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XV. Найдите информацию в Интернет по следующим разделам и адресам; сделайте краткие записи.


Domestic appliances






















XVI. Составьте сообщение по следующим разделам:

1. Area of IT definition.

2. Technology involved – hardware and software.

3. Applications.

4. Possible future developments.



I. Прочтите и запомните новые термины и терминосочетания:

convergence – конвергенция, сходимость

a positive feedback loop – цикл продолжительной обратной связи

hardware layer – уровень аппаратного обеспечения

applications layer – прикладной уровень

to catch up – соответствовать, уловить

capability – мандат для доступа к объекту системы

human brain – человеческий мозг

human machine equivalence – машина, которая заменит человека

ultimately – предельно, максимально

offspring – отвод, новое поколение

to push forward – продвигать

access – доступ

to sort smth out – выделять

interface problem – проблемы интерфейса

IT skill – способности информационных технологий

smart database – информационная база данных

virtual environments – виртуальная среда

verification – контроль

voice processing – обработка звука, голоса

natural voice interface – интерфейс голоса

voice synthesis – синтез звука (голоса)

visualization technology – технология визуализации

infrared distribution – распространение инфракрасных волн

bandwidth communication – полоса частот

head-up display – монитор, который располагается вверху

retina – сетчатка, сетчатая оболочка (глаза)

software wizardry - магия программных средств (о широких возможностях компьютерных программ)

extinct – угасание, прекращение процесса

nanotechnology – нанотехнология

nanometers – нанометры

nanocomputers – нанокомпьютеры

nanotransistors – нанотранзисторы

android – человекоподобный

expert system – экспертные системы

biometrics – биометрия

ubiquitous computing – повсеместная компьютеризация

pervasive computing – компьютеризация во всех сферах

ubiquitous devices – повсеместные компьютерные устройства

embedded system – встроенная система


II. Установите соответствия между терминами на русском и английском языках:

1. hardware layer

2. application layer

3. capability

4. a positive feedback loop

5. offspring

6. smart database

7. virtual environments

8. ID verification

9. natural voice interface

10. visualization technology

11. access

12. bandwidth communication

13. ubiquitous computing

14. pervasive computing

15. embedded systems


1. виртуальная среда

2. контроль ID

3. интерфейс со звуком (голосом)

4. интеллектуальная база данных

5. отвод

6. доступ

7. визуальная технология

8. нанотранзисторы

9. положительный цикл обратной связи

10. уровень аппаратного обеспечения

11. прикладной уровень

12. встроенные системы

13. полоса частот

14. повсеместная компьютеризация

15. компьютеризация, проникающая во все сферы

III. Прочтите следующие интернациональные слова и переведите их на русский язык:

1. computing

2. convergence

3. interface

4. virtual

5. natural

6. nanometers

7. nanotechnology

8. nanotransistors

9. biometrics


IV. Составьте предложения:

1. should, operator, check, in order to, hardware layer provide, smart database

2. will, future, provide, developments, a positive feedback loop, computer, between, human being

3. of extreme importance is, user, capability, for computer

4. considered, is, it, will, replaced, be, that, human-brain, human machine equivalence, by

5. ubiquitously, access, Internet, nowdays, be, can found

6. on business, daily life, and will a huge impact, have, nanotechnology

7. system embedded, interact, will hundreds, with, smart devices

8. be, will, using, expert systems, in a few years, to diagnose, doctors, illnesses

9. have, we, may, by around 2030, link, to directly, to ultra-smart computers, the technology, brain

10. have built, will, engineers, soon android, of, types, different, form, with, capabilities, human, of.


V. Переведите и сделайте обратный перевод следующих предложений:

1. Nanotechnology is the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules.

2. Nanodevices are measured in nanometers (one billionth of a meter).

3. Artificial intelligence is the science of making intelligent machines and programs.

4. By 2020 scientists believe that nanorobots will be injected into the body bloodstream to treat diseases at the cellular level.

5. Hardware layer, computers, phones, and consumer electronics are converging.

6. In the near future we may have electronic pets with video camera eyes and microphone ears.

7. This technology development will push every field of knowledge forward.

8. Electronic money will be very secure but much more versatile than physical alternatives.

9. Telecoms applications will soon be bundled together in much the same way as office application suits are today.


VI. Завершите предложения, используя следующие словосочетания:

Electrical devices, integrated systems, a microscopic robot, pervasive computing, embedded systems, artificial, intelligence, Biometrics, smart devices. android, nanomaterials

1. P…………. c………… is a new approach in which computer functions are integrated in everyday life.

2. E……….. s…………. is a special computer system designed to perform one or more special functions.

3. The verification of i……………. s…………. will be done by in……….. r…………..

4. E…………….. d………….. controlled by computers are very popular nowdays.

5. A……….. i…………… is a science making intelligent machines and programs.

6. B………… id used today to identify people based on physical characteristics.

7. In the future people will interact with hundreds of s………….. d………..

8. Soon engineers will have built different types of android.

9. N…………. will be made from carbon atoms in the form of nanotubes.

10. E………….. c……………. can be completely global and could be used as de facto standard.


VII. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания:

1. Цикл положительной обратной связи

2. Мандат для доступа к объекту системы

3. Доступ

4. Интеллектуальная база данных

5. Контроль ID

6. Обработка звука (голоса)

7. Полоса частот

8. Сходимость

9. Уровень аппаратного обеспечения

10. Прикладной уровень

11. Прекращение процесса

12. Нанометры

13. Повсеместная компьютеризация

14. Встроенные системы

15. Продвигать

16. Новое поколение

17. Человеческий мозг

18. Максимально

19. Выделять, сортировать

20. Виртуальная среда



VIII. Установите соответствие между данными словосочетаниями и дефинициями:

1. quantum bits

2. DNA biochip

3. embedded

4. user interface



a. a microchip made with organic materials

b. the speed at which the CPU processes instruction

c. the device or program used to interact with a computer

d. subatomic particles used in quantum computers

fixed, integrated


IX. Прочтите текст и выполните упражнение после текста:

Future trends

А. Smaller and faster

Nanotechnology, the science of creating and using materials or devices at molecular and atomic sizes, is going to represent a new technological revolution. These devices will fall in the range of 1 nanometer, which is equal to one billionth of a meter, to 100 nanometers (nm).

Nanobots, robots formed from molecules or molecular components, will be used in medicine to control and diagnose diseases. For example, they will be injected and will move through blood vessels destroying cholesterol molecules or cancer.

Nanocomputers, molecule-sized computers, may have the power of 100 workstations but only be the size of a grain of sand. There will be two main types of molecular computers:

· Quantum computers, based on quantum mechanics, may be millions of times faster than current computers. They will be so fast because they will be able to examine all possible answers to a query at the same time. This capability is made possible by qbits, quantum bits, which can be 0 or 1, or something in between, simultaneously. DNA computers will use DNA biochips to perform the same functions as silicon microchips do today but at a much faster speed.


X. Прочтите отрывки и замените выделенные слова словами из текста А:

· Computers everywhere: human-centered technologies

· The relationship between people and computers will be closer.

· Computers will be embedded, or hidden, in a variety of items. For example, we’ll have wearable computers that 'will be embedded in a belt or a piece of jewellery, etc.

· User interfaces, the systems that facilitate communication between people and computers, will resemble human communication. There will be gesture interfaces based on facial-hand recognition systems.

· ICT devices will be mobile and multimedia: we'll watch mobile TV programmes on our phones, which 'will also access the Internet and work as a mobile office.

· Computer chips can be injected under the skin RFID, radio-frequency identification tags, might be used to track or identify people or to store information, such as medical data, although there are concerns about privacy and personal safety.

· In the near future well be able to swim in the immersive Internet, a technology that will change the two-dimensional world of the Internet into a 3-D experience with three-dimensional sound and images and even the sense of touch.

· By the year 2040 there might be intelligent robots, machines that will be able to think creatively. The processing power of computers may have reached MIPS (millions of instructions per second), the estimated speed of human thought.


1. A computer of this type is a molecular computer that works biochemically. It 'computes' using enzymes that cause chain reactions.

2. In a computer of this type, data is processed by exploiting the strange qualities of quantum physics; the building blocks of computation are not transistors but caged atoms or qbits.

3. It has the potential to revolutionize the way we live, from creating miniaturized 'Star Trek'-like electronic gadgets to delivering medicines to specific places within the human body.

4. The government plans to fund a study examining the feasibility of molecule-sized robotic devices that would position atoms to build complex substances and products.

5. Scientists at an Israeli institute have developed a very small one - so small that a trillion of its kind fit into a test tube.


XI. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. Which unit of measurement is used in nanotechnology?

2. What are the advantages of nanotubes over regular materials?

3. What will doctors use expert systems for?

4. What features are analyzed be biometrics?

5. Which trend refers to computers embedded in everyday devices, communicating with each other over wireless network?

6. What will the alarm system do it someone breaks into a smart home?

7. How will devices be interconnected inside the smart home?



1. By all accounts, nanotechnology - the science of making devices from single atoms and molecules - is going to have a huge impact on both business and our daily lives. Nano devices are measured in nanometers (one billionth of a meter) and are expected to be used in the following areas.

· Nanocomputers: Chip makers will make tiny microprocessors with nanotransistors, ranging from 60 to 5 nanometers in size.

· Nanomedicine: By 2020, scientists believe that nano-sized robots, or nanobots, will be injected into the body's bloodstream to treat diseases at the cellular level.

· Nanomaterials: New materials will be made from carbon atoms in the form of nanotubes, which are more flexible, resistant and durable than steel or aluminium. They will be incorporated into all kinds of products, for example stain-resistant coatings for clothes and scratch-resistant paints for cars.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the science of making intelligent machines and programs. The term originated in the 1940s, when Alan Turing said: “A machine has artificial intelligence when there is no discernible difference between the conversation generated by the machine and that of an intelligent person. A typical AI application is robotics. One example is ASIMO, Honda’s intelligent humanoid robot. Soon, engineers will have built different types of android, with the form and capabilities of humans. Another AI application is expert systems – programs containing everything that an ‘expert’ knows about a subject. In a few years, doctors will be using expert systems to diagnose illnesses.

3. Imagine you are about to take a holiday in Europe. You walk out to the garage and talk to your car. Recognizing your voice, the car's doors unlock. On the way to the airport, you stop at an ATM. A camera mounted on the bank machine looks you in the eye, recognizes the pattern of your iris and allows you to withdraw cash from your account.

When you enter the airport, a hidden camera compares the digitized image of your face to that of suspected criminals. At the immigration checkpoint, you swipe a card and place your hand on a small metal surface. The geometry of your hand matches the code on the card, and the gate opens. You're on your way.

Does it sound futuristic? Well, the future is here. Biometrics uses computer technology to identify people based on physical characteristics such as fingerprints, facial features, voice, iris and retina patterns.

4. Ubiquitous computing, also known as pervasive computing, is a new approach in which computer functions are integrated into everyday life, often in an invisible way. Ubiquitous devices can be anything from smartphones to tiny sensors in homes, offices and cars, connected to networks, which allow information to be accessed anytime and anywhere - in other words, ubiquitously. In the future people will interact naturally with hundreds of these smart devices (objects containing a microchip and memory) every day, each invisibly embedded in our environment and communicating with each other without cables.

5. In the ideal smart home, appliances and electronic devices work in sync to keep the house secure. For example, when a regular alarm system senses that someone is breaking into the house, it usually alerts the alarm company and then the police. A smart home system would go further, turning on the lights in the home and then sending a text message to the owner's phone. Motorola Homesight even sends images captured by wireless cameras to phones and PCs. Smart homes can remember your living patterns, so if you like to listen to some classical music when you come home from work, your house can do that for you automatically. They will also know when the house is empty and make sure all appliances are turned off. All home devices will be interconnected over a home area network where phones, cable services, home cinemas, touch screens, smart mirrors and even the refrigerator will cooperate to make our lives more comfortable.


XII. Найдите слова в тексте, которые соответствуют следующим значениям:

1. a microscopic robot built with nanotechnology (text 1)

2. a robot that resembles a human (text 2)

3. biological identification of a person (text 3)

4. integrated, inserted into (text 4)

5. electrical devices, or machines, used in the home (text 5)

XIII. Составьте диалог, отвечая на вопрос:

What trends in ICT do you think will affect our lives in the future?


XIV. Прочитайте диалог между преподавателем и студентами о RFID tags и ответьте на вопрос:


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