at water was demonstratively defined by simple methods of the chemical analysis.T.Grehem named them kristalloidami . However there were also such substances which did not pass through parchment on the cylinder in water, and T.Grehem named them- kolloidami.

The further development of biochemistry has proved that many коллоидные can be received solutions in the crystal form, and that a difference between kolloidami and кristalloidami at all at presence or absence of crystals. Colloid to molecules have great the size, than kristalloid.                                     

Transformation of a liquid state of plasma (zol) in gel similar a condition (gel) creates essentially other situation with absorption an aether of dynamic time a viscera plasmatic to  focus of a sharing cage.

It is a metamorphosis about transformation a zol in gel it is characteristic for representatives under the name liquid crystals.Они represent the liquids possessing, as well as firm crystals, anisotropy (with Greek - unequal turn), not an equal direction, that is heterogeneity of the properties, connected with orderliness in orientation of molecules. Strong dependence of a liquid crystal under the name gialoplasma, promotes absorption of waves of density an aether of dynamic, selective time a design a viscero plasma to focus a cage , creating the mechanism an aether of dynamic generation of time, as real, instead of conditional physical unit of space of dwelling of the person on a planet surface - the Earth.

In 1839 Jan of E.Purkine, studying an embryo cage, has suggested to name ег endocellular substance – proto plasma.

 And Hugo Mole in 1846 has suggested to understand the substance which is in cages as protoplasm.

In 1882 ботаник Edward Strasburger has divided concept of protoplasm into two concepts according to the visual analysis of a cage: a kernel and cytoplasma.

As it has appeared cytoplasm in a kernel and in a cage different in biochemical structure therefore cytoplasm has been divided terminologically on gialoplasma (a liquid of a body of a cage) and karioplasma (a homogeneous liquid of a kernel).Но all this differentiation of concepts and terms only withdrew inquisitive thought from something main and basic in cage work.  

Membranes a viscero plasma networks can be pure, and can be about a thorn figuratively attached ribosomes - power stations of a cage. 

But the miracle of the revealed law consists that direct continuation a viscero plasma to networks lengthways on a membrane with a projection inside is the nuclear membrane, as though formally limiting kernel from cytoplasm and that direct continuation to viscero plasma a sweep lengthways on a membrane with a projection outside the cytoplasmatic a membrane located on border of this cage is.

I will repeat: direct continuation a viscero plasma to networks is the nuclear membrane, a limiting kernel from cytoplasm, and the cytoplasmatic 6.   membrane located on periphery of a cage.

If, hypothetically to judge on stated to morphological visualisation of the biological researcher of it the thread in what mechanism of an information transfer does not interrupt, and this system operates as a unit, the uniform mechanism what that.

All this system with not a razdray to membranes, that other as the send-receive resonator or is easier reception - the transferring resonator an aether of dynamic waves of density of time.

As a radio transmitter of radio physical waves where the basic processor a resonance is the crystal as and in this case the basic process-resonator on an input-exit of selective waves of density of time of a cage, is gel transformed a viscero plasma (gialoplasma), in geometrically not a linear projection a viscero plasma to networks.                                                                                                   7.

And a double network, o border a located about a kernel outside of membranes of this not explosive system, all on all the resonator of very thin fluctuations which is transferred on gel of a figurative liquid in channels a viscero plasma to a network.

So, on a basis a antopo –morfo –funkcional the analysis, we is given reason have proved presence in a somatic cage a dipolar to located reception - the transferring biological device transferring outside in a cage towards a kernel any information.

The mechanism of work of a cage is a continuous absorption dipolar a viscero plasma to focus of a cage of time, as real not conditional physical unit of terrestrial space of dwelling of the person. This basic quality we differ from the animals who are especially being in water. Probably, the exit from water on a land has generated this qualitatively new mechanism at our far ancestors. Infringement of spatially-wave, existential communications conducts to loss of absorption of time by all our body as each cage of our organism absorbs waves of density of time lazerno-biologically on such natural optical paths as plasma kanal and plasma kapillar to kariolimfa a cage kernels. The basic distinctive feature a plasma cappilar the person it that hey come to an end blindly on any cages of our fabrics. All our body we absorb ultra-violet radiation, therefore we and sunbathe as each section of a skin incorporates a pigment.

 All our body we absorb infra-red radiation from the source of fire opened or closed from eyes from which we as that are all over warmed and we recover, if suddenly at this time we are ill with cold.

In a thin body of the person, local infringement of spatially-wave, existential communications arises unsuccessfully named biofield. For example, from frequent carrying of a radio telephone, the hole conducting to infringement of the mechanism of work of a cage in this zone is formed. There is a mechanism of work of a cage №3 / oncological/. But this mechanism consistently works from a cario plasma cages, is more true to its contamination, to a contamination of the main lymph and  to lose , to it gradually to be light than qualities at the expense of infringement a to be light a properties. Easy periodic starvation called in Orthodoxy a post, probably is that mechanism on lymph clearing as to be light a carrier

Information on each section of ours, with you of an organism. As already it was told earlier, anatomo-gisto-morfologicheski everyone a plasma to cappilar comes to an end blindly on everyone cages of our organism. Do conclusions of the Lord good. The mechanism № 2 (lethargy) in business of occurrence of a cancer cage does not play any role.

In this mechanism time absorption билатерально  a viscera plasma to focus of geometrical cent of a cage suffers only not. All a kanal to plasma from highways to a cage kernel are efficient. The lymph as to be light the internal organisation of ours with you of an organism in a lethargical sleep idles as a plate which a non stop on one place: all turns, and to ring is not present at a record player. The lymph in this situation bears the empty information on each section of our organism lazerno-biologically. Cages are glad to accept the information, but it empty, zero.

Cage kernel, more truly, the form of a kernel of a live cage habitually spherical in the majority of histologic finds including the person. And this basic difference suggests an idea us that the kernel form defines in 100 % of cases                 8.          

Function of a kernel of a cage of the person in time stream, especially in cage division.  

The cage kernel is in a real stream of time, the real physical wave stream, going an aether in our manned space with stable o be line the east-West. In this stream the kernel of a cage of the person is compelled to vary constantly as a weather vane on a wind, holding constantly not changed an axis the east-West as much as possible to catch this stream in a wave mode of density of time. It is possible to assume logically that a cage kernel as the gyroscope in a rocket carries out function нацеливания as much as possible to promote a fence of a stream of time giving a life continuation of a life with a final point by name of death of a cage more truly timely death of a cage is more true. If timely death of a cage does not come, the cage stiffens in time that anatomo-gistological it is possible to consider as a cancer of a separate cage though separate happens nothing in ours to you an organism.                                                                   

Zoologist E.Gekkel perfectly considered a metaphyte as «as the state of cages» in which each cage leads the independent life. Absolutely correct opinion from here follows that pathological process in an organism represents the sum infringement of ability to live of separate cages that is local local process and only then integrated when illness accepts the clinical form of a current with its visualisation and clinical semiology.

And here one more solution a riddle: primitive organisms viruses get ability to active processes of ability to live and reproduction only after penetration into a cage in which naturally lazerno-biologically comes through a plasma to cappilare the time a beam. Out of a cage the virus is static timeless system. The virus gets dynamics of growth only in a cage which evolves in time. At a virus of this mechanism is not present.

Zoologist T.Shvann has noticed that cages of plants and a cage of animals considerably differ from each other, but he has not specified the distinction reason even in general. This distinction is possible is connected with more active absorption of time by a live cage through more active environment-lymph. This hypothetical and not the hypothetical statement confirms the theory that коллоидные liquids of type of a lymph are active a to be the time environment in ours with you an organism. Considering a viscera plasma a network of a cage which always on an external contour of a kernel duplicates it it is necessary to tell that contents a viscera plasma to networks play time-resonance a role in work of a kernel of a cage, instead of utilising as it is written in textbooks in biology. If the kernel from "overheat" jams, it will lead to infringement of the crosswise requirement of a kernel of a cage and sharp a mini to entrance to time, so also dynamically dependent information all cage. We absorb time each section of our organism, or we do not absorb when, an axis of a kernel and an axis of a body of a cage not a pine in the teamwork. Sharp loss in absorption of time by a kernel of a cage from for failure of an axis the east - the West, conducts to infringement of the genetic mechanism of division of a cage to a mitosis which depends entirely on the West on the east, from not a linear stream of time going strictly continuously from the moment of the beginning of evolution of the person.                                9.

 It is impossible to forget that in a cage body two physiological poles are formed, it is western and east. In the first phase of division of a cage the divergence in профазе the cellular centre to the western and east pole of a cage on an axis of a stream of time as real, instead of conditional physical unit begins. Occurrence of characteristic radiance from the polar centres gives taking away mechanism concerning the doubled chromosomes. Preliminary doubled chromosomes as on a pioneer ruler take against each other places, and at the expense of it as much as possible absorb time stream, being built perpendicularly axes the east-West.

Between хроматидами there is a crack of perpendicularly axis the east - the West and this crack is that watershed on which will pass the future borders already two cages. By the end chromosome professional elements settle down strictly on equator from east and western hemisphere of a cage. At extension of chromosomes from that and other party a chromatid a cracks there is a maximum arrangement of chromosomes in time stream on an axis the east-West. In anafasa the divergence of chromosomes from chromatid a cracks is carried out on command from the cellular centres which were grouped already on poles of a kernel of a cage in the east and the West. The command goes on optical paths, is more true on микро to optical paths which at cytologists are called as elements of radiance of the polar cellular centres. Only after nuclear fission as organizer of absorption of time at doubling of chromosomes and the cellular centre in the beginning this process there is a division of cytoplasm of a cage.

 In these questions the playing role of the cellular centre (centrisoma) as evident a pioner the mechanism of work of a cage in time and observance of axial balance of elements of a cage in the course of its division is looked through only. The cellular centres as two poles at a magnet stretch at division a cage kernel on two parts. In a usual condition of a cage the cellular centre almost always occupies the geometrical centre of a cage, settling down near to a kernel. The cellular centre almost always settles down on one axis the east-West with a kernel of a cage and a cage body, this fact so obvious among histologists has not been filled up by sense long time. With structure of the cellular centre centrisoma) and its divisions into two poles the destiny of nuclear fission of a cage and after already is fastened as the makeweight goes division of a body of a cage. It is necessary to tell that centrisoms is not present practically in vegetative cages, and is only in animal cages and this important addition says that the live cage of a live organism feels time as an aether a dynamic stream from observance флюгерного a work principle, and also the polar mechanism of recognition. If to trust the linear concept of evolution of a human body development of the person went from simple to difficult And the first link in this chain of evolution certainly a cage. It, strangely enough has appeared not more protected as the Founder did not provide infringements of the ecological environment. Why? Yes because during this period of formation and polishing of cellular mechanisms it was not broken so it was not developed the protection mechanism in a cage from all from it.

In the nature at all there was no weak stationary radiation, it to us was presented in 1896 by G.Gerts creating the first electro vibrator. Simply the cage has not developed in the course of the evolution the mechanism of protection against weak stationary radiation of a smog accepting character in the geometrically not verified premises especially there where low to limited . To it this danger in the form of radiation simply did not exist physically in evolution in environment. In what current of those 50 years it was thought up by the person not unison a with anybody and having put it to itself down to credit. For physiological correct adaptation it not term. All troubles in uncontrolled growth of fabrics it is necessary to search in absence of adaptation from outside for cages, is more true in impossibility of the mechanism of adaptation as they genetically have not been programmed.                                                                                                     10.

By strict definition of cytologists the cage centre, a kernel of a cage and a cage body are on one axis not only on the basis of mutually axial consent of these a organoid cages, but also on the basis of the polar mechanism discrimination , the crosswise requirement of a mitosis. Disbalance of work of all three radical cellular formations conducts to inconsistent absence of function of division of a cage, that is amitotic division (direct division). The cage as though fades in time, having a negative dynamic component. The consecutive tandem in work the cellular centre - a cage kernel - a cage body does not occur, as general axis on which there is time course in the beam form so, the course of events does not occur.

 It means only one that cage work in a mode of real time is not present. If to tell even easier: in the cellular centre does not come the start mechanism influencing kernel chromosomes.Образно in this situation there is no «a key on start» that is inclusion in work of the cellular centre. Start -1 this division of chromosomes into two poles, their doubling.Start-2 this division already and it anything already is not present a body of a cage.

Most likely the cellular centre as that cannot enter in time, into time works in an axial resonance with a cage kernel. Also there is it from for absence to fluger a mobil cage kernels in literal sense of this word. Sewer properties of a lymph a viscero plasma to networks are somehow broken.   

Now it would be desirable to consecrate mechanism work № 2 in a lethargi sleep.               

Hypothetically and not hypothetically such formation as a bilateral a viscero plasma to focus of absorption of time of a cage, refuses flatly to read out an aether dynamic time, as real not conditional physical unit of space of dwelling of the person. Figurative-is speculative, it is possible to present it as a tape clip in the teletype device. In a lethargi sleep this described mechanism drops out absolutely.InRussia there is a person which for 6 years of a life has grown old for 60 years, here that work of the mechanism of fast reading of time a viscero plasma to cage focus This situation of fast ageing or fast reading of waves of density of time means is opposite to a lethargi sleep. In a lethargi sleep suffer not to be a light properties of a lymph main a viscero cappilar and not in which case not a cario plasma to cage kernels. In a lethargy to sleep the mechanism of reading of a stream of waves of density of time suffers, at complete preservation to be light properties of the main lymph cellular and between cellular to body. The Main destination of lymphatic, cellular system of the person, it to be


light and to be ray function of waves of density of time, as the mechanism of reading of a tape of a life from out of in inside on each section of our organism. Our cage lives as once the got mechanism, and this mechanism will be called an individual stereotype of time of a cage. Strangely enough, but at a lethargi sleep the individual stereotype of time of a cage does not suffer. At a malignant tumour the individual stereotype of time of a cage starts to slip, but we cannot fix it. The matter is that works integrated pathological start of the next cages, here clinically we and distinguish its that at level of fabrics of an organism.И here only therefore that we passed by our consciousness an individual stereotype of time of a cage we and my colleagues were mistaken further in the logician of treatment. This stage at us simply was absent in our consciousness and clinical thinking. Living, as once the got mechanism and in time dying, the cage has time to transfer this mechanism of beam reading of waves of density of times through a plasma to cappilare which cages of ours with you of an organism come to an end blindly on everyone. Leaving in a cage and proceeding in the cage, through a viscero plasma a network cariolimfa this mechanism to long a time the mechanism of reading of waves of density of time in the form of a beam. In failure of work of this mechanism all reason of formation of a lethargi sleep of the person lies. To be light properties of the main lymph, a capillary lymph and a cario plasma do not suffer in a human body when it is in a lethargi sleep. A cage to level of reading of time during a lethargi sleep is not broken, but it as though fades, idling, as there is giving to be light no information through a viscero plasma. And now about the most important thing: in a mitosis the kernel is engaged in cage division first of all, but is even more exact if to tell the cellular centre is engaged in a cage in nuclear fission. That nuclear fission with растаскиванием on poles of chromosomes has occurred successfully, the kernel should include the mechanism polar a dicriminacio for a parts to cages and it occurs to an enviable constancy. The kernel is guided. It is easy to the round kernel which is in viscero plasma to networks as fish in water to hold a weather vane-reference point of coaxial character. Here the form and kernel function is coordinat more than ever. Similar I observed Something in spherical liquid compasses on the panel of the device of the plane. The nature prompts to technicians such design decisions. The nature axial, but not linear character time beam possesses also, being entered in the crosswise requirement by the cage. It is necessary to remember that the kernel of a somatic cage is biologically serviceable gyroscope, a compass magnetic a discriminacia . The viscero plasma a network - it the bioresonator an input - of an exit an aether of dynamic time. The crosswise requirement of a kernel of a cage - it is under a resonator superstructure a viscero plasma to focus of a cage in division, to the axial consent a organoid to cages, with from control a under direct (a corner of 45 degrees) in the mechanism of indirect division of a cage. At amitotic division ,direct division, the axial consent does not work.                                                                                 12. -13.





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