Содержание книги

  1. Published by Sri. N.Rajagopalan
  2. a&ualgux 6»xw¥eouxe%gj .                            8
  3. Base@¥ég s?I«éu@g gxa¿ - ywc@%g
  4. aé•›A ›4za <é4 ••fr* rs*•= • I
  5. qt$a g «›,gia agg »g: n,a,$ge»»« ii
  6. agseegj  e oxu oeflvsoo avgtgw agsQowgj @o$IsxOacmcx ggs»egj @oflma2e erusQs@gg @ao @{gox0a
  7. Qu{gA @waiaxaylñOu@jgéñ - s@w0gx¿
  8. g@@  oe@guédl  wr$aox¥i  - - &@glri
  9. asjqjy p¥¥auQ6sea paat\¿j as&ggxu
  10. u0yx§ ?o&1lñ Jlyx¥é.                                    30
  11. yen;#1agwug gceaaB°{g aoggxu %¥#Iagesgj
  12. amp;riur¿JlglñQuxcégjé 0gyx¿ -- a&riuxeñ
  13. Cpsm    ogagBai&<s    aJogsei  agstgalaJ
  14. g{uOsa@sm nsu u  0ua(gqnO  @ age ggu
  15. JNrlñ                 - ocean of everlasting bliss. t3ñ xiv
  16. gxs40wp ISpno&i @&g4gw Qgrwasoao
  17. g\go w¥ñ&Ruxnfly{gao @%gg{goén{g{ga aw4gu @jg@a@?gx¿9Gt!3•ju H$luxé o¥ag¥as o$}Ippngoiy ec%ct
  18. sceécauxjg«t? avxeñafleñ sasg.                      63
  19. QsxqgjséRsxéRux&I@g Osr.                         68
  20. erms              - refers to rapier-like foreteeth of the asura's.' entcir
  21. usmié*s *••és•= *is*=s•é•*a• s$s* I u'fi >p;
  22. plñ @giasyriu mJ1yé0u yx$Igj¿j a@g]oxui
  23. B{gnced4m \pg&leñ oxlñi6 -- a{gé&l{gjjig
  24. sow&ggi  oxys  sjgs?lmw saass@y
  25. uas?oxwo sa¥'ceex«t? u%me? -- aps4sxafl qbm@@am I.fl%@a gaioy/gg agwQsr0a>x #anw@gn aflfi& @a  @. 82
  26. spp Qsx(ggyso Jlpsxyjo aewass Qsxpgwppaux    peéeo     op»wso
  27. asxaatcx&s  aggaoxw /sasr-x&s asxwais gyj
  28. My resplendent,glorious Lord, immeasurably great, Master of
  29. Text with a Free Translation and Commentary)
  30. pūtattāḻvār arul̤iya iraṇṭāntiruvantāti.

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Qu{gA @waiaxaylñOu@jgéñ - s@w0gx¿

They lead a life of joy and fulfilment who constantly worship You Narayana, in the prescribed way, steering clear of foisted charges and sins of commission, even as they who are set on the course with all favourable factors, in worshipful prayer and with a sense of deep involvement.

Azhwar says in this pasuram that like those who are akeady blessed with the actualisation of Lord's experience, by leading a life devoid of pitfalls of unsought calumnies and sins wilfully committed, as prescribed in Scriptural texts, and with a sense ofjoy and fulfilment, are those others blessed who are endowed with all the predisposing factors, but have not started on that path. The first category is,- f                                             - those who find fulfilment by constant pursuit of the ways of' gna’na' - bhakthi yoga's '. Sri Krishna says in the Gita ( 9.2.),  '  uefl      yAg gut, e«ee«eoñ ai};ii            mñ ' of the bhakthi yoga, that 'it is supremely purificatory, blissful to practise, and assures a lasting outcome'. Swami Nammazhwar observes in a similar vein, ' psi›son                      eun|j;euJSlmenu  ñ      @ SCer '. 'They will find bliss here in this life and ever after'. Bhagavadvishayam is an exception to the normal rule of ' p earn            C        mn '- ' it is not always true that joy begets joy '.So Sri Bhutat Azhwar puts an exclamation mark after the word, ' an$ge',to indicate that this worldly hypothesis does not hold good here.The second category Azhwar speaks of, in this pasuram, comprises people who have all the predisposing factors going in their favour, viz. love born out of bhakthi, deep involvement in reciting Lord's names, the underlying impress in the shape of' purva janma suhrudam ', and above all the Lord's 'krupa'-kata'ksham', his benevolent look of compassion.' They also lead a life of joy and

fulfilment. Does not Sri Krishna say in the Gita? ( 2-40), ' CJ

JnCmaeii' - ' there is no loss to a good beginning in bhagavadvishayam'.








The humans are endow& with a mind that can contemplate the divine. Time is at hand for us to engage the mind in worshipful prayer, and lotuses fit for worship abound in tanks. Sri Vamana's beautiful Feet are ready and to bless our bowed heads.With so much going in our favour, will hell ever hauntus?


This pasuram is evocative of Sri Poigai Piran's pasuram in Mudhal Thiruvandhadhi (95),




•**ér•*ne»••<ñdif•*w•= f*=4ek'°•*•ii9i sé••*- 6-

' This unique wealth called human organism endowed with limbs like the hands and feet, has been created since the beginning of time as an instrument of service to the Master of the universe.’


J- lotus flowers fit for worship. Sri Krishna mentions ' o  yñ ' in the Gita, (9.2d).Any flower is acceptable to the Lord when offered with true devotion. The Shastra's only preclude, '             ', wild flower with thom. Bhattar says that even that is precluded out of consideration to the devotee lest it should hurt his fingers.


Gij N - Lord's Feet beautifully soft to the touch.'



- 'Feet that are gently caressed by the Divine Mother Sri and Bhu Devi.' The word ' Thiru ' indicates that the 'purushakara ' agency the Mother is also near at hand. It can also be taken to mean the 'ubhaya- vibhuti’ wealth of the Paramapurusha. Swami Alavandar, describes the Feet of Trivikrama thus, ' mm yg;nl a set o+


suéoy          sum'- ( Stotra-Ratnam - 31). “ Oh Trivikrama, Your Lotus Feet which have the tell-tale identifying marks of sankha, chakra, kalpaka-creeper,lotus, ankusha and vajra.'


' ynmCe Q C nNQ sunny axrosuJ QJ I rA C+ CmCg ogJQCmg;ug;ñ ' II ' The sound Narayana is there, the faculty of recitation is in us. Notwithstanding this, it is astonishing that people should fall into the clutches of hell.'






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