Ex.1. Do you agree with these statements? 

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Ex.1. Do you agree with these statements?


1. A fool and his money are soon parted;

2. If money goes before, all ways lie open;

3. Money is a good servant but a bad master;

4. Money doesn’t grow on trees

Ex.2. For each sentence decide whether the people being described are rich or poor.

1. we'll have to tighten our belts.

2. he's raking it in at the moment.

3. they're very hard up.

4. he's finding it hard to make ends meet.

5.she's absolutely loaded

6. they're a lot better off than most.

7.she's rolling in money.

8. he's fallen on hard times.

9. they've got money to burn.

10.she seems very down at heel.

11. we're totally broke.

12. they don't have two pennies to rub together.

1. мы должны будем затянуть наши пояса.

2. он загребает его в данный момент.

3. они очень испытывают нужду.

4. ему трудно сводить концы с концами.

5. она абсолютно загружена

6. они лучше обеспечены, чем большинство.

7. она купается в деньгах.

8. он оказался в затруднительном положении.

9. у них есть куча денег.

10. она кажется очень вниз в пятке.

11. мы, полностью сломлены.

12. у них нет двух пенсов, чтобы потереть вместе.


Ex.3. Match two halves.

1.(j)Steve Jobs, the architect of Apple’s phenomenal success and one of the biggest influences on the business of modern computing, died of pancreatic cancer Wednesday. He was 56.

Стив Джобс, архитектор феноменального успеха Apple и одно из самых больших влияний на бизнес современного вычисления, умер от рака поджелудочной железы в среду. Ему было 56 лет.

2. (f) As the world ponders Jobs’ legacy, it is perhaps worth asking if an

3 Jobs, adopted into an Armenian family in California, had no insider connections and no education at a top university.

Стив Джобc, усыновленный армянской семьей в Калифорнии, не было связей и никакого образования в лучшем университете.

4. Quite the opposite: his background was one of the hippy counterculture, and he described his time in (k)

5.(i) There remains a chance for Russia to produce.

6. The Skolkovo innovation project could yet

provide the spark needed to kick-start new high-tech projects, but the danger is

7(a) As the examples of Google’s Sergey Brin and other émigrés have shown, the new generation of Russians will almost certainly be at the forefront of global innovation in the years ahead.

как примеры Сергея Брина Google и других эмигрантов показали, новое поколение русских почти наверняка будет в центре глобальных инноваций в годах вперед.

8(d)The question is, however: Will they pursue their

9(e) So to make the analogy with Russia, it would have been as if he had been

10(с) It also requires a sea change in the way the authorities encourage innovation and diversity – without crippling bureaucracy


b. that under bureaucratic state control anyone in the Steve Jobs mold would quickly be stifled, corrupted or simply emigrate to another country with a climate more conducive to invention and new thinking.

d. dreams here in Russia, or abroad?

e. pursued as Mikhail Khodorkovsky or Yevgeny Chichvarkin. And we all know what happened there.

f. innovator and businessman like him could succeed in Russia.

j. computing, died of pancreatic cancer Wednesday. He was 56.

k. an ashram in India, including LSD experiences, as “one of the two or three most important things” he did in his life.

i. innovators of Jobs’ stature, it is true


Ex. 4. Do the quiz individually. Then compare answers with a partner.

1.How much cash do you have with you at the moment? Do you

a) know exactly?

b) know approximately?

c) not know at all?

2.Do you normally check

a) your change?

b) your bank statements and credit card bills?

c) restaurant bills?

d) your receipts when shopping?

e) prices in several shops before you buy something?

3. Do you

a) give money to beggars(нищим)?

b) give money to charities(благотворительность)?

c) give away(отдаете) used items(вещи), such as clothing?


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