Содержание книги

  1. Published by Sri. N.Rajagopalan
  2. a&ualgux 6»xw¥eouxe%gj .                            8
  3. Base@¥ég s?I«éu@g gxa¿ - ywc@%g
  4. aé•›A ›4za <é4 ••fr* rs*•= • I
  5. qt$a g «›,gia agg »g: n,a,$ge»»« ii
  6. agseegj  e oxu oeflvsoo avgtgw agsQowgj @o$IsxOacmcx ggs»egj @oflma2e erusQs@gg @ao @{gox0a
  7. Qu{gA @waiaxaylñOu@jgéñ - s@w0gx¿
  8. g@@  oe@guédl  wr$aox¥i  - - &@glri
  9. asjqjy p¥¥auQ6sea paat\¿j as&ggxu
  10. u0yx§ ?o&1lñ Jlyx¥é.                                    30
  11. yen;#1agwug gceaaB°{g aoggxu %¥#Iagesgj
  12. amp;riur¿JlglñQuxcégjé 0gyx¿ -- a&riuxeñ
  13. Cpsm    ogagBai&<s    aJogsei  agstgalaJ
  14. g{uOsa@sm nsu u  0ua(gqnO  @ age ggu
  15. JNrlñ                 - ocean of everlasting bliss. t3ñ xiv
  16. gxs40wp ISpno&i @&g4gw Qgrwasoao
  17. g\go w¥ñ&Ruxnfly{gao @%gg{goén{g{ga aw4gu @jg@a@?gx¿9Gt!3•ju H$luxé o¥ag¥as o$}Ippngoiy ec%ct
  18. sceécauxjg«t? avxeñafleñ sasg.                      63
  19. QsxqgjséRsxéRux&I@g Osr.                         68
  20. erms              - refers to rapier-like foreteeth of the asura's.' entcir
  21. usmié*s *••és•= *is*=s•é•*a• s$s* I u'fi >p;
  22. plñ @giasyriu mJ1yé0u yx$Igj¿j a@g]oxui
  23. B{gnced4m \pg&leñ oxlñi6 -- a{gé&l{gjjig
  24. sow&ggi  oxys  sjgs?lmw saass@y
  25. uas?oxwo sa¥'ceex«t? u%me? -- aps4sxafl qbm@@am I.fl%@a gaioy/gg agwQsr0a>x #anw@gn aflfi& @a  @. 82
  26. spp Qsx(ggyso Jlpsxyjo aewass Qsxpgwppaux    peéeo     op»wso
  27. asxaatcx&s  aggaoxw /sasr-x&s asxwais gyj
  28. My resplendent,glorious Lord, immeasurably great, Master of
  29. Text with a Free Translation and Commentary)
  30. pūtattāḻvār arul̤iya iraṇṭāntiruvantāti.

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g\go w¥ñ&Ruxnfly{gao @%gg{goén{g{ga aw4gu @jg@a@?gx¿9Gt!3•ju H$luxé o¥ag¥as o$}Ippngoiy ec%ct

@@ux4 aa¥Axriux¿ glsñgj.                           60

Oh Lord, Yours is not just the face of the Supreme Deity, your essential nature is the effulgent expression of being the constant support of your devotees.The beings of this great earth visualise You as the transcendental reality.It is however,those who undestand You as the incomparable repository of redeeming grace, who will truly and for long help conserve this world.

visits Azhwar explains in this pasuram the common perception of the Creator, as a Being distinct from all other sentient beings, in accord with the Upanishadic statement, '  Cmr


amps,  (  2-5-13.). ' The immortal Being among other immortals, the Conscious Self, Who is the Dispenser of desired fruits. ' ' pi2 join p +nmCyn  pnygnJ  p    nsriogiñ  I pgim       canCyn

JN i         m     II ( gJCgi)'Neither countenance, nor figure, nor arms, nor abode exists for You..Even so as the goal and support of devotees, You shine in the brilliance of all the above.'

+{y(y    N          jQuJC - -’ The denizens of this big earth, unaware of the aforesaid quality as your distinguishing characteristic, however, look upon You only as the Supreme Self, inaccessible and difficult to reach.


J                             - - ' Will live long and safeguard this world.'


#-e*a*r •=e• #=•v-a•• g-=*a==

aewgmgg ageuy @aseauwaxo awgj

ejgor¥elflux ¥JIy@g xmo#w ee&u

£yaneaA@@nj Qu@g Bugj.                     61

A long time ago, as a small dark brahmin boy, when You deceptive contriver, asked for the gift of three steps of land,one Foot that supposedy stood on the land filled this earth in a trice, and your towering shoulders traversed in all directions, so say the learned ones.That was a big grace that the faithful ones received from You, Oh Lord.

Sri Bhutat Azhwar illustrates the ' a'srithapa'rathantriyam ' described by him in the previous pasuram, by citing Sri Vamanavata'iam in this



‹ & - The day a long time ago, when Indra came wailing the loss of his kingdom to Mahabali.

Late   — At the very instant that the designing Lord asked for the gift of three steps of land of Mahabali, one Foot of the Lord had already filled out the entire expanse of this earth. ' aCq JmJCgCgnCm sump curias : '. The moment the symbolic offering of water in token of the granting of the gift by Mahabali, fell on the outstretched hand of the diminutive Brahmin, He metamophosed into Trivikrama filling all directions.


— ( Vishnusuktham ), - 'in Whose three giant strides, all the worlds were encompassed '.


                                                 — This deed was not only to favour Indra but an act of grace to all those who live by their faith in the Lord.



BuQtg%gj p%eg}I6u% Qu@g@0u% OuasgasouPeñ




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