Cpsm    ogagBai&<s    aJogsei  agstgalaJ 

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Cpsm    ogagBai&<s    aJogsei  agstgalaJ


The greatest good that my blessed shoulders can do me is to bow in reverence to the feet of the devotees who worship the sacred Feet of the Lord, He Who struck with arrows to chop down the twenty shoulders, and all ten heads and two legs of Ravana.

qjg$& - Azhwar says in this pasuram, that even if one does not directly prostrate to the shoulders of the Lord, if he bows down in reverence to the feet of the devotees of Narayana, he is asswed of His blessing. ' Bha'gavatha nishtai ' is emphazized in this pasuram. “ n6l;ii@JueuQ erm CgQ nutnooCiurâyQ Cnoei ñ I p noñtro8maai g uñg u/aJiuny n to iii”. 'It is doubtful if devotees of Achyutha' will always attain liberation.But there is no shred of doubt in this as far as the servants of His devotees are concerned.' The same thought is echoed by Sri Thirumazhisai Pira'n,



I will not look upon thwe human beings as deserving theirbimi as such,who have forgotten thename of the Lord with eyes resembling the redlotus, ie swe passportto Ebemtion of Hissavants. With a mind, that is forever fixed on Ma’dhavan, the embodiment of compassion, always think of recitingm namesas the purpose of life.


- the beacon light that guides us to our ultimate liberation. ' M  put   ', (                                            Csoamn).The Lord assures us in this, ' I will myself lead you on to the higher path '. What is the reason behind this protective concern ? Azhwar suggests that this springs from overwhelming love forus,1ike the love of the mother cow towards her calf. This is reflected in His eyes, the lotus-red eyes,

- Weir.' mcii' - Lord of all beings, as also embodiment

of overwhelming love and concern.


J5nv&  Jb          init but  — ' I will not consider those who have forgotten His name as human beings '. Similar thought is expressed by Sri Thirumangai Azhwar. “ in    sñ aieé tosar;S8g snsuJJi8g8sa “( aiaJiu — Q(g, atm. 11-7-9 ).


( -nc• 38 — 41 ). Compassion is the highest dharma. ' Ma'dhava'

— Lord of Lakshmi,- indicates the mother's connection.


ugly   mN CmJ pnofl    N JpjoiCg aeiJg§- Azhwar addresses his mind to internalise the constant ' na'ma japa’. '                                      '


here refers to the 'dvaya mantra" incorporating the Lord's name in association with divine Mother.




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