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Part IV Task You are directors of Slim Gyms. Study the file cards on the four short-listed candidates. Hold a meeting to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each person. Try to agree on who seems to be the best candidate the job.
Background SLIM GYMS owns and operates six health and fitness clubs in Manhattan, New York. The clubs aim to appeal to people of all ages and income groups. All the clubs have a large gymnasium, with the latest equipment, an aerobics studio, a solarium, a swimming pool, sun decks, a cafe, bar and clubroom. There are always several fitness instructors on hand to advise people and provide them with personalised fitness programmes. A wide range of aerobic and relaxation classes run throughout the day and during the evening. The clubs try to create a friendly atmosphere, organising numerous social activities to bring members together. Three of the clubs are located in areas where large numbers of Spanish, Chinese and Italians live. Slim Gyms recently advertised for a General Manager.
WRITING I. Look at the following advertisement in ‘Health and Fitness' magazine and a letter of application:
Rua de Gloria 10 3000 Coimbra Portugal
15th Aprel 2008
The Manager, Sundance Health Club, Harbour Lane, Chichester, Sussex, PO1 2jE
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing in reply to your advertisement in ‘Health and Fitness' magazine for general part-time work in your health club.
I am a 20-year-old Portuguese student and I come from Coimbra in the north of Portugal. At present I am still studying at college but I am taking my final exams in May. I have studied English for six years but I want to spend some time in England in order to improve my spoken English.
I am interested in sport and fitness and at home I go to a sports centre three times a week. I am also a member of the college swimming team. I get on very well with people and I like making new friends. I don't 'mind doing any sort of work including cleaning, washing up and helping in the gym.
I am prepared to work any hours but ideally I would like to work in the afternoons and evenings only so that 1 can attend English classes in the mornings. I have friends who live in Chichester, so accommodation is not a problem. My term ends on 28th May, so I would be able to start on 1st June.
I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,
Paulo Freitas
Paulo Freitas II. Write your own letter of application in reply to the following advertisement:
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