Содержание книги

  1. Published by Sri. N.Rajagopalan
  2. a&ualgux 6»xw¥eouxe%gj .                            8
  3. Base@¥ég s?I«éu@g gxa¿ - ywc@%g
  4. aé•›A ›4za <é4 ••fr* rs*•= • I
  5. qt$a g «›,gia agg »g: n,a,$ge»»« ii
  6. agseegj  e oxu oeflvsoo avgtgw agsQowgj @o$IsxOacmcx ggs»egj @oflma2e erusQs@gg @ao @{gox0a
  7. Qu{gA @waiaxaylñOu@jgéñ - s@w0gx¿
  8. g@@  oe@guédl  wr$aox¥i  - - &@glri
  9. asjqjy p¥¥auQ6sea paat\¿j as&ggxu
  10. u0yx§ ?o&1lñ Jlyx¥é.                                    30
  11. yen;#1agwug gceaaB°{g aoggxu %¥#Iagesgj
  12. amp;riur¿JlglñQuxcégjé 0gyx¿ -- a&riuxeñ
  13. Cpsm    ogagBai&<s    aJogsei  agstgalaJ
  14. g{uOsa@sm nsu u  0ua(gqnO  @ age ggu
  15. JNrlñ                 - ocean of everlasting bliss. t3ñ xiv
  16. gxs40wp ISpno&i @&g4gw Qgrwasoao
  17. g\go w¥ñ&Ruxnfly{gao @%gg{goén{g{ga aw4gu @jg@a@?gx¿9Gt!3•ju H$luxé o¥ag¥as o$}Ippngoiy ec%ct
  18. sceécauxjg«t? avxeñafleñ sasg.                      63
  19. QsxqgjséRsxéRux&I@g Osr.                         68
  20. erms              - refers to rapier-like foreteeth of the asura's.' entcir
  21. usmié*s *••és•= *is*=s•é•*a• s$s* I u'fi >p;
  22. plñ @giasyriu mJ1yé0u yx$Igj¿j a@g]oxui
  23. B{gnced4m \pg&leñ oxlñi6 -- a{gé&l{gjjig
  24. sow&ggi  oxys  sjgs?lmw saass@y
  25. uas?oxwo sa¥'ceex«t? u%me? -- aps4sxafl qbm@@am I.fl%@a gaioy/gg agwQsr0a>x #anw@gn aflfi& @a  @. 82
  26. spp Qsx(ggyso Jlpsxyjo aewass Qsxpgwppaux    peéeo     op»wso
  27. asxaatcx&s  aggaoxw /sasr-x&s asxwais gyj
  28. My resplendent,glorious Lord, immeasurably great, Master of
  29. Text with a Free Translation and Commentary)
  30. pūtattāḻvār arul̤iya iraṇṭāntiruvantāti.

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QsxqgjséRsxéRux&I@g Osr.                         68

I was blessed with the vision of His beautiful Form in my dream. In that Ibeheld in Hishand the dazzle of the fire-spitting Sudarsana'. In that vision again, I experienced Hisspontaneous grace capable of cutting asunderthe binding ka'rmik affliction, andthe underlyingresidue of past impressions.

In the previous pasuram, the Azhwar issued an advisory to his heart, warning of the degrading potential of'samsa'ric' existence. As if not prepared to wait that long, the ' nirhetuka krupa" of the Lord, reaches upto the Azhwar in a beatific vision of dream-like actualisation in this pasuram. Manusmrithi describes the divine personally as

y &uin ', ( 12- 122 ), that is ' dream-like mental actualisation ' which is the unique gift of Yogis and Azhwars.

Q(g$n&1 nGM#c&. @iéj &o›& mmés4Mfla& rim@lé

- Azhwar has the visual experience of the beautiful and auspicious form of Sriman Narayana, complete with the fire-spitting dazzling Sudarsana' in His hand.


CJgiftii Qy té (y&Up - Due to this experience, Azhwar feels rid of the shackles of 'samsa'ra' ' in the shape of both papa' and punya'. Not only that, the Lord 's nirhetuka krupa" is such that it cuts at the root of the inherent ' va' sana's' and 'samska'ra's' capable of resurrecting the binding affliction.

UIN té in Cgntii 6Ivg)jmrN  oJafl u Cut    - As Sri Krishna warns in the Gita, “  /mnndJ CiqnnJJ ggyJ ñqno        up  : II nJ   noJmnndl noñmñm yâ    &g n              uy : II, ( Gita — II — 60-61 ), the impellent and impetuous senses as the focal point of our 'va'sana's', forcibly drive the mind astray. Hence, controlling them all, one should integrate the mind with the divine, looking on Sri Va'sudeva' as Supreme.



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