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Questions and tasks for self-control.Содержание книги
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1. What does it mean “the solution”? 2. What approximate ways of concentration expressions exist? List, give the brief characteristic of each one. 3. What exact ways of concentration expressions do you know? List them. 4. What does it mean the ”mass fraction”? 5. Give the differences between percentage and mass fraction. 6. What does it mean “the molarity”. 7. What does it mean “the equivalent”, “factor of equivalent”, “molar mass of equivalent”. Give the examples of their determinations. 8. What does it mean “the normality”. 9. Explain the term “titre of solution”. 10. What algebraic relationship exists between C(X) and w(X); C(1/Z X) and C(X), C(1/Z X) and ω(x)? 11. What algebraic relationship exists between C(1/Z X) and t(X)? 12. How many moles of FeSO4· 7H2O must we add to 100 ml of water to prepare 10% solution of FeSO4? The answer: 1,45 mol. 13. To 250 g of 10% acid solution 500g of the solution of the same acid with unknown mass fraction are added and 25% solution is obtained. Determine mass fraction of acid in added solution. The answer: 32,3%. 14. 125 ml of hydrogen chloride (n.c.) are dissolved in 500 ml of water. Determine the mass fraction of HCl in obtained solution. The answer: 29%. 15. In what volume of 1 M H2SO4 solution 4,9 g of H2SO4 are contained? The answer: 50 ml. 16. How many (ml) of 20% HCl solution with density of 1,098 g/ml are required to prepare 1 L of 2 M solution? The answer: 332,4 ml. 17. How many (ml) of 0,5 N BaCl2 solution can we prepare from 24,4 g of BaCl2·2 H2O? The answer: 400 ml. 18. Calculate normality and titre of H3PO4 in 13% solution whose density is 1,07 g/ml. This solution is destined for complete reacting. The answer: 4,25 N; 0,139100g/ml. 19. In which mass of ether must we dissolve 3,04 g of aniline C6H5NH2 to obtain the solution with molality 0,3 mol/kg. The answer: 225 ml. 20. What volume of 3N solution must be added to 900 ml of 0,5 N solution of the same substance to obtain the concentration equal to 1 N?The answer: 225 ml. 21 For the reaction with solution, contained 0,498 g of Na2B4O7·10H2O are consumed 25,2 ml of HCl solution. Calculate the normality of HCl solution. The answer: 0,103 N. Sample of test card on the topic “concentration units” 1. Solve for percentage of the solution, obtained by mixing of 100 ml of 30% sodium chloride solution (ρ = 1,20 g/ml) and 100 ml of 5% sodium chloride solution (ρ = 1,04 g/ml). a) 18,39 b) 20,60 c) 41,20 2. Molar mass of equivalent for H3PO4 in reaction of NaH2PO4 formation is equal to (in g/mol) a) 49 b) 73,5 c) 98 3. Factor of equivalence of salt in reaction: Al2(SO4) + 8 NaOH = 2 Na[Al(OH)4] +3Na2SO4 is equal to a) 1/8 b) 1/6 c) ¼ 4. What weighed sample of Na2CO3 (in g) must we take to prepare 2 L of 2N solution used in reaction of full ion-exchange? a) 53 b) 212 c) 159 5. Solve for molarity of 96% H2SO4 solution (ρ = 1,84 g/ml) a) 16 b) 18 c) 20 The answers to tasks of card sample Number of question 1 2 3 4 5 Code of answer a b a b b
Laboratory work
Preparation of solution with given concentration by dilution of Concentrated solution
Fulfillment of the work Take the task from your teacher - to prepare from concentrated solution the certain volume of solution with less concentration. Calculate, how many (ml) of initial solution are required to prepare solution with given concentration. Then find the water volume required to obtain this solution. Find the solution density using the table. Show your calculations to teacher. After check prepare given solution by mixing obtained volumes of initial solution and water. To prepare solution with certain concentration use: measured flask, measured cilinder, pipette with help of which carry the determined volume of liquid over into the measured flask to our solution till the mark and mix. Addition of the water is carried on quickly at the beginning and closer to mark, below 1-2 sm from the mark, by drops. Estimation of liquid level in measured flask and measured cilinder is carried on by low meniscus. Mixing of the solution in the flask is carried on by shake and rotation. Prepared solution have to be given out to the labassistent.
Example of calculation: It is required to prepare 50 ml of 0,05 N Na2CO3 solution from 0,2 M Na2CO3 solution if feq(Na2CO3) = ½. Calculation: ν2(1/2 Na2CO3)= C2(1/2 Na2CO3)·V(s-n 2) =0,05·0,05 = 0,0025 (Mol) ν(Na2CO3)=1/2ν2(1/2 Na2CO3)=1/2 ·0,0025 = 0,0012(mol) ν(Na2CO3) 0,00125 V(s-n 1) = ————— = ———— =0,00625L or 6,25 ml of 0,2 M solution. C(Na2CO3) 0,2
Class 2
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