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Microeconomics and Macroeconomics I. Many economists specialize in a particular branch of the subject. For example, there are labour economists, energy economists, monetary economists, and international economists. What distinguishes these economists is the segment of economic life in which they are interested. Labour economics deals with problems of the labour market as viewed by firms, workers, and society as a whole. Urban economics deals with city problems: land use, transport, congestion, and housing. However, we need not classify branches of economics according to the area of economic life in which we ask the standard questions what, how and for whom. We can also classify branches of economics according to the approach or methodology that is used. The very broad division of approaches into microeconomic and macroeconomic cuts across the large number of subject groupings cited above. II. Microeconomic analysis offers a detailed treatment of individual decisions about particular commodities. For example, we might study why individual households prefer cars to bicycles and how producers decide whether to produce cars or bicycles. We can then aggregate the behaviour of all households and all firms to discuss total car purchases and total car production. III. Within a market economy we can discuss the market for cars. Comparing this with the market for bicycles, we may be able to explain the relative output of these two goods. The sophisticated branch of microeconomics known as general equilibrium theory extends this approach to its logical conclusion. It studies simultaneously every market for every commodity. From this it is hoped that we can understand the complete pattern of consumption, production, and exchange in the whole economy at a point in time. II. Прочитайте текст ще раз та дайте письмові відповіді на наступні запитання: 1. What are the branches of economic subject? 2. What does distinguish these economists? 3. What does Labour economics deal with? 4. What does Urban economics deal with? 5. How can we also classify branches of economics? III. Прочитайте наступні речення з тексту та дайте письмову відповідь: а) речення правдиве та б) речення неправдиве. 1. There are labour economists, energy economists, monetary economists, and international economists. 2. Labour economics doesn’t deal with problems of the labour market. 3. Energy economics deals with city problems: land use, transport, congestion, and housing. 4. Microeconomic analysis doesn’t offer a detailed treatment of individual decisions about particular commodities. 5. Within a market economy we can discuss the market for bicycles. IV. Перепишіть речення, визначіть в кожному з них часову форму та стан дієслова-присудка. Перекладіть речення на українську мову. 1. Everybody will be in time because the event is very important. 2. Somebody knew about it but was silent. 3. Was there anybody whom you wanted to speak about it. 4. He was hungry and asked for food. 5. Stella made the dress by herself. V. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх, звертаючи увагу на вживання модальних дієслів, підкресліть їх. 1. You can ring me up any time. — No, I can't. I am out of town tomorrow. 2. You may take Bess to the exhibition. 3. Must I wait for her now? 4. Could you bring me some paper, please, to write my note on? 5. My brother and John were to meet me at the station yesterday. VI. Перепишіть наступні речення та перекладіть їх, звертаючи увагу на узгодження часів. 1. Dan asked me what books I had read in summer. 2. Tom asked me what I was going to do in the evening. 3. She said that she had never hoped he would make a proposal to Alice 4. He did not know that we had known each other since our childhood. 5. We were sitting in the cafe waiting for our parents to come.
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