Виды придаточных предложений. Бессоюзное подчинение 

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Виды придаточных предложений. Бессоюзное подчинение

УДК 811.111 (076)

ББК 81.2Англ я73


ISBN 978-985-488-552-0. © УО «Белорусский государственный

университет информатики и

радиоэлектроники», 2010

Контрольное задание №5

При выполнении задания следует обратить внимание на следующие грамматические явления.

Многофункциональные слова

Since As As well as As to For Because Because of Due to To be due to Both Both … and Either Either … or Neither Neither … nor Так как, поскольку; с (перед любыми словами, указывающими на время); с тех пор как. Так как, поскольку; как, в качестве, по мере того как. Так же как. Что касается. Для, за; в течение; так как. Так как (в начале фразы); потому что (в середине фразы). Из-за, впоследствии. Благодаря, из-за, вследствие. Происходить благодаря, обусловливаться. Оба. Как … так и, и … и. Любой. Или … или. Ни один из. Ни … ни.



Вариант 1


1. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув придаточные предложения. Укажите тип придаточного предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

For a long time Bell couldn’t get the results that he was looking for. Белл не мог долгое время получить результаты, которые он искал (определительное придаточное предложение).

1. Modern telecommunications networks carry images, television transmissions used in video conferences in which the participants can see as well as hear each other.

2. The bell or another alarm signal operates only when the circuit is broken.

3. Modern telecommunications networks carry images, television transmissions used in video conferences in which the participants can see as well as hear each other.

4. The bell or another alarm signal operates only when the circuit is broken.

5. We know the temperature of the sun is exceedingly high.

6. New improvements promise cables that can transmit of telephone calls over a single fiber.

7. I wanted to know who produced a system that transmitted page-form telegrams.

8. This is a type of reaction you will easily understand.

9. It is said that optical technology is cost effective and versatile.

10. Georg Boole devised a system of formulating logical statements symbolically so that they could be written and proved in a way similar to that of ordinary algebra.

2. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функции should, would в предложениях.

We should introduce this method if it were efficient (вспомогательный глагол при образовании сослагательного наклонения). A magnet would attract pieces of iron (модальный глагол). Мы бы ввели этот метод, если бы он был эффективным.   Магнит обычно притягивает куски железа.

1. He would work on his design for hours.

2. She asked if we should study alloys next year.

3. If you had applied your theoretical knowledge to your practical work, you would have got a different result.

4. It is very important that the current should be measured exactly.

5. The manual says that the computer should be disconnected from the mains before the cover is removed.

6. If they had completed the research, the results would have been discussed at the conference.

7. The results of the experiment should be checked carefully.

8. The researchers said that they would find optimal conditions for the work of the equipment.

9. Academician Yoffe was among the first to notice that transistors would be of great interest for future technology.

10. If this method of work were applied we should succeed in obtaining better results.

3. Перепишите предложения, обратив внимание на различные значения выделенных слов. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

This formula is not so simple as you think. This is due to the raise of temperature. Эта формула не такая простая, как вы думаете. Это происходит из-за повышения температуры.

1. There is no flow of electrons since the electric current is broken.

2. Mathematics is an important subject for technical students because it is applied to all branches of sciences.

3. The international system of measures and weights is called the metric system as it is based on the meter and the kilogramme.

4. Einstein liked questions, answered them at once for there were no simple or foolish questions for him.

5. Due to the Sun people have immense supplies of energy.

6. Electrical signals converted to light signals by a laser-driven transmitter carry both speech and data over bunds of thin glass or plastic filaments.

7. Artificial magnets may be either permanent or electromagnet.

4. Прочтите текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

Secondary Storage Systems

1. Secondary storage devices store data not currently being processed. Unlike the computer’s main memory, or primary storage, which is based on sets of silicon chips, the more permanent secondary storage systems are usually based on magnetic disks or magnetic tape. While computers may need only enough main memory capacity to carry out the computer’s processing tasks, secondary storage is usually much larger because it is used to store many different types of data and program files for long periods of time.

2. A computer program will usually be stored in secondary storage. When that program is started, key instructions related to that program’s functions are transferred from permanent storage to main memory. The program will usually provide a way for the user to load data from secondary storage to be used while the program is in operation and a way to save data back to secondary storage after processing.

3. Since both data and processing instructions can be temporarily stored in the chip-based primary memory system, it is not necessary for secondary storage systems to be as fast as main memory. The constant data transfers between the CPU and main memory take place in a few billionths of a second (nanoseconds). Data transfers to and from secondary storage are more likely to be measured in thousandths of a second (milliseconds), a considerably slower rate of transfer.

4. Although many types of secondary storage have been invented, the most common type of secondary storage system in use today is based on disks that are coated with a magnetized surface. On the magnetic medium that coats these disks, tiny areas can be aligned magnetically in one of two different ways. Using this bipolar system of magnetism, data can be stored on the disk using the binary code. Each area that can be magnetized is known as a bit and the bits are grouped to form bytes. Typically, each byte stores one character, using the same binary coding method used in primary memory.

5. Diskettes (commonly referred to as floppy disks) are a form of portable storage that can be inserted into a computer’s diskette drive. Today’s diskettes for personal computers vary considerably in their storage capacities. These diskettes may have 40 tracks, 80 tracks, or more. More tracks mean more storage capacity, but it also means that the data on diskettes with differing numbers of tracks cannot be read by disk drives that do not have the capability to read or write that many tracks. This can cause problems when you are using diskettes to transport data from one computer to another.

6. Fixed disks, often referred to as hard disks, use the same magnetic media as diskettes. But while diskettes can be used to carry data from a computer to a computer, fixed disks are internal devices used to store much larger amounts of data inside the computer. Fixed disks often use several magnetically coated disks stacked one on top of the other. All of these disk platters inside the sealed case spin at the same rate, but each disk has its own set of read/write heads. Fixed disks start spinning as soon as the computer is turned on.


secondary storage devices внешние запоминающие устройства (ЗУ)
primary storage основное ЗУ
to coat покрывать
storage capacity объем памяти
platter жесткий диск
transfer, n перемещение данных из одного места в другое

5. Укажите, какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. The capacity of secondary storage devices is much smaller in comparison with the main memory.

2. Secondary storage systems should be as fast as main memory units.

3. Hard disks are used to store larger amounts of data than diskettes.

6. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. Which of the units is bigger – a bit or a byte?

(a) a bit;

(b) a byte.

2. Are floppy disks considered a portable or a fixed form of secondary storage?

(a) a portable form;

(b) a fixed form.

7. Прочтите предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1. The most common type of secondary storage system in use today is based on disks that are coated with a magnetized surface.

(a) Наиболее общий тип внешних запоминающих устройств в использовании сегодня основан на дисках покрытых магнитной поверхностью.

(b) Наиболее распространенный тип внешних запоминающих устройств, используемых сегодня, основан на дисках с намагничивающимся покрытием.

2. One of the forms of secondary storage is diskettes, commonly referred to as floppy disks.

(a) Одной из форм внешних запоминающих устройств являются дискеты, обычно называемые гибкими дисками.

(b) Одной из форм внешних запоминающих устройств являются дискеты, обычно относимые к гибким дискам.

3. Fixed disks start spinning as soon as the computer is turned on.

(a) Фиксированные диски начинают вращаться, как только компьютер поворачивается.

(b) Жесткие диски начинают вращаться, как только включается компьютер.

Вариант 2

1. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув придаточные предложения. Укажите тип придаточного предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

For a long time Bell couldn’t get the results that he was looking for. Белл не мог долгое время получить результаты, которые он искал (определительное придаточное предложение).

1. Since the computer deals with pulses, the input device is a way of converting numbers written on paper into pulses and sending them to the storage.

2. Morse developed the simple operator key which when depressed completed an electric circuit and sent an electric pulse to a distant receiver.

3. The heat a body contains is the kinetic energy of its molecules.

4. They orbit the earth at a speed that allows them to stay above the same place on the earth at all time.

5. He explained that first of all, we should press the button.

6. As the warm air rises, cooler air takes its place.

7. I wonder whose code is still used in some modern teletype machines.

8. We knew he had made an important discovery.

2. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функции should, would в предложениях.

We should introduce this method if it were efficient (вспомогательный глагол при образовании сослагательного наклонения). A magnet would attract pieces of iron (модальный глагол). Мы бы ввели этот метод, если бы он был эффективным.   Магнит обычно притягивает куски железа.

1. We knew that we should finish our work in time.

2. If I knew enough about the machine I should mend it myself.

3. Scientists said that many of devices would evolve into more versatile equipment.

4. The engineer said they would carry out an experiment with the new device.

5. The substance under investigation should be examined both by chemical and physical means.

6. If the student had been more careful during the experiment, he wouldn’t have broken the instrument.

7. It is required that the programmer should code the instructions of the program in the appropriate sequence.

8. If I had the time I should help you to solve the problem.

9. You should follow all the important scientific research in your field.

10. I wish you would write down these data.

3. Перепишите предложения, обратив внимание на различные значения выделенных слов. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

This formula is not so simple as you think.   This is due to the raise of temperature. Эта формула не такая простая, как вы думаете. Это происходит из-за повышения температуры.

1. Wireless network use either infrared or radio frequency transmissions to link these mobile computers to networks.

2. In 1921 Einstein got his Nobel Prize not for the theory of relativity but for a logic explanation of photoelectric effect.

3. At present plastics as well as metals are widely used in various branches of industry.

4. Since the moon is the nearest body to the Earth, we know more about it than we know about any other planet.

5. Both silicon and germanium are semiconductors.

6. Because of their small size transistors make it possible to produce devices which can not be made with vacuum tubes.

7. Neither of the possible ways is simple.

4. Прочтите текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

Hard Disk

1. A hard disk drive (HDD, also formerly known as a fixed disk drive) is a device which stores data on rapidly rotating disks with magnetic surfaces.

Hard drives record information by magnetizing a magnetic material in a pattern that represents the data. They read the data back by detecting the magnetization of the material. A typical hard disk drive design consists of a spindle which holds one or more flat circular disks called platters, onto which the data is recorded. The platters are made from a non-magnetic material, usually glass or aluminum, and are coated with a thin layer of magnetic material. Older drives used iron (III) oxide as the magnetic material, but current drives use a cobalt-based alloy.

2. The platters are spun at very high speeds. Information is written to a platter as it rotates past mechanisms called read-and-write heads that fly very close over the magnetic surface. The read-and-write head is used to detect and modify the magnetization of the material immediately under it. There is one head for each magnetic platter surface on the spindle, mounted on a common arm. An actuator arm moves the heads on an arc across the platters as they spin, allowing each head to access almost the entire surface of the platter as it spins.

3. The magnetic surface of each platter is divided into many small sub-micrometer-sized magnetic regions, each of which is used to encode a single binary unit of information. In today’s hard drives each of these magnetic regions is composed of a few hundred magnetic grains. Each magnetic region forms a magnetic dipole which generates a highly localized magnetic field nearby. The write head magnetizes a magnetic region by generating a strong local magnetic field nearby. Early hard drives used the same inductor that was used to read the data as an electromagnet to create this field. Today, thin film heads are most common. With these later technologies, the read and write head are separate mechanisms, but are on the same actuator arm.

4. Hard drives have a mostly sealed enclosure that protects the drive internals from dust, condensation, and other sources of contamination. The hard disk’s read-write heads fly on an air bearing which is a cushion of air only nanometers above the disk surface. The disk surface and the drive’s internal environment must therefore be kept immaculate to prevent damage from fingerprints, hair, dust, smoke particles and such, given the sub-microscopic gap between the heads and disk.

5. Using rigid platters and sealing the unit allows much tighter tolerances than in a floppy disk. Consequently, hard disks can store much more data than floppy disks and access and transmit it faster. In 2006, a typical workstation hard disk might store between 80 GB and 1Tb of data, rotate at 7,200 to 10,000 revolutions per minute (RPM), and have a sequential media transfer rate of over 50 MB/s. The fastest workstation and server hard drives spin at 15,000 RPM, and can achieve sequential media transfer speeds up to and beyond 80 MB/s.


to read back считывать
read-and-write head головка считывания/записи данных
arm рычаг
to spin, v (spun, spun) быстро вращаться
enclosure корпус
revolution здесь: оборот

5. Укажите, какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. The platters of the hard disk drives rotate at low speeds.

2. HDDs have an ordinary enclosure with several apertures that make the access to the internals free and easy.

3. HDDs are capable of storing much more data than diskettes.

6. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. Do HDDs store data on the tape or magnetic disks?

(a) magnetic disks;

(b) magnetic tape.

2. What material is used for platters today?

(a) cobalt - based alloy;

(b) iron oxide.

7. Прочтите предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1. Read-and-write heads fly very close over the magnetic surface.

(a) Головки считывания/записи перемещаются над магнитной поверхностью на очень маленьком расстоянии.

(b) Головки считывания/записи летают близко над магнитной поверхностью.

2. The read-and-write head is used to detect and modify the magnetization of the material immediately under it.

(a) Головка считывания/записи используется для обнаружения и изменения магнетизации материала сразу под ней.

(b) Головка считывания-записи используется для нахождения и изменения намагниченности материала непосредственно под ней.

3. Hard disks can store much more data than floppy disks and access and transmit it faster.

(a) Жесткие диски могут хранить намного больше информации по сравнению с гибкими дисками и обеспечивают более быстрый доступ к ней и ее передачу.

(b) Жесткие диски могут хранить намного больше информации чем гибкие диски и имеют доступ и передают ее.

Вариант 3

1. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув придаточные предложения. Укажите тип придаточного предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

For a long time Bell couldn’t get the results that he was looking for. Белл не мог долгое время получить результаты, которые он искал (определительное придаточное предложение).

1. This is the principle the mercury thermometer is based upon.

2. She announced that she was then going to read out the results.

3. The latest optical disk development is a system which enables computer users to record their own information on a glass or plastic disk.

4. We know there exist the relationship between the input and the output signal.

5. Electric current can only flow when there is a path provided for it.

6. He wanted to see if these substances also gave rise to X-rays.

7. The invention that was barely noticed in 1948 has created the computer age.

8. They should know this theory well, as it is of great importance in modern science.

2. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функции should, would в предложениях.

We should introduce this method if it were efficient (вспомогательный глагол при образовании сослагательного наклонения). A magnet would attract pieces of iron (модальный глагол). Мы бы ввели этот метод, если бы он был эффективным.   Магнит обычно притягивает куски железа.

1. I thought I should come to the laboratory.

2. «Do you think it’s worth repairing this TV set?» – «No, I should buy a new one.»

3. Without the Sun there would be no light, no heat, no energy of any kind.

4. Yesterday I found out that the professor would lecture on the latest developments in computer science.

5. It is important that safety measures should be taken.

6. If she had known how difficult the job was, she wouldn’t have taken it.

7. The manager demanded that the work should be performed in time.

8. They said that some telephones would be able to store not only phone numbers but also names and personal information about callers.

9. If many copies were needed then ink0jet printer would have to print each copy individually.

10. We were sure that we should be able to overcome all the difficulties in our research.

3. Перепишите предложения, обратив внимание на различные значения выделенных слов. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

This formula is not so simple as you think.   This is due to the raise of temperature. Эта формула не такая простая, как вы думаете. Это происходит из-за повышения температуры.

1. The applications of laser in industry and science are so many and so varied as to suggest magic.

2. Because the tube uses free electrons only and has no mechanical moving parts, it responds within a few microseconds to any change placed upon it.

3. Electronic circuits switch telephone calls both on Earth and in communications satellites.

4. How long since Popov invented radio?

5. The device due to professor Smiss is of great interest.

6. Neither of these methods can be used in that case.

7. Telephone is a device for reproducing sounds over considerable distances.

4. Прочтите текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

Вариант 4

1. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув придаточные предложения. Укажите тип придаточного предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

For a long time Bell couldn’t get the results that he was looking for. Белл не мог долгое время получить результаты, которые он искал (определительное придаточное предложение).

1. I wanted to know what significant developments are used in telegraphy nowadays.

2. Clearly identify the users’ needs lest your software cause confusion while running it.

3. We hope we’ll buy the computer your friend spoke so much about.

4. Computers are products of science and technology that are, in turn, having an enormous impact on science and technology.

5. Many electrical engineers and scientists believe that the ultimate limits of size in these circuits might soon be reached.

6. One of the problems Kurchatov worked at was the problem of mastering controlled thermonuclear reactions.

7. The transistor is a semiconductor triode possessing characteristics which are similar to those of thermionic triodes.

8. If the temperature is low, the reaction will proceed slowly.

2. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функции should, would в предложениях.

We should introduce this method if it were efficient (вспомогательный глагол при образовании сослагательного наклонения). A magnet would attract pieces of iron (модальный глагол). Мы бы ввели этот метод, если бы он был эффективным.   Магнит обычно притягивает куски железа.

1. He said that I should mention my work.

2. Without radio electronics there would be no cybernetics, cosmonautics and nuclear physics.

3. Write down the algorithm of computer operations lest you should make errors.

4. If we placed a small bulb in a complete circuit, it would light up.

5. A Winchester would provide faster access to large amounts of information.

6. If he had not used this formula, he would not have made this mistake.

7. To have got a better mark, you should have checked your answer more thoroughly.

8. He reported that future modifications and technology innovations would be able to blur the distinctions between appliances.

9. Before beginning the experiment one should carefully read all the instructions.

10. It is necessary that the data received should be highly accurate.

3. Перепишите предложения, обратив внимание на различные значения выделенных слов. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

This formula is not so simple as you think.   This is due to the raise of temperature. Эта формула не такая простая, как вы думаете. Это происходит из-за повышения температуры.

1. Due to reduced size and weight microelectronics may be used to increase the speed of the equipment.

2. Because the digital pulses can be regenerated perfectly no noise or other degradation is apparent at the receiving end.

3. He was working at that design for two days.

4. Potential is really neither a force nor a pressure.

5. There are two kinds of transformation which are known as physical and chemical changes.

6. Transistors are very sensitive both to the action of light and to that of nuclear particles.

7. Since mineral deposits on the earth are not unlimited it is possible that future man will use mineral deposits on the moon.

4. Прочтите текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

Computer Viruses

1. A computer virus is a self-replicating computer program written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission or knowledge of the user. Though the term is commonly used to refer to a range of malware, a true virus must replicate itself, and must execute itself. The latter criteria are often met by a virus which replaces existing executable files with a virus-infected copy. While viruses can be intentionally destructive-destroying data, for example – some viruses are benign or merely annoying.

2. A computer virus behaves in a way similar to a biological virus, which spreads by inserting itself into living cells. It will pass from one computer to another like a real life biological virus passes from person to person. For example, it is estimated by experts that the Mydoom worm infected a quarter-million computers in a single day in January 2004.

Unlike biological viruses, computer viruses do not simply evolve by themselves. Computer viruses do not come into existence spontaneously, nor are they likely to be created by bugs in regular programs. They are deliberately created by programmers, or by people who use virus creation software. Computer viruses can only do what the programmers have programmed them to do.

3. Virus writers can have various reasons for creating and spreading malware. Viruses have been written as research projects, pranks, vandalism, to attack the products of specific companies, to distribute political messages etc. Some virus writers consider their creations to be works of art, and see virus writing as a creative hobby. Additionally, many virus writers oppose deliberately destructive payload routines. Some viruses were intended as «good viruses». They spread improvements to the programs they infect, or delete other viruses. These viruses are, however, quite rare, still consume system resources, may accidentally damage systems they infect, and, on occasion, have become infected and acted as vectors for malicious viruses. A poorly written «good virus» can also inadvertently become a virus in and of itself (for example, such a ‘good virus’ may misidentify its target file and delete an innocent system file by mistake). Moreover, they normally operate without asking for the permission of the computer owner. Since self-replicating code causes many complications, it is questionable if a well-intentioned virus can ever solve a problem in a way that is superior to a regular program that does not replicate itself.

4. Releasing computer viruses (as well as worms) is a crime in most jurisdictions.

Some viruses are programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard disk. Others are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio messages. Even these benign viruses can create problems for the computer user. They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate programs. As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system crashes. In addition, many viruses are bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data loss.


malware проблемы в работе оборудования
executable file исполнимый (исполняемый) файл, файл с программой или командный файл
to evolve развиваться
payload полезная нагрузка
malicious злонамеренный
target file файл-мишень

5. Укажите, какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. Some viruses can be highly destructive.

2. In its behavior, computer viruses are quite different from biological viruses.

3. In most countries, releasing computer viruses is considered to be a crime.

6. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. Do computer viruses appear spontaneously or they are created by virus writers?

(a) they are created by virus writers;

(b) they appear spontaneously.

2. Do computer viruses usually operate with or without asking for the permission of a computer user?

(a) without asking;

(b) with permission.

7. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1. Some virus writers consider their creations to be works of art.

(a) Некоторые авторы вирусов считают их создания произведениями искусства.

(b) Некоторые авторы вирусов считают их создания работами искусства.

2. A poorly written «good virus» can also inadvertently become a virus in and of itself.

(a) Бедно написанный “хороший вирус” может непреднамеренно стать вирусом сам из себя.

(b) Плохо написанный “хороший вирус” может стать вирусом сам по себе.

3. Some viruses are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio messages.

(a) Некоторые вирусы не ставят цель нанести вред, а лишь воспроизводят себя, дают о себе знать в виде появляющегося текста, изображения или звукового сообщения.

(b) Некоторые вирусы не предназначены для нанесения вреда, а лишь воспроизводят себя и делают их присутствие, представляя текст, изображение или звуковые сообщения.

Вариант 5

1. Перепишите предложения, подчеркнув придаточные предложения. Укажите тип придаточного предложения и переведите их на русский язык.

For a long time Bell couldn’t get the results that he was looking for. Белл не мог долгое время получить результаты, которые он искал (определительное придаточное предложение).

1. A transformer cannot be called a machine for it has no moving parts.

2. It can be said that the world is in the midst of an electronic revolution.

3. A substrate may be active, when parts of it display transistance.

4. Einstein gave an entirely new idea of the world we live in.

5. Microprocessors, which are at the heart of millions of personal and home computers, pack the same computing power into a tiny chip.

6. It is difficult to establish whether this problem can be solved at all.

7. The laboratory assistant said he would demonstrate a linear amplifier.

8. Fiber-optic cables are cables made of specially treated glass that can transmit signals in the form of pulsed beams of laser light.

2. Перепишите предложения, переведите их на русский язык и определите функции should, would в предложениях.

We should introduce this method if it were efficient (вспомогательный глагол при образовании сослагательного наклонения). A magnet would attract pieces of iron (модальный глагол). Мы бы ввели этот метод, если бы он был эффективным.   Магнит обычно притягивает куски железа.

1. The director asked when the materials of our research would be typed.

2. It is important that the current should be measured exactly.

3. The results of the experiments should be checked up very carefully.

4. He said that the new transistor would weight about 100 grams.

5. They suggest that he should begin the test immediately.

6. Without computers the development of atomic power stations would be quite impossible.

7. The results were completely wrong. As a scientist she should have planned the experiment more carefully.

8. The system boot would not stop for a disk error.

9. If one knew the dimensions of the body, he would easily calculate its volume.

10. He said that I should do that work myself.

Methods to Avoid Detection

1. In order to avoid detection by users, some viruses employ different kinds of deception. Some old viruses, especially on the MS-DOS platform, make sure that the «last modified» date of a host file stays the same when the file is infected by the virus. This approach does not fool anti-virus software, however.

Some viruses, called cavity viruses, can infect files without increasing their sizes or damaging the files. They accomplish this by overwriting unused areas of executable files.

Some viruses try to avoid detection by killing the tasks associated with antivirus software before it can detect them.

2. As computers and operating systems grow larger and more complex, old hiding techniques need to be updated or replaced.

3. A virus needs to infect hosts in order to spread further. In some cases, it might be a bad idea to infect a host program. For example, many anti-virus programs perform an integrity check of their own code. Infecting such programs will therefore increase the likelihood that the virus is detected. For this reason, some viruses are programmed not to infect programs that are known to be part of anti-virus software. Another type of hosts that viruses sometimes avoid is bait files. Bait files (or goat files) are files that are specially created by anti-virus software, or by anti-virus professionals themselves, to be infected by a virus. These files can be created for various reasons, all of which are related to the detection of the virus.

4. Anti-virus professionals can use bait files to take a sample of a virus (i.e. a copy of a program file that is infected by the virus). It is more practical to store and exchange a small, infected bait file, than to exchange a large application program that has been infected by the virus.

Anti-virus professionals can use bait files to study the behavior of a virus and evaluate detection methods. This is especially useful when the virus is polymorphic. In this case, the virus can be made to infect a large number of bait files. The infected files can be used to test whether a virus scanner detects all versions of the virus.

Some anti-virus software employs bait files that are accessed regularly. When these files are modified, the anti-virus software warns the user that a virus is probably active on the system.

Since bait files are used to detect the virus, or to make detection possible, a virus can benefit from not infecting them. Viruses typically do this by avoiding suspicious programs, such as small program files or programs that contain certain patterns of «garbage instructions».

A related strategy to make baiting difficult is sparse infection. Sometimes, sparse infectors do not infect a host file that would be a suitable candidate for infection in other circumstances. For example, a virus can decide on a random basis whether to infect a file or not, or a virus can only infect host files on particular days of the week.

Some viruses try to trick anti-virus software by intercepting its requests to the operating system. A virus can hide itself by intercepting the anti-virus software’s request to read the file and passing the request to the virus, instead of the OS. The virus can then return an uninfected version of the file to the anti-virus software, so that it seems that the file is «clean».


host хост общий термин, описывающий нечто, содержащее ресурс и предоставляющее к нему доступ
executable file исполнимый (исполняемый) файл, файл с программой или командный файл
likelihood вероятность
bait (goat) file файл-приманка

5. Укажите, какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. Cavity viruses, can infect files by overwriting unused areas of executable files.

2. With the development of computers and operating systems the techniques of hiding viruses are also updated.

3. Viruses spread without infecting hosts.

6. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. How do we call the files specially created by professionals for detection of viruses?

(a) bait files;

(b) hosts.

2. Does the infection of host programmes and particularly of antivirus software increase or decrease the possibility of virus detection?

(a) increase;

(b) decrease.

7. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1. As computers and operating systems grow larger and more complex, old hiding techniques need to be updated or replaced.

(a) С увеличением компьютеров и сложности оперативных систем cстарые способы маскировки требуют обновления и замены.

(b) Так как возможности и сложность компьютеров и ОС постоянно увеличиваются, старые способы маскировки требуют обновления и замены.

2. In this case, the virus can be made to infect a large number of bait files.

(a) В этом случае может быть создан вирус, чтобы заражать большое число файлов-приманок.

(b) В этом случае можно сделать так, чтобы вирус заражал большое число файлов-приманок.

3. A related strategy to make baiting difficult is sparse infection.

(a) Соответствующей стратегией для затруднения обнаружения вирусов файлами-приманками является заражение вразброс.

(b) Связанной стратегией сделать обнаружение вирусов трудным является разбросанное заражение.

Вариант 1

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обратив внимание на неличные формы глагола.

1. A new operator lacks the experience required for practical action.

2. Algol is a system being developed and intended to become a universal programming language.

3. The scientists were provided with all necessary information to make their decision on this problem.

4. The device known to be built by Charles Babbage is now considered to be the parent of modern computers.

5. We were all for starting the experiment at once.

2. Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на местоимения-заменители существительных.

1. Whereas the older integrated circuits contained hundreds of transistors, the new ones contain thousands or tens of thousands.

2. Digital recording is almost free of signals. This applies fully to both video and audio signals.

3. The results of this experiment differ greatly from those received in the previous one.

4. His amplifier is cheaper and smaller than mine.

3. Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на усилительные конструкции.

1. The presser didn’t change nor did the temperature.

2. It is the discovery of thermoelectronic emission that gave the beginning to the development of vacuum tubes.

3. Only in these conditions does the process becomes stable.

4. It is the computer aided tomography that helps to diagnose many diseases without making operations.

5. It was Ohm who discovered the law of electrical resistance.

4. Прочтите текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

Вариант 2

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обратив внимание на неличные формы глагола.

1. Nearly all the assembly line problems as documented in the literature were solved by this method.

2. Using the energy of the atom we produce electric energy at atomic plants.

3. It is important to know the basic principle to be observed in the design and use of optical equipment.

4. Scientists are looking for new ways for the improvement of integrated circuits technology.

5. Having modified the device architecture he succeeded in getting higher performance at lower power consumption.

2. Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на местоимения-заменители существительных.

1. The masers can operate at other frequencies than those used in the microwave region.

2. No connection is possible other than that indicated in the service manual.

3. The other methods are not as efficient as this one.

4. With lasers, al the light waves have the same length and this increases the intensity.

5. If you’d like to repair your radio, you can take my transistor, not his.

3. Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на усилительные конструкции.

1. Experiments showed that the starting products did contain impurities.

2. It is not the existence of an adding machine that is of importance in a business system.

3. This type of integrated circuits does make the chip much more effective.

4. It was in Leningrad where Kurchatov began his work.

5. It was Einstein who provided a new conception of time, space and gravitation.

4. Прочтите текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

Bipolar Junction Transistor

1. A bipolar junction transistor (BJT) is a type of transistor. It is a three-terminal device constructed of doped semiconductor material and may be used in amplifying or switching applications. Bipolar transistors are so named because their operation involves both electrons and holes.

Although a small part of the base-emitter current is carried by the majority carriers, the main current is carried by minority carriers in the base, and so BJTs are classified as «minority-carrier» devices.

2. A BJT consists of three differently doped semiconductor regions, the emitter region, the base region and the collector region. These regions are, respectively, p-type, n-type and p-type in a PNP, and n-type, p-type and n-type in a NPN transistor. Each semiconductor region is connected to a terminal, appropriately labeled: emitter (E), base (B) and collector (C).

The base is physically located between the emitter and the collector and is made from lightly doped, high resistivity material. The collector surrounds the emitter region, making it almost impossible for the electrons injected into the base region to escape being collected, thus making the resulting value of α very close to unity, and so, giving the transistor a large β. A cross section view of a BJT indicates that the collector-base junction has a much larger area than the emitter-base junction.

3. The bipolar junction transistor, unlike other transistors, is not a symmetrical device. This means that interchanging the collector and the emitter makes the transistor leave the forward active mode and start to operate in reverse mode. Because the transistor’s internal structure is usually optimized to forward-mode operation, interchanging the collector and the emitter makes the values of α and β of reverse operation much smaller than those found in forward operation; usually, the α of the reverse mode is lower than 0.5. The lack of symmetry is primarily due to the doping ratios of the emitter and the collector. The emitter is heavily doped, while the collector is lightly doped, allowing a large reverse bias voltage to be applied before the collector-base junction breaks down. The collector-base junction is reverse biased in normal operation. The reason the emitter is heavily doped is to increase the emitter injection efficiency: the ratio of carriers injected by the emitter to those injected by the base. For high current gain, most of the carriers injected into the emitter-base junction must come from the emitter.

Small changes in the voltage applied across the base-emitter terminals causes the current that flows between the emitter and the collector to change significantly. This effect can be used to amplify the input voltage or current. BJTs can be thought of as voltage-controlled current sources, but are more simply characterized as current-controlled current sources, or current amplifiers, due to the low impedance at the base.

4. Early transistors were made from germanium but most modern BJTs are made from silicon. A significant minority are also now made from gallium arsenide, especially for very high speed applications.


junction transistor плоскостной транзистор
to dope добавлять примеси
base-emitter current ток, протекающий от базы к эмиттеру
minority current carriers неосновные носители тока
forward active mode режим прямого смещения
reverse bias обратное смещение

5. Укажите, какие из данных утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста.

1. Bipolar junction transistors refer to “majority current carrier” devices.

2. The material used for making the base is usually lightly doped and has high resistivity.

3. Due to its properties transistors are used as current amplifiers.

6. Выберите правильные ответы на вопросы.

1. What material is more popular for making transistors?

(a) germanium;

(b) silicon.

2. Why is the emitter doped heavier than collector?

(a) In order to increase the number of current carriers injected by the emitter.

(b) In order to decrease the emitter injection efficiency.

7. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

1. This means that interchanging the collector and the emitter makes the transistor leave the forward active mode and start to operate in reverse mode.

(a) Это значит, что переключения коллектора и эмиттера вынуждают транзистор переходить из активного прямого режима в обратный режим

(b) Это значит, что меняющиеся коллектор и эмиттер вынуждают транзистор оставить активный режим и начать работать в обратном режиме.

2. The lack of symmetry is primarily due to the doping ratios of the emitter and the collector.

(a) Сначала отсутствие симметрии является результатом соотношения уровней примесей в эмиттере и коллекторе.

(b) Отсутствие симметрии в первую очередь объясняется соотношением уровней примесей в эмиттере и коллекторе.

3. It makes the resulting value of α very close to unity.

(a) Это приводит к тому, что значение α приближается к единице.

(b) Это делает результирующую величину α близкой единству.

Вариант 3

Вариант 4

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обратив внимание на неличные формы глагола.

1. System design progresses through several stages, becoming detailed in each stage.

2. The other conditions being equal, the acceleration will be the same.

3. Based on stage-by-stage schedule, the programme embraces different fields of space research and exploitation.

4. The syntax and semantics of these languages are very sophisticated, making the translation to machine languages a complex process.

5. Computer attacked by the virus crushed.

2. Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на местоимения-заменители существительных.

1. The result, like the one just described, is not surprising.

2. The robot, which he has made is more reliable than mine.

3. Carbon, silicon and germanium have a unique property in their electron structure. This allows them to form nice crystals.

4. One positive charge is now called a proton and this charge is equal to that of one electron.

5. Computers of today are hundred times smaller than those of the first generation.

3. Переведите следующие предложения, обратив внимание на усилительные конструкции.

1. Only when we passed to the distributed way of processing did the system work perfectly.

2. It is precisely this opinion that influenced the research in the sphere of computer memory improvement.

3. Only then does the increase of voltage not lead to output current amplification.

4. It is this technique that we do subject to doubts and consider it non effective.

5. It was the Russian scientist Lodygin who invented the electric lamp.

4. Прочтите текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

Transistor Models

1. Transistors are complicated devices. In order to ensure the reliable operation of circuits employing transistors, it is necessary to model the physical phenomena observed in their operation analytically using transistor models. There exists a variety of different models, that range in complexity.

Transistor models are used for almost all modern electronic design work. Analog circuit simulators such as SPICE use models to predict the behavior of a design. Most design work is related to integrated circuit designs which have a very large tooling cost, primarily for the masks used to create the devices, and there is a large economic incentive to get the design working without any iteration. Complete and accurate models allow a large percentage of designs to work the first time.

Modern designs are usually very complex or for some application that requires low power, high speed, or some other specialized performance that is difficult to predict without accurate models of the devices used. Comprehensive models include the primary terminal current-voltage characteristics, capacitances between terminals, and parasitic capacitance, resistance, and inductance, time delays, and temperature effects.

2. Non-linear or large signal transistor models fall into three main types:

Physical models – These types of models are based upon the device physics describing the specific phenomena within a transistor. Parameters within these models are based upon physical properties such as oxide thicknesses, substrate doping concentrations, carrier mobility, etc.

Empirical models – This type of model is entirely based upon curve fitting techniques, using whatever equations most accurately fits the measured data to specify the operation of the transistor in simulation. Unlike the previous model, the parameters within such a model have no basis on physical constants and are instead simply the coefficients, exponents, etc., used in the measured data curve-fitting expressions.

Table models – The third type of model is a form of look-up table containing a large number of values for common device parameters such as drain current and device parasitics. These values are indexed in reference to their corresponding bias voltage combinations. Thus, model accuracy is increased by inclusion of additional data points within the table. The chief advantage of this type of model is decreased simulation time.

Non-linear models are used with a computer


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