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Measuring Economic Activity I. There are a large number of statistics produced regularly on the operation of the world's major economies. The UK's economy is no exception in this respect. You will probably have noticed that often the headlines in newspapers or important items on television news programmes relate to economic data and the implications for individuals and businesses. A prime example of this occurs when interest rates are increased: the media responds by highlighting the adverse effects on businesses with debts and householders with mortgages. II. Data is provided on a wide range of aspects of the economy's operation. Statistics are available to show: *the level of unemployment *the level of inflation *a country's trade balance with the rest of the world *production volumes in key industries and the economy as a whole *the level of wages *raw material prices, and so forth. III. The main statistics illustrating the economy's behaviour relate to the level of activity in the economy. That is, they tell us whether the economy is working at fall capacity using all or nearly all, available resources of labour, machinery and other factors of production or whether these resources are being under-utilized. IV. The unemployment figures for the economy give an indicator of the level of activity. As the economy moves towards a recession and a lower level of prosperity it is likely that unemployment figures will rise. An alternative measure of the level of activity is national income statistics, which show the value of a nation's output during a year. Economists use the term Gross National Product to describe this data. II. Прочитайте текст ще раз та дайте письмові відповіді на наступні запитання: 1. Why does the media relate to economic data and the implications for individuals and businesses? 2. What aspects of the economy's operation are statistics available to show? 3. What do statistics show? 4. What is the GNP? III. Прочитайте наступні речення з тексту та дайте письмову відповідь: а) речення правдиве та б) речення неправдиве. 1. There are a large number of goods produced regularly on the operation of the world's major economies. 2. The main statistics illustrating the economy's behaviour relate to the level of activity in the economy. 3. The employment figures for the economy give an indicator of the level of activity. 4. It is unlikely that unemployment figures will rise. 5. Economists use the term Gross National Product to describe this data. IV. Перепишіть речення, визначіть в кожному з них часову форму та стан дієслова-присудка. Перекладіть речення на українську мову. 1. The collective farmers use the agricultural machines made by our factory. 2. After graduating from the University she worked as a teacher of English. 3. The sleeping children didn’t hear when their father came back. 4. He was proud of having passed his exams very well. 5. The play was very popular, it was difficult to get tickets. V. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх, звертаючи увагу на вживання модальних дієслів, підкресліть їх. 1. Our friends may come tomorrow. 2. Can you write this letter yourself? 3. You must send the letter by airmail immediately. 4. She has to assemble all the documents. 5. Information must cover all the essential points. VI. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх, звертаючи увагу на узгодження часів. 1. I think I saw him yesterday. He said that he had seen him the day before. 2. Mother said that the kids were playing on the yard. 3. He knows that they have been together for three years. 4. He said that all his friends were so happy then. 5. Mike said that he could not finish the project on time.
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