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A mitosis an aether dynamic generation of timeСодержание книги
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A mitosis an aether dynamic generation of time Mitosis process an aether of dynamic generation of time occurs consistently approximately as follows.The mechanism of the crosswise requirement of a kernel works at the expense of strengthening of work of the liquid crystal resonator, a dipolar the located focus on horizontally vector sides from a cage kernel. In between мембранном space, to border and multilayeredly repeating a cage kernel.The basic filling element of this natural device, the system is water коллоидная or changing is liquid crystal environment, in cage division, gel of the figurative consistence, named gel is easier. A colloid this environment, defines its ability to get thick at division of a cage and suddenly to turn to a liquid crystal-gel which during the period between cage divisions turns in again to liquid- a zol environment.Gel during the period interfasa , passive rest of a cage, that is a break between divisions turns in золь, to more liquid state.Membranes of a double design, smoothly and cages exactly covering multilayeredly a kernel, strengthen effect of the mechanism resonans. At absorption of waves of density of time the focal centre of a cage approximately the same as a black, paper membrane in old, round, without to box a dynamic attached to a column during pre-war time in our country. A normal the transformation by transition to zol on gel in focus a viscero plasma a cage her mitosis. A lethargy an aether dynamic generation the time The lethargy a process an aether of dynamic generation of time occurs consistently approximately as follows.The mechanism of the crosswise requirement of a kernel as works , at the expense of strengthening of work of the liquid crystal resonator, a dipolar the located focus on horizontally vector sides from a cage kernel. In between a membrane the space, контурно and multilayeredly repeating a cage kernel.The basic filling element of this natural device, the system is water colloid or not changing is liquid crystal environment, in cage division, золь is easier than the figurative consistence, named золь. A colloid this environment, defines its ability why that not to get thick, at division of a cage and the most important thing, there is no transformation into a liquid crystal-gel from zol in летаргическом the cage mechanism. A cage as though has constantly a rest in interfasa the cycle, without starting an individual stereotype of the absorption time. Zol a during the period interfasa , passive rest of a cage, that is a break between divisions there is also a most important thing the period between divisions is tightened for not certain time. This condition as non a stop the plate on grammofon also will be lethargy an aether dynamic generation of a cage.Membranes of a double design, smoothly and cages exactly covering multilayeredly a kernel, do not strengthen effect of the mechanism to resonans. At absorption of waves of density of time, by the focal centre of a cage.A absence the transformation by transition to zol on gel in focus a viscero plasma a cage her lethargy.
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