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Hurt, teach, spend, sell, throw, fall, catch, buy, costСодержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
1. My father … me how to drive when I was 17. 2. James … down the stairs and … his leg. 3. We needed some money, so we … our summer house. 4. He … a lot of money yesterday. He … a dishwasher which … a lot. 5. The boy … a ball to a dog and the dog … it. Exercise 54. Read the sentence about the present and write the sentence about the past. Model:
1. My granny usually wakes up early. Yesterday …. 2. My granny usually walks in the garden. Yesterday …. 3. My granny usually has a sandwich for lunch. Yesterday …. 4. My granny usually goes out in the evening. Yesterday …. 5. My granny usually sleeps very well. Yesterday …. Exercise 55. A friend of yours has just come back from Italy. Interview him about his trip. Make up some questions. Model:
Exercise 56. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Present Simple or Past Simple Tense. 1. My mother … (cook) a very tasty dinner yesterday. 2. Your father … (go) on a business trip last month. 3. He … (spend) last summer in the country. 4. She … (not help) her mother yesterday. She … (be) busy. 5. I … (not eat) ice-cream every day. 6. You … (watch) TV every day? 7. My mother always … (take) a bus to her work. 8. Queen Elizabeth II … (be) born in 1926. She … (become) Queen of England in 1952. Exercise 57. Translate from Russian into English. 1. Мы начали этот эксперимент на прошлой неделе. 2. Они вернулись домой в семь часов вечера. 3. Вчера я встретил Катю в библиотеке. 4. Вчера погода была хороша, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк. 5. В прошлом году мы не изучали французский, мы изучали английский. 6. В прошлый вторник у нас был тест по биологии (test in Biology). Exercise 58. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in the Past Simple Tense. All sentences are negative. 1. I … (not / have breakfast) this morning because I … (not / have) time. 2. We … (not / buy) anything because we … (not / have) any money. 3. I … (not / sleep) because I … (not / feel) sleepy. 4. She (not / be) interested in the book because she (not / understand) it. Exercise 59. Ask and answer questions starting with when. Try to use different time expressions in your answers. Model:
Possible time expressions: in 2006; last Sunday; in the evening yesterday; in September/November, etc
Exercise 60. Translate from Russian into English. В прошлое воскресенье мы ездили на ферму. Это была ферма моего дяди. Мы видели там много животных: коров, лошадей, овец. Там также были две собаки и три кошки. Жена моего дяди – ветеринар. Пять лет назад она закончила Санкт-Петербургскую Академию ветеринарной медицины. Они купили эту ферму три года назад. FUTURE SIMPLE TENSE will + infinitive
Future Simple Tense употребляется в следующих случаях:
Exercise 61. Put the verb in the brackets in the Future Simple Tense. 1. My dress (be) ready tomorrow. 2. They (be) at the station in time for the 10.30 train. 3. I (know) the results of my exams in a day. 4. I (be) twenty years old next year. 5. They (call) you in an hour. 6. When he (come) back? 7. I (not see) this beautiful city again. 8. I know this artist well enough. I (recognize) his pictures anywhere. Exercise 62. Open the brackets using the verbin the Future Simple Tense. 1. I (play) chess tomorrow. 2. I (not play) chess tomorrow. 3. You (play) chess tomorrow? 4. Ann (go) to the Academy tomorrow.5. You (come) to my place next week end? 6. I (not see) him tomorrow. 7. Where you (go) next summer? 8. She (dance) at the party tomorrow? Exercise 63. Open the brackets using the verbs in the Future Simple Tense. 1. I want to get a medical checkup. I (go) to my doctor tomorrow. 2. He (give) me a complete examination. 3. The nurse (take) me to one of the examination rooms. 4. Dr. Setton (come in) and (say): “Hello”. 5. I (stand) on the scale so that Dr. Setton can measure my height and my weight. 6. He (take) my pulse, then he (take) my blood pressure. 7. After he takes my blood pressure, he (take) some blood for a blood analysis. 8. He (examine) my eyes, ears, nose and throat. 9. He (listen) to my heart with a stethoscope. 10. After the checkup I (go) home and (wait) for Dr. Setton’s call. 11. Dr. Setton (call) me tomorrow afternoon with good news: “Stop worrying. Your blood count is excellent”. Exercise 64. Predictions: people’s futures. Read a horoscope. Find verbs in the Future Simple Tense. Read it and see if it comes true. NB!!! – Если предложение начинается с союза if (если) и относится к будущему времени, то вместо будущего используется Present Simple Tense.
Future Simple Tense НЕ используется в условных и временных придаточных предложениях после союзов:
Exercise 65. Fill in the gaps with if or when. 1. I don’t feel well tonight. I think I’ll go straight to bed … I get home. 2. I’ll write to you about everything … I have time. 3. We’ll come and visit you … you get better. 4. We’ll cross the street … the light turns green. 5. He’ll recover soon … he takes this medicine. 6. There is a surprise waiting for him … he gets home. Exercise 66. Open the brackets using the verbs either in the Present Simple or Future Simple. (Все предложения относятся к будущему). 1. If I (come) home early, I (call) you and we (have) a talk. 2. He (go) to the library very often when he (be) a student. 3. As soon as I (return) from the Academy I (talk) to him. 4. I (stay) at home till she (come). Then we (go) to the theatre if she (buy) tickets. 5. If I (see) him, I (tell) him about your problem. 6. What we (do) if it (rain) tonight? Exercise 67. In pairs ask and answer the following questions using: I don’t think; I expect or I hope; I’m afraid I won’t Model:
Exercise 69. Change the tense according to the adverbs given in the brackets. 1. We have several lectures today (yesterday, tomorrow). 2. Our surgeons perform numerous operations every day (yesterday, next week). 3. Medical students take several exams at the end of each semester (last semester, next semester). 4. This semester we learn how to diagnose diseases and prescribe medicine (last semester, next semester). Exercise 70. Make up questions starting with the words given in the brackets. 1. We attend lectures in Biology and Chemistry on Monday. (What …..) 2. The autumn semester lasts till the end of December. (How long …) 3. I’ll go to my hometown in January. (When…) Exercise 71. Put all possible questions to the following sentences: 1. My friend carried out interesting experiments in the laboratory last week. 2. They will take these books from the library tomorrow. 3. As a rule, we prescribe antibiotics for this type of diseases.
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