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Task 13. Translate the text into Russian and comment on how people can enjoy the food they love and stay healthy and slim at the same time.Содержание книги
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Healthy Eating – Not Starving! Healthy eating – it is the first thing to remember when thinking about losing weight. Eating a healthy meal once a day is not a difficult task. In fact eating healthy meals all your life is easy. You can eat ordinary things that you buy in your local store, you just need to know how and when. No need for expensive stuff they advertise on TV or fancy web sites. Millions of men and women all over the world struggle with weight issues and do not know how to resolve these problems.
One disadvantage of losing weight too quickly is that your overall health condition suffers. Unfortunately, many people have a hard time sticking to a long term diet, which is much safer. There are, however, easy ways to lose weight over a long period of time, without starving and sacrificing your health. There are a few things to remember before starting any good diet:
First, on any healthy diet you must eat and not starve. Your metabolism does not even kick in and start working each day until you have given it some fuel to work with, and you cannot possibly stick to anything long term if you feel like you are starving to death. Second, you have to enjoy what you are eating. You cannot have chocolate cake for every meal and lose weight, but you can prepare healthy meals that taste good.
And third, you just have to eat several times throughout the day so that you never actually feel overly hungry. When you get too hungry, you will almost always eat more than you actually need to make that hungry feeling go away. Experts recommend eating five or six times a day. That is a starting point to build any diet. These are very easy ways to lose weight over a long period of time simply because you will never be hungry.
It is common knowledge that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And in terms of boosting your metabolism, as a part of your easy healthy diet, this is indeed the case! There are a couple of reasons why eating a hearty and healthy breakfast can boost metabolism and lead to weight loss goals.
The first reason is that people who eat breakfast are much less inclined to snack throughout the morning. For example, if you had a good breakfast of fruit and low-sugar cereal in the morning, your chances of visiting the vending machine at work around 10:30 a.m. diminish significantly.
But this does not mean that you should not eat something between breakfast and lunch. It simply means that, since you will not be extremely hungry at 10:30am (because you skipped breakfast), you will be less inclined to eat anything that you get your hands on; such as a tasty donut that your co-worker was kind enough to offer you. In other words, by starting your day in a nutritious way, you will have more control over what you eat throughout the day.
The second reason is connected with metabolism-boosting. Studies have shown that metabolism slows during sleep, and does not typically get going again until you eat. Therefore, starting the day with breakfast is like kickstarting your metabolism. You will actually burn more calories throughout the day, simply by eating breakfast.
However you must beware of high-fat breakfasts. Studies show that high-fat breakfasts, such as those that include bacon and sausage, not only deliver lots of calories (there are 9 calories for every gram of fat, compared to 4 for every gram of carbohydrates and proteins, respectively). But they also can make you very hungry again, very soon! Breakfasts that are high in fiber take longer to digest, and thus, the body won’t be hungry again for a while.
This is something to bear in mind; and it may explain why many people who eat breakfast find themselves painfully hungry by lunchtime; it’s not their “overactive metabolism” at work; it’s the high fat content, which has been digested swiftly.
We must always make the correct choices with our food and drink and this will protect us from killer diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
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