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Compare the grammar forms of Future and Future-in-the-Past↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 21 из 21 Содержание книги
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(Сравните соответствующие формы Future и Future–in-the-Past):
Give the translation of the sentences in ex.1 (Переведите предложения из таблицы).
Rewrite the sentences in Present tense into the Past (Перепишите предложения из настоящего времени в прошедшее):
· I am afraid I shall be late. · He hopes you will often visit him. · They expect he will be at home in a few days. · She promises that she will finish the work in a week. · Are you afraid we shan’t be in time?
Use the correct form of the verbs (Употребите нужную форму глагола, раскрывая скобки):
Translate from Russian into English (Переведите предложения на английский язык):
Conditionals There are many different kinds of sentence using if. You have to decide whether you’re talking about the past, the present or future. You also have to decide whether you’re talking about a real possibility or an unreal possibility (unlikely, impossible or hypothetical)
Real possibility, present and future Zero conditional: if + present tense….present tense
This is used to talk about general truths and scientific facts.
If you read a lot, you learn lots of vocabulary. If you are cooking, you need to use vegetables.
First conditional: if + present tense…will +bare infinitive
This is used to talk about real possibilities in the present, in the future, or generally. If you read a lot, you will learn lots of vocabulary. You will need a good dictionary if you are learning foreign language. If you have studied, you’ ll do well in today’s test.
Instead of will, we can also use other modals or the imperative.
If you are going to the party, you can take this cake I made. If it’s too late, you should call me tomorrow. I might/may study Spanish if I pass my English exam. If you have finished, do the next task.
Unreal possibility, present and future Second conditional: if+ past tense…would + bare infinitive
This is used to talk about unreal possibilities (things that are unlikely, impossible or hypothetical) in the present and in the future.
If I won the lottery, I would move to the seaside. I’d get a new car if I had enough money. If you weren’t having a lesson now, what would you be doing?
The use of the past here is called the unreal past.
Instead of would we can also use other modals:
If I won the lottery, I could leave my job. I might feel happier if I went to another school.
Especially in formal English we can say: If I were …
If I were Prime Minister, I would introduce new laws against pollution.
The third conditional: if + past perfect …would have + past participle We can’t change the past. When we want to imagine the past being different, we can talk about it using the third conditional.
If I had known about the party, I would have gone. (But I didn’t know and didn’t go) We wouldn’t have been on time if we hadn’t run. (We ran. We were on time)
Примечание: в составе числительных перед десятками (а если их нет, то перед единицами) ставится союз and. Числительные hundred, thousand, million не употребляются во множественном числе. Во множественном числе могут употребляться только соответствующие существительные. Например: hundreds of thousands of people.
Most fractions are expressed using ordinal numbers. 1/3 - a third 1/5 - a fifth 1/6 - a sixth ½ - a half ¼ - a quarter ¾ - three quarters 3 ½ - three and a half 2 ¾ - two and three quarters Таблица неправильных глаголов
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