u0yx§ ?o&1lñ Jlyx¥é.                                    30 

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u0yx§ ?o&1lñ Jlyx¥é.                                    30


Oh, Lord of Sri, with body resembling the big blue ocean,once upon a time You as TYivikrama' measured the world. Another time you brought forth the submerged world from the depths of theocean floor.Yet another time you churned the ocean, and in a yet different age, built a bridge across it. Sosay thesages of yore.


Jim             jb                      an at - Azhwar speaks about Sri Vamanavata'ra' in which the Lord of Mahalakshmi of indescribably immense wealth and greatness, displayed His extra-ordinary simplicity and ' soulbhya" by assuming the dimunitive brahmin mendicant role for the sake of Indra, and asked for and accepted the gift of three paces of land from the asura’ king Maha'bali.


J$ alm ggiu$Cbpeai- Similarly, when the world got submerged in the ocean floor, you assumed the form of the grime-laden boar and retrieved this earth forking it up from the depths of the ocean ñoor with yow front tooth, and placed it in its proper position.






g;ié (pN              - refers to the churning of the oceans to restore the wealth and status of Indra and the devas.

m              ining - refers to the building of the bridge

across the ocean as Sri Rama.



It is they who hail the Lord as the great Benefactor each passing day saying, ’Today dawned well’, and worship the Feet of Sri Vara'ha' with fragrant flowers from the Kwa'tree, that will experience the joy of His beautifulForxn.


N           - Azhwar hails the Lord as The Great Benefactor. 6kggtfi tg@ - The day dawned well '. Every day that is spent in Lord's memory and worship is a day well spent. So says the Azhwar.

Kn & a - flowers of the wild kura' tree. This is cited to illustrate that the Lord accepts any kind of flowers offered lovingly. oyxe@p ac¥#I e/jyo% uxgé u¥ai1 yoa$ a«e#I e{goé u@jbytarsmtg - They who prostrate to the Feet of Sri Vara'ha' Peruma'n Who is beauty personified, will verily experience the joy of beholding His beautiful Form. As Sri Krishna says in the Gita, ' enrsnrmii @    min ', ' it is imperishable and exceedingly easy to accomplish. Both the means and fruit thereof are equally felicitous.






Oh Lord of Sri, My mind steadfast in thoughts focused on You, was ecstatic. Next my tongue forever praising your sacred feet rejoiced. My whole frame engaged in the act of singingand swaying to the glory of your blazing disc, couch and other armament, rejoiced in that experience.

- Sri Bhutat Azhwar extols the union of Mahalakshmi and Sriman Narayana, and as such addresses Him as 'Quit'. Hence ensues the joy of contemplating that union.


As per the Vedic statement, ' up: Csun end ;iig;y :', the mind orchestrates the tongue and other sense organs.


My thoughts have settled dwelling constantly on the sacred names of the Lord wearing the cool 'tulasi' garland. My body always bows in reverence toward the Lord abiding in the bamboo-laden Venkata hill. My tongue too engages itself in the constant refrain of reciting His great qualities.


u&uaé& uJga efi&1.                                       34

I have become Your eternal servant through the special grace showered on me at all times, worshipping, with fragrant dowers and incense, and in a spirit of overflowing love, Your sacred feet that once upon a time scaled this universe under a ruse as a gift of three footsteps of land.



Though Mahabali was a fit subject for destruction like Hiranya and Ravana, Narayana spared his life since he also had the saving grace of a generous heart, and devotion to the Lord, unlike the others. At the same time, he had to be taught a lesson for his arrogance and overweening ambition. So the Lord of 3ri decided to ask of Mahabali three steps of land since Mahabali in his vanity presumed that all the the worlds belonged to him, and in so doing, had dared to dispossess even Indra who was a friend of the Lord.


Azhwar acknowledges in this pasuram that the 'nirhetukakrupa”'

of the Lord towards him has made him the Lord's devotee for ever desirous of service at His Feet.

@¥d1agauy Axo Og&1Qj oxgg


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