Complete the sentences, using the proper endings. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Complete the sentences, using the proper endings.

1. An automobile specialist deals with....

a. working out technological processes;

b. constructing and manufacturing cars;

c. producing new resistant to corrosion light materials.

2. The production of the automobile comprises....

a. designing and mass production;

b. manufacturing and tests;

c. designing and working out technological processes, laboratory and road tests and mass production.

3. The cars are subjected to tests in order....

a. to work out new technological processes; meet up-to-date requirements;

c. to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing.

4. The qualities required of the automobile are....

a. high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance;

b. smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems;

c. new types of resistant to corrosion materials.

5. The car must have the following units:....

a. high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance;

b. smooth-acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems;

c. new types of resistant to corrosion materials.


Match the words with their translation.

1.automobile construction college graduate from the college

3.low fuel consumption deal with

5.designing cars

6.mass production

7.long service life

8.driving safety work out

10.ease of maintenance

11.the technology of manufacturing

processes put into mass production subject to tests

14.a rigid quality control meet up-to-date demands


16.rapid acceleration

17.smooth-acting clutch

18. silent gearbox

19.dependable brakes

20.steering system academic program


23.ignition system


a. довгий строк служби

b. просте техобслуговування

c. запустити в масове виробництво

d. піддавати випробуванням

e. плавне зчеплення

f. відповідати сучасним вимогам

g. мати справу

h. надійні гальма

i. навчальна програма

j. розробляти

k. система запалювання

l. безпека їзди

m. автомобілебудівний коледж

n. жорсткий контроль якості

o. бесшумна коробка передач

p. конструювання автомобілей

q. закінчити коледж

r. технологія виробничих процесів

s. спеціалісти

t. масове виробництво

u. система рульового управління

v. мала витрата пального

w. прийомистість


Answer the questions.

1.What college do you study at?

2.What will you become after graduating from the college?

3.What will you deal with?

4.What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?

5.Why are the cars subjected to laboratory and road tests?

6.What qualities must the car have?

7.What units must the car have?


Ask questions to the answers.


1. I study at the automobile construction college.

2. After graduating from the college I'll become a specialist in automobile construction. 3.I'll deal with manufacturing automobiles.

4. The production of the automobiles comprises the following phases:

designing, working out technological processes, laboratory and road tests and mass manufacturing.

5. The automobile must meet up-to-date requirements.

6. The car must have high efficiency, long service life, pleasant appearance and driving safety.

7. The car must have smooth-acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems, dependable ignition system.


Translate sentences into English.

1. Я навчаюсь на автомобільному факультеті технічного коледжу.

2. Після закінчення коледжу я стану фахівцем з автомобільної промисловості.

3.На мою думку, кожен фахівець мусить знати, що автомобіль повинен пройти стендові і дорожні випробування.

4.Ці випробування необхідні для того, щоб автомобіль відповідав сучасним вимогам.

5.Сучасний автомобіль повинен володіти наступними якостями: бути приємістим, мати плавне зчеплення, безшумну коробку передач, надійні гальмівну і рульову системи, бути

легким в управлінні.

6.Двигун автомобіля також повинен мати невелику витрату пального і бути екологічним.


Make up a dialogue about your studying at college.

Tell about your future profession.

Read the magazine article and answer the questions which follow.

What’s in a name?

Have you ever thought about car names? Do they actually mean anything? And do you know what the name of your car means?

For example, you may think ‘Rover’ is just a name, but there is never just a name in marketing. A rover is a wanderer – someone who likes to travel around. So the name suggests mobility, freedom, having fun, and going wherever you want to go. These were important qualities when Rover can first came on the market.

Marketing departments of car companies spend a lot of time and money thinking up names for cars. The names should be a reflection of the brand, product and target group. The car you drive tells the world about your status, how much money you have, and the socio-economic group you belong to (or want to belong to). Good car names are catchy and fit the product, such as ‘Beetle’ or the ‘Mini’.

The name should also appeal to a global audience. At the very least, the name should not mean anything bad in another language. (This was why Rolls-Royce decided not to use the name ‘Silver Mist’ for one model: mist means animal manure in German!)

American car makers like to give their SUVs names that remind people of the Wild West, full of adventure and danger. Did you know that ‘Wrangler’ is another word for cowboy? Or that ‘Maverick’ means an unbranded that has strayed from the herd? People who own SUVs seldom drive them off-road, but they enjoy the feeling of excitement that the name creates.

1. How important is the name of a car to you? Would you buy a car if you didn’t like the name?

2. How many car names do you know the meaning of?

3. Imagine you are working in the marketing department of a large car manufacture and you want to produce a small sports car with women as a target group. What would you call it?



Learn new vocabulary.

engine (power plant) —двигун (силова установка)

chassis — шасі

body — кузов

power train — силова передача

running gear — ходова частина

steering system – рульове управління

brakes — гальма

dashboard – панель приборів

clutch - зчеплення

gearbox — коробка передач

propeller shaft — карданний вал

final drive - головна передача

differential - диференціал

rear axle — задній міст

axle shafts — півосі

frame with axles — рама з осями

wheels and springs — колеса с ресорами

hood — капот

fenders — крила

heater - обігрівач

windshield wiper - склоочисник

as well — також

in turn — в свою чергу

source of power — джерело енергії

fuel — пальне

cooling — охолодження

lubricating — мастило

accessories — допоміжні пристрої

device — пристрій

disеngage — відключати

engage — включати, з’єднувати

fix — кріпити

flywheel — маховик

pedal — педаль

power plant — силова установка

tachometer — тахометр

tank- бак

hood – капот (амер.)

sensor – датчик

resume button – кнопка відновлення дії

to shut off – вимикати живлення

aftermarket – ринок запасних деталей

to flash – блимати

flick – легкий удар

hazard light – світлова сигналізація

the ignition key – ключ запалювання

transponder – ретранслятор

the vehicle’s horn- автомобільний сигнал

vehicle tracking system – система спостереження за автомобілем

towing – буксування

valve - клапан

2. Label the diagram with the following words:

clutch crankshaft engine gearbox piston

propeller shaft




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