Modal verbs / модальные глаголы или недостаточные глаголы 

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Modal verbs / модальные глаголы или недостаточные глаголы


В английском языке есть несколько особых глаголов, у кото­рых отсутствуют почти все свойственные обычным глаголам фор­мы. Они выражают не действие, а отношение к действию (напр, возможность или невозможность его совершить), и поэтому после них обязательно стоит какой-нибудь глагол, выражающий дейст­вие. Встречаются три таких: сап (мочь, уметь), may (мочь, если разрешат) и must (долженствовать) в простом настоящем вре­мени. May I ask you a question? Можно я задам Вам вопрос? I сап learn English at home. Я могу учиться английскому дома. I сап speak English. Я умею говорить по-английски.

Из этих примеров видно, что после недостаточных глаголов основные глаголы употребляются в неопределенной форме, но без частицы to. По лицам они не изменяются:

Everybody must know English. Каждый должен знать англий­ский.

Видите, что у must нет окончания -s, хотя это 3 л. ед. ч. про­стого настоящего времени?

Для образования вопросов и отрицаний вспомогательный глагол to-cfo не нужен.

Отрицательные формы этих глаголов — cannot (пишется asieerei), сокращено can ' t, must not, сокращено mustn ' t и may not (обычно не сокращается).




Таблица 19

Модальные глаголы и их значения


Эквиваленты модальных глаголов Настоящее время Прошедшее время Будущее время
саn 1. Физическая воз­можность или умст­венная способность. 1. I can walk fast. I can't learn so many words at once. .. 1. Я могу ходить быстро.  Я не могу выучить сразу так много слов to be able (to) can   could   -
    2. Сомнение 2. She can't have forgotten it. They can't be there by now. 2. Не может быть, чтобы она забыла это. Не может быть, чтобы они уже были там сейчас       am, is, are able(to) was, were able(to) shall, will be able(to)
must 1. Необходимость, моральная обязан­ность, должествова­ние. 1. One must love his country.   1. Каждый должен любить свою страну.   have (to) Must   have,has (to)   -   had (to)   -   shall, will have (to)
    2. Предложение (но есть уверенность в совершении дейст­вия). 2. They must be there now. They must have travelled ail over the world. 2. Они, должно быть, там сей­час. Они, должно быть, путеше­ствовали по всему свету. to be (to) am, is, are (to) was, were to -
may 1. Разрешение. 2. Предложение (нет уверенности в совершении действия). 1. You may go to bed later tonight. 2. They may buy tickets for the 8.00 (train). 1. Ты можешь сегодня лечь позднее.             2. Они, возможно, купят билеты на восьмичасовой (поезд).     to be allowed (to) may   am, is, are allowed (to) might   was, were allowed (to) -   shall, will be allowed (to)



1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Our University was founded in 1957.

2. You will be met at the station.                        

3. He is always invited to our plant.

4. English is spoken all over the world.   

5. We were taught English at school.

6. The contract will be signed soon

7. It must be done at once.                                                        

8. The day of the delivery may be changed.

9. This text can be easily translated by any student.

10. Their visit had to be postponed.

2.                                                                                              Explain the use ^of the Present Continuous, Present Perfect
and Passive Voice                                                                                

1. What is going on?                                                                               

2. Dinner is being cooked in the kitchen.                                            

3. Your children are being examined.

4. Wait! Your report is being typed.

5. These questions are being discussed.

6. The article has been already translated.

7. The letters have been just typed.

8. The child has been already examined.

9. The new rolling-shop has been just built.

10. The letter hasn't been answered yet.

3.Fill each blank with the necessary form of the verb in the Pas­sive Voice.

1. That doctor (to recommend) me by somebody.

2. This equipment (to admire) by the visitors.

3. Light and heat (to give) to us by the sun.

4. The contract (to sign) tomorrow.                                         

5. As he was ill, he (not to allow) to go out.                     

6. This problem (not to speak) about.

7. The mechanic (to send) for in one minute.

8. This law (often to refer) to.

9. This drawer (much to talk) about.

10. Last weekend their children (to look after) by the uncle.



4. Translate into English.


1. Это оборудование рекламируют по телевидению.

2. В нашем университете преподают английский и немецкий языки.

3. Делегации покажут новые марки стали.

4. Мне предложили новую работу.

5. Ее можно видеть в лаборатории каждый день.

6. Новый цех будет открыт через месяц.

7. День нашей встречи может быть изменен.
8: Его попросили прекратить эксперимент.

9. Над ними часто смеются.

10. Об этих новостях много говорят.

5. Read and translate the text.


We arrived at Richard's main office in downtown Manhattan. It was on the twenty-fifth floor of a skyscraper. I saw a plaque in the lobby that said METEQ, Inc. I guessed that METEQ stood for METallurgical EQuipment. A man operated the elevator.

Before the meeting Richard showed me his office. I was really impressed with the state-of-the-art office equipment. I didn't see a sin­gle typewriter there. Everybody worked on a PC (personal computer). I had heard that every office worker had a dictionary because English spelling is so difficult. But I didn't see any dictionaries there. Richard explained that there were special computer programs to check spelling. Every PC was connected to a printer to print out processed documents. There was a copier, which made copies in color. The office also had telex and fax facilities. I noticed a strange-looking machine in the cor­ner. Richard explained that it was a paper shredder. I wished we had an office like that in Magnitogorsk!

The office workers were very efficient. They knew how to run every piece of equipment. And they worked very fast. I said I'd like to learn how to run everything too. Richard introduced me to the staff. They were very friendly. He asked them to give me a hand in mastering the office equipment.

Richard introduced me to Mr. Walter Cronin, a senior partner in the firm. All the company executives were there too. I met the heads of the research-and-development and manufacturing divisions and the director of marketing.

We discussed my stay with the company. Mr. Cronin suggested that I visit all their branches to explore prospects for our future collabo­ration. I was asked to present a report with my suggestions at the end of my stay. This suited me fine. They were also open-minded about my request to visit some plants to see METEQ equipment in operation. They said that it could be easily arranged. Every problem was solved on the spot. I was surprised, but Richard said it was business as usual.

Task 1. Напишите транскрипцию и выучите слова: incor­porated, typewriter, dictionary, facilities, efficient, executives, sug­gested, request, spelling, state-of-the-art, equipment.

Task 2. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where was Richard's main office?

2. What does METEQ stand for?

3. What equipment was there in Richard's office?

4. Who did Victor meet in the office?

5. What was the itinerary of Victor's stay in America?

Task 3. Поставьте глаголы - сказуемые предложений из текста во все временные формы Indefinite в Passive Voice, произведя все необходимые смысловые изменения.

Образец:I was asked to present a report. Меня попросили представить доклад.

I am asked to present a report. Меня просят представить доклад.

I shall be asked to present a report.

Меня попросят представить доклад.


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