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Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку «Личные формы глагола в контексте английских времен»
Санкт-Петербург УДК 372.881.111 (0758) Барляева Е.А., Короткова Н.Л. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса факультета ветеринарной медицины СПб ГАВМ «Личные формы глагола в контексте английских времен». -78 с.
Учебно-методическое пособие «Личные формы глагол в контексте английских времен», предназначенное для студентов первого курса факультета ветеринарной медицины, содержит базовые аспекты английской грамматики, а именно: парадигмы спряжения глагола в основных группах времен английского языка. При этом используется как общая лексика, так и специальная ветеринарная терминология, что поможет студентам расширить границы их языковой компетенции. Учебно-методическое пособие содержит разнообразные упражнения для тренировки и закрепления грамматических навыков студентов. В конце разделов даются тесты для проверки результативности овладения знаниями. Данное учебно-методическое пособие может быть широко использовано на практических занятиях, как в работе с преподавателем, так и при самостоятельной работе студентов.
Рецензент: О. И. Кайдалова, к.ф.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургской государственной академии ветеринарной медицины.
Рекомендовано к печати методическим советом СПб ГАВМ
© Санкт-Петербургская государственная СПРЯЖЕНИЕ ГЛАГОЛА TO BE (быть) в PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE
Прежде всего мы рассмотрим спряжение глаголов to be и to have. В отличие от других глаголов глаголы “to be” и “to have” могут выступать не только как смысловые глаголы, имеющие значение «быть» (to be) и «иметь» (to have), но и как вспомогательные глаголы. Вспомогательные глаголы (в отличие от смысловых, полнозначных глаголов) лишены лексического значения. Они имеют только грамматическое значение и служат для построения сложных грамматических форм. Однако сначала мы рассмотрим эти глаголы как смысловые, полнозначные глаголы.
Exercise. 1. Fill in the gap with the proper form of the verb to be. 1. What … your name? – My name … Shirley Frank. 2. What … your address? – My address … 175 Grand Central Parkway. 3. What … your phone number? – My phone number … 718 -1940. 4. Where … you from? – I … from New-York. 5. I … a student. 6. My father … not a teacher. He … a scientist. 7. … your aunt a doctor? - Yes, she … an animal doctor, a vet. 8. … they at home? – No, they … not at home. They … at work. 9. … your brother a schoolboy? – Yes, he …. 10. My friend Helen … a painter. She has some nice pictures. They … on the walls. She has got a lot of paper. It … on the table. 11. This … my bag. It … brown. 12. Art … long, life … short. 13. Two heads … better than one. 14. How … you? – I … fine, thank you. – I … happy to hear that. Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English, using the verb to be in the Present Simple Tense. 1. Меня зовут Катя. 2. Мне семнадцать лет. 3. Я русская. Я из Санкт-Петербурга. 4. Я студентка. 5. Мой любимый вид спорта – теннис. 6. Мой любимый предмет – биология. 7. Мой папа – зубной врач. 8. Его любимые виды спорта – футбол и плавание. 9. Где твоя мама? - Она на работе. 10. Где твоя тетрадь? – Она на столе. 11. Где твой брат? – Он в школе. 12. Где твой стол? – Он посередине комнаты. Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box.
Model: I’ m not English. I’m French. 1. Vienna … in Austria. 2. Where … you from? 3. I … on holiday right now. I … at work. 4. My teacher … very funny. 5. I … hungry. How much … a cheese sandwich? 6. We … tired. We want to go to bed. 7. Learning English … boring. It … interesting! 8. Buses in London … yellow. They … red. 9. He … married. He … single. 10. It … Monday today. It … Tuesday. Exercise 4. Match a line in A with a line in B to make a question. Then find an answer in C.
Exercise 5. Complete the questions. Model: What’s her surname? – Hopkins. 1. __ __her first name? – Mary. 2. __ __she___? – England. 3. _____ __ ___job? – She is a journalist. 4. What’s ____ ____? – 35 North Street, Bristol. 5. ___ _ __ ___phone number? – 0272 478 2209. 6. How old ____ ____? – Twenty three. 7. Is she ___________? – No, she single. Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps with am, is or are. 1. The sky … blue today. 2. I … not tired. 3. This bag … heavy. 4. These bags … heavy. 5. The child … asleep. 6. Look! This … John. 7. I … cold. Could you shut the window, please? 8. My brother and I … good tennis players. 9. Ann … at home, but her parents … at work.
Exercise 7. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Твой брат дома? 2. Эта гостиница очень дорогая. 3. Я интересуюсь искусством. 4. Сколько стоят эти открытки (postcards)? 5. Я не устала. 6. Они не студенты, они врачи. 7. Мне жарко. 8. Ты интересуешься иностранными языками? 9. Сегодня холодно? 10. Я не голоден. Exercise 8. Write positive or negative sentences. Use am, am not, is, isn’t, are, aren’t 1. Brussels … the capital of Belgium. 2. I … interested in hockey. 3. It … cold today. 4. I … afraid of dogs. 5. My hands … dirty. 6. Russia … a very big country. 7. Squirrels … big animals. 8. Diamonds … cheap. Exercise 9. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the verb to be in the Present Simple Tense. 1. Where … you? – I … in the kitchen. 2. Where … Fred? – He … in the garage. 3. Where … Lisa and John? – They … at college. 4. … you busy? – No, I … not. Mike … busy. 5. It … ten o’ clock. She … late again. 6. How … you? – I … not very well today. – I … sorry to hear that. 7. We … interested in classical music. 8. Vera … afraid of snakes. 9. My grandmother … really wonderful. 10. I … sorry. They … not in the office. 11. Where … the keys? – They … in your jacket. 12. Coffee … really very expensive here. 13. What … the time, please? – Two o’clock. 14. Where … your books? – They … in my bag. 15. What color …your notebook? – It … black. 16. Excuse me, where … the library here? – It … on the right. Exercise 10. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Я студент первого курса. 2. Я интересуюсь биологией. 3. Сейчас я в библиотеке. 4. Наша библиотека большая и просторная (big and spacious). 5. Где ваш преподаватель? 6. Сколько тебе лет? 7. Сколько стоит эта сумка? 8. Этот человек очень хороший врач. 9. Иван сейчас в Москве. 10. Мистер и Миссис Браун сейчас в Италии. 11. Ваша мама дома? – Нет, она на работе. 12. Моя мама не учительница. Она врач. Она очень хороший врач. Exercise 11. Write full sentences. Use am, is or are.
Exercise 12. Write questions with What / Who / How / Where / Why … Use the appropriate form of the verb to be. Model: (What color your house?) – What color is your house?
Exercise 13. Ask questions. (Read the answers to the questions first). Model: (his name?) What’s his name? - Robert.
Exercise 14. Read the questions. Complete the answers. 1. What day is it today? – It’s _____. 2. What day was it yesterday? – It was ___ 3. What month is it now? – It’s ___________. 4. What month was it last month? – It was _____. 5. Where are you now? – I’m in/at _____. 6. Where were you yesterday morning? – I was in/at ________. 7. Are you in England now? – _______I am/I’m not. 8. Were you in England in 2012? – ______I was/I wasn’t. Exercise 15. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, was, were. 1. Last year their son … 26, so now he … 27. 2. Today the weather … nice, but yesterday it … cold. 3. I … cold. Can I have something hot to drink? 4. I … hungry and during the lunch break I went to the student’s canteen. 5. Where … you at 10 o’clock last Sunday? 6. Don’t buy these shoes. They … too expensive. 7. Why … you so tired yesterday? 8. This time last year I … in England. 9. We … tired when we came home.
10. Anton Chekhov died in 1904. He … a famous Russian writer. 11. Where … the dogs? – I don’t know. They … in the garden ten minutes ago. Exercise 16. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Где они были вчера вечером? 2. Почему ты вчера опоздал? 3. Его вчера не было в институте. 4. Меня там не было. 5. Ее не было дома в 5 часов. 6. Билеты в театр были очень дорогие. 7. Когда мы были в Париже, погода была хорошая. Exercise 17. Fill in the gaps with the verbs from the box.
1. Last month the students …. in the Russian Museum. 2. He … a pupil two years ago, now he is a student. 3. Yesterday they … at the theatre. 4. … your father at work yesterday? – Now, he …. He … at home. 5. Where … you yesterday? – I … at the Academy. 6. When my granny … young, she … an actress. 7. Two weeks ago they … in Moscow. 8. He … nineteen yesterday. 9. When … you born? – I … born in 1997. Exercise 18. Fill in the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t. 1. We didn’t like that house. It … very old and it … large enough. 2. Helen got married when she … 20 years old. 3. I called you yesterday but you … at home. Where … you? 4. My son … at the Academy last week because he … ill. 5. The shops … open yesterday because it … a public holiday. 6. …you at home at 9.30 yesterday? – No, I …. I … at work. Exercise 19. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Вчера они были в библиотеке. 2. В прошлую субботу он был на стадионе. 3. Моя мама вчера не была на работе. 4. Мы не были на юге прошлым летом. Мы были в Москве. 5. Мои книги были на столе. Где они сейчас? 6. Мы с другом были вчера в кино. 7. Моя сестра в прошлом году была студенткой, а сейчас она ветеринарный врач. 8. Он был вчера в институте?
⃰I will not= I won’t (We won’t; they won’t; he won’t)
Exercise 20. Translate from English into Russian. 1. He will be twenty tomorrow. 2. We will be in Moscow next week. 3. Jane will be at home tomorrow. 4. Will you be here next week? 5. I will be a doctor next year. 5. Students will be on vacation in summer. 6. After lunch we will be in the library. 7. Will you be a veterinarian in five years? 8. Will she be at the academy tomorrow? Exercise 21. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Завтра они будут в театре. 2. Ты будешь завтра дома? 3. Когда твоя сестра будет дома? 4. Ты будешь летчиком? – Нет. Я буду врачом. 5. Ты тоже будешь врачом? – Нет, я буду инженером. 6. Где он будет завтра? 7. Ты завтра будешь на экзамене? 6. Мне кажется, мы будем хорошими друзьями. THERE IS/THERE ARE Конструкция there is/there are используется для выражения наличия лица или предмета (факта или явления) в каком-то месте (времени). При этом используется следующий порядок слов:
Перевод на русский язык таких конструкций начинается с конца, т.е. с обстоятельства места или времени.
Present Simple Tense
При этом надо иметь в виду, что, если в качестве подлежащего употребляется существительное во множественном числе, то при нем может употребляться местоимение SOME в утвердительном предложении, и местоимение ANY в отрицательном и вопросительном предложениях. Эти же местоимения используются и с неисчисляемыми существительными (water, butter, cheese, money, rain и т.д.)
Exercise 22. Fill in the gaps with some or any. 1. There is … milk in the bottle. 2. There are … pears on the table. 3. There is … cheese in the fridge. 4. There are … tomatoes on the kitchen table. 5. There is … lemonade in the glass. 6.There are… cookies in the box. 7. Is there … butter left? 8. There isn’t … sugar in your tea. 9. There is … ice-cream for you. 10. Is there … money in your purse? Exercise 23. Complete the sentences with the proper form of the verb to be. 1. There … a table in the corner. 2. There … some flowers on the window sill. 3. There … a photo on the table. 4. There … some pictures on the wall. 5. There … two magazines on the sofa. Exercise 24. Think about the place where you live, and answer the questions. 1. Is there a clock in your room? 2. Are there any books there? 3. Is there a table in your room? 4. Is there an armchair? 5. Is there a TV set in your room? 6. Is there a window? 7. Is there a mirror? 8. Are there any flower pots? Exercise 25. Here is the description of the kitchen. Read it and put as many questions to the text as possible. Make up your own story about your own kitchen (or any other room). It’s a modern kitchen. It is nice and clean with a lot of cupboards. There is a washing machine, a fridge, and a cooker, but there isn’t a dishwasher. There are some lovely pictures on the walls, but there aren’t any photographs. There is a boom- box near the cooker. There are some oranges and apples on the dining table. And there are some cups and plates next to the sink. Exercise 26. Ask questions to the following statements and answer them according to the model. Model:
1. There is a cat in the window. 2. There are many glasses in the cupboard. 3. There isn’t anything on the plate. 4. There are many difficult exercises in this book. 5. There are six chairs in this room. 6. There are a lot of people at the stadium. Exercise 27. Translate from Russian into English. 1. В этом журнале много интересных статей. 2. В нашем городе много музеев и театров. 3. В этой квартире есть телефон? 4. В этой комнате два окна. 5. Театр находится в центре города. 6. На столе лежит несколько книг.
Exercise 28. Extend the statements according to the model. Use the suggested words. Model:
1. There was a lake in the distance (deep). 2. There were some cottages on the river bank (pretty). 3. There was a cat on the bench (black and white). 4. There were some cakes on the plate (tasty). 5. There were some cups on the table (blue) 6. There were some girls by the window (tall). 7. There were some boxes in the corner (heavy). 8. There were different flowers in the garden (beautiful).
Exercise 29. Fill in the gaps with some or any. 1. There were … pictures in the book. 2. Were there … boys in your group last year? 3. There were … old houses in our street three years ago. 4. There were … regular busses here a year ago. 5. There was … juice in the glass. 6. Were there … mistakes in your test? 7. Were there … eggs in the fridge? 8. Were there … English speakers at the meeting? Exercise 30. Ask questions according to the pattern and give answers. Model:
1. There will be many apples on the trees this year (plums and pears). 2. There will be some changes in the text (diagrams). 3. There will be some interesting people at the party (John and Lisa). 4. There will be an interesting movie on TV tonight (talk show). 5. There will be many people at the concert (our favorite singers). 6. There will be many boats on the river in summer (tourist ships). REVISION Exercise 31. Make up questions starting with the words given in the brackets. 1. There are many patients in the reception room. (How many…?) 2. There will be many interesting articles in the next issue of this scientific journal. (What kind of articles…?). 3. There was an interesting meeting in our group yesterday. (When…?) Exercise 32. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb to be. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. There … many varieties of wild plants in this region a century ago. 2. There … a poultry farm not far from the city next year. 3. There … two horses and three cows on the farm now. 4. … there any draft animals (вьючные животные) on this farm? Exercise 33. Fill in the gaps with SOME or ANY. 1. There are … cows on the farm but there aren’t … sheep. 2. Are there … new faculties at our Academy? 3. Do you know … exotic animals which farmers have domesticated lately? 4. Soon there will be … new books on anatomy in our library. Present Simple Tense
No, I don’t/ No, we don/t Yes, they do. No, she doesn’t/No, he doesn’t Yes, it does. Past Simple Tense
Future Simple Tense
Приведем примеры отрицания с глаголом TO HAVE: · I don’t have a brother, but I have three sisters. · He didn’t have a car last year. · He won’t have any time for lunch. Exercise 34. Answer the following questions. 1. Do you have many classes today? 2. Do you have a big family? 3. Do you have any pets at home? 4. Do you have many friends at the Academy? 5. Do you have any spare time in the evening? 6. Do you have any hobbies? 7. Do you have any favorite places in St.-Petersburg? 8. Do have any plans for tomorrow? NB!!! Нужно запомнить несколько устойчивых выражений с глаголом to have: PAST SIMPLE TENSE
Past Simple Tense употребляется для передачи:
Exercise 52. Write the Past Simple Tense of these irregular verbs.
Exercise 53. Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs in the Past Simple Tense. FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE will + infinitive
Future Simple Tense употребляется в следующих случаях:
Exercise 61. Put the verb in the brackets in the Future Simple Tense. 1. My dress (be) ready tomorrow. 2. They (be) at the station in time for the 10.30 train. 3. I (know) the results of my exams in a day. 4. I (be) twenty years old next year. 5. They (call) you in an hour. 6. When he (come) back? 7. I (not see) this beautiful city again. 8. I know this artist well enough. I (recognize) his pictures anywhere. Exercise 62. Open the brackets using the verbin the Future Simple Tense. 1. I (play) chess tomorrow. 2. I (not play) chess tomorrow. 3. You (play) chess tomorrow? 4. Ann (go) to the Academy tomorrow.5. You (come) to my place next week end? 6. I (not see) him tomorrow. 7. Where you (go) next summer? 8. She (dance) at the party tomorrow? Exercise 63. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Simple Tense. 1. I want to get a medical checkup. I (go) to my doctor tomorrow. 2. He (give) me a complete examination. 3. The nurse (take) me to one of the examination rooms. 4. Dr. Setton (come in) and (say): “Hello”. 5. I (stand) on the scale so that Dr. Setton can measure my height and my weight. 6. He (take) my pulse, then he (take) my blood pressure. 7. After he takes my blood pressure, he (take) some blood for a blood analysis. 8. He (examine) my eyes, ears, nose and throat. 9. He (listen) to my heart with a stethoscope. 10. After the checkup I (go) home and (wait) for Dr. Setton’s call. 11. Dr. Setton (call) me tomorrow afternoon with good news: “Stop worrying. Your blood count is excellent”. Exercise 64. Predictions: people’s futures. Read a horoscope. Find verbs in the Future Simple Tense. Read it and see if it comes true. NB!!! – Если предложение начинается с союза if (если) и относится к будущему времени, то вместо будущего используется Present Simple Tense.
Future Simple Tense НЕ используется в условных и временных придаточных предложениях после союзов:
Exercise 65. Fill in the gaps with if or when. 1. I don’t feel well tonight. I think I’ll go straight to bed … I get home. 2. I’ll write to you about everything … I have time. 3. We’ll come and visit you … you get better. 4. We’ll cross the street … the light turns green. 5. He’ll recover soon … he takes this medicine. 6. There is a surprise waiting for him … he gets home. Exercise 66. Open the brackets using the verbs either in the Present Simple or Future Simple. (Все предложения относятся к будущему). 1. If I (come) home early, I (call) you and we (have) a talk. 2. He (go) to the library very often when he (be) a student. 3. As soon as I (return) from the Academy I (talk) to him. 4. I (stay) at home till she (come). Then we (go) to the theatre if she (buy) tickets. 5. If I (see) him, I (tell) him about your problem. 6. What we (do) if it (rain) tonight? Exercise 67. In pairs ask and answer the following questions using: I don’t think; I expect or I hope; I’m afraid I won’t Model:
Exercise 69. Change the tense according to the adverbs given in the brackets. 1. We have several lectures today (yesterday, tomorrow). 2. Our surgeons perform numerous operations every day (yesterday, next week). 3. Medical students take several exams at the end of each semester (last semester, next semester). 4. This semester we learn how to diagnose diseases and prescribe medicine (last semester, next semester). Exercise 70. Make up questions starting with the words given in the brackets. 1. We attend lectures in Biology and Chemistry on Monday. (What …..) 2. The autumn semester lasts till the end of December. (How long …) 3. I’ll go to my hometown in January. (When…) Exercise 71. Put all possible questions to the following sentences: 1. My friend carried out interesting experiments in the laboratory last week. 2. They will take these books from the library tomorrow. 3. As a rule, we prescribe antibiotics for this type of diseases.
TO BE GOING TO DO STH Выражение to be going to do something используется для передачи намерений говорящего, относящихся к будущему. На русский язык это выражение переводится как «собираться что-то делать»:
Exercise 81. What are your plans for this evening? Are you going to do any of these things? Model:
Exercise 82. Say what you are going to do after classes. Ask and answer the questions in pairs. Model:
Past Continuous Tense употребляется для передачи:
Exercise 83. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous or Past Continuous Tense. 1. I … (write) an English exercise now. 2. I … (write) an English exercise at this time yesterday. 3. My little sister … (sleep) now. 4. My little sister … (sleep) at this time yesterday. 5. My friends … (not do) their homework now, they … (play) volley-ball now. 6. My sister … (not do) their homework at seven o’clock yesterday. She … (play) volley-ball. 7. She … (read) the whole evening yesterday. 8. She … (not read) now. 8. Look! My cat … (play) with a ball. 9. When I went into the garden yesterday, the sun … (shine) and the birds … (sing). 10. You … (eat) ice-cream when I called you yesterday? 11. What your father … (do) now? 12. What your father … (do) from eight to nine yesterday? Exercise 84. Join the sentences using as, when, and while, as in the model.
1. Kathy was washing the dishes. She dropped a glass. 2. The children were playing. Their father came home. 3. Robert was driving home. He got a car accident. 4. Mick and Charlie were leaving the bank. The police arrested them. Exercise 85. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Continuous or Past Continuous Tense. Model:
1. As he … (drive) to work, he … (remember) that his briefcase was still at home. 2. Melanie … (cook) dinner when her husband … (come) home. 3. She … (type) a letter when her boss … (arrive). 4. While the dog … (dig), it … (find) a bone. 5. Mary … (ride) a bicycle when she … (notice) a small kitten. 6. When I … (do) my homework, the phone … (ring). Exercise 86. Open the brackets using the verb in Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense. 1. When I … (come) home, my sister … (sleep). 2. When my mother … (come) home, I … (do) my homework. 3. When I … (get up), my mother and father … (drink) tea. 4. When Tom … (cross) the street, he … (fall down). 5. When I … (come) to the kitchen, my mother … (cook). 6. We … (clean) the room from 5 till 6 p.m. yesterday. 7. What Nick … (do) when you … (come) to visit him? 8. When Henry … (walk) in the park, he … (find) a hedgehog. 9. The reptile (to exhibit) the symptoms of a fracture when it was examined by the surgeon yesterday. 10. The surgeon (to repair) the fractured bone from 3 till 5 p.m. yesterday. Exercise 87. Answer the questions using when and the verb in the subordinate clause in the Past Continuous Tense. Model:
1. When did you catch cold? (skate on a frosty day) 2. When did he buy those souvenirs? (travel in France) 3. When did she hear that song? (listen to the concert on the radio) 4. When did you hurt yourself (ride a bicycle) 5. When did she call you? (have supper) Exercise 88. Here is a page from Nick’s diary.
Write the sentences saying what Nick was doing at these times:
Exercise 89. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Вчера с 7 до 8 вечера он проводил операцию (perform operation). 2. Когда вчера мы зашли в операционную (operating room), он проводил операцию. 3. Вчера с 9 до 12 мы сдавали экзамен по химии. 4. Когда я читала книгу по анатомии, позвонил мой друг. 5. Вчера с 5 до 11 мы готовились к экзамену (read up for our exams). 6. Вчера, когда мы шли в Академию, мы встретили нашего преподавателя английского языка. 7. На конференции с 12.00 до 3.00. мы обсуждали проблемы болезней домашних животных. 8. Когда мы осматривали животных на ферме, мы обнаружили двух коров в плохом состоянии (poor condition). THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE
⃰I’ll be reading = I will be reading Future Continuous Tense употребляется:
Exercise 90. Put the verbs in the brackets in the Future Continuous Tense. 1. Don’t call her at 12 o’clock. She (read up) for her exam. 2. At this time tomorrow we (take part) in the conference. 3. When we arrive in St.-Petersburg, it probably (rain). 4. It’s late autumn, soon leaves on the trees (fall). Exercise 91. Answer the questions in the Future Continuous Form using given suggestions. Model:
1. What will she be doing next Sunday? (work on her report) 2. What will you be doing this time next week? (have practice on the farm) 3. What will you be doing at the Academy in three years? (study clinical subjects) 4. What will he be doing at this time the day after tomorrow? (make report at the students conference) 5. What will she be doing tonight? (visit a friend) Exercise 92. Put the verb in the brackets in the Future Continuous Tense. 1. Are you looking forward to your holiday? – Oh, yes! This time next week I (lie) on the beach. 2. Why are you buying these vegetables? – Because, I (make) a vegetable soup. 3. I (stay) at Claire’s house tonight. – Alright, I won’t expect you home, then. 4. Are you excited about your trip? – Yes, this time tomorrow I (sit) on the plane. 5. John has an exam tomorrow, doesn’t he? – Yes, in fact this time tomorrow he (take) his exam. 6. Don’t call me later than midnight because I (sleep) then. Exercise 93. Translate from Russian into English. 1.Завтра с 9 до 12 я буду сдавать экзамен по биологии. 2. Не буди меня, когда ты придешь, я буду спать. 3. Я уезжаю отдыхать. В это время на следующей неделе я буду лежать на пляже (lie on the beach). 4. Завтра с 5 до 8 я буду готовить презентацию на английском языке. 5. Завтра днем я пойду к зубному врачу. 6. Через неделю с 12 до 3 мы будем принимать участие (take part) в конференции. REVISION Exercise 94. Change the tense according to the information given in the brackets. 1. She is getting for her presentation right now (yesterday from 5 to 6). 2. She is doing her homework now (every day). 3. This surgeon is performing operation right now (tomorrow from 10 to 11). 4. Chief veterinarian together with veterinary technologist are vaccinating poultry on this farm now (tomorrow at 5.m.). 5. They are watching TV now (every evening). 6. I’m talking to my grandma on the phone now (every weekend). Exercise 95. Make up questions starting with the words given in the brackets. 1. She is going to the conference next week (Where …). 2. Tomorrow at this time they will be taking their exam in Biology (What exam …) 3. The doctor is examining his patients now (Whom …) TEST A. TEST B. How long/for/since
Exercise 99. Fill in since or for
Exercise 100. Ask questions and answer them according to the model using SINCE or FOR.
Model: How long has Mary lived here? Mary has lived here for three years.
1. I / want / to be a veterinarian / childhood. 2. Bill / be / a teacher / 1995. 3. They / work / in the clinic / six month. 4. Peter / know / them / last year. 5. His dog / be / ill /Tuesday. 6. The professor / think / about this experiment / two years.
Exercise 101. Fill in the blanks with for or since.
1. How long have you known John? I’ve known him … we were at school. 2. How long have you had that dress? I’ve had it … Christmas. 3. How long have you been in Asia? I’ve been in Asia … seven years. 4. I’m sorry I’m late. How long have you been here? I’ve been here … two hours, … 5 o’clock. 5. How long have you been a vegetarian? I’ve been a vegetarian … 2 years. 6. When did you last go to America? I haven’t been to America … July, 2010.
Exercise 102. Make up questions with ever using the words in brackets and answer them.
Model: (ride / horse?) Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, I have / No, I haven’t / I’ve never ridden a horse.
1. (perform / operation?) 2. (save / someone’s life?) 3. (speak with / famous person?) 4. (have / dog?) 5. (break / leg?) 6. (examine / sick animal?) 7. (make / wrong decision?) 8. (hear of / this disease?) 9. (apply / the new method of treatment?) 10.(suffer from / indigestion?)
Exercise 103. Fill in the gaps with since, for, already, just, yet, ever, never
1. I’ve … finished my homework, so my books are still on the table. 2. I haven’t seen her … 2010. 3. Have you … finished eating? I haven’t even started …. 4. We’ve studied here … three years. 5. Mary has … driven a car before. 6. I haven’t invited anyone to the party …. 7. They have … translated this article, you may take it. 8. He has … spoken to the dean. 9. He hasn’t phoned … Sunday. 10. I’ve studied biology … 7 years. 11. Have you … fixed a fractured femur?
Exercise 104. Match column A with column B.
NB! Have gone to – Have been to – Have been in He has gone to the cinema. (He hasn’t come back yet. He is still at the cinema). She has been to London. (She has visited London. She has come back). I’ ve been in Moscow for a month. (I am in Moscow now).
Exercise 105. Fill in the gaps with have/has been (to) or have/has gone (to).
1. “Where are Tom and Lucy?” “They … the theatre.” 2. I don’t live in London. I … only … there once. 3. I am alone i
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