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Времена группы Perfect Continuous. Прямая и косвенная речь. Сложное подлежащее и сложное дополнение. Сослагательное наклонение


(2 часа):

1.характер действия, выражаемого перфектно-длительными формами глагола;

2.прошедшее, настоящее и будущее перфектно-длительное время;

3.сравнительная характеристика перфектных, длительных и перфектно-длительных временных форм глагола;

4.способы передачи чужой речи в языке (прямая и косвенная речь);

5.построение предложений в прямой речи;

6.языковые трансформации при переходе прямой речи в косвенную; 7.особенности конструкции сложное дополнение;

8.особенности конструкции сложное подлежащее;

9. изъявительное, повелительное и сослагательное наклонение;

10.сослагательное 1, образование, употребление;

11.сослагательное 2, образование, употребление.


1. Подчеркните в предложениях глагол во времени Present Perfect Continuous и объясните употребление такой временной формы:

(1) He has been doing his lessons since 2 o`clock.

(2) She has been watching TV for two hours.

(3) For how long have you been learning English?

(4) He`s been travelling since 6 this morning.

(5) Let`s take a walk. I`ve been sitting around all day.

(6) What have you been doing lately?

(7) Show me the book you have just been reading.

(8) You look very shaken. What has been happening?


2.Трансформируйте следующие предложения в прямую речь:

(1) She said that she was leaving at six.

(2) He said Peter often went fishing.

(3) She said she would be back later.

(4) I said that I had just seen Mark.

(5) Alan said that they had left at 6.00.

(6) Helen said that she was working.

(7) I said that we were late.

(8) He said he would phone back.

(9) David said that he felt all right.

(10) She said she loved ice-cream.


3.Трансформируйте следующие предложения в косвенную речь:

(1) “I`m leaving”, she said.

(2) “I saw the film on Monday”, Tom said.

(3) “I`ve missed the bus”, Maria said.

(4) “We live in Marsden Street”, they said.

(5) “I`ll phone at 6.00”, Anna said.

(6) “I`m having a good time”, said Carol.

(7) “We`re arriving at 9.00”, they said.

(8) “I forgot to do my work”, said Al.

(9) “I`m wrong”, he said.

(10) “I`ve hurt my arm”, said Harry.


4.Составьте предложения с конструкцией сложное дополнение, используя следующие глаголы и словосочетания:

(1) to want, to make an appointment,

to expect, to arrange an outing,

should (would) like to be settled,

to clear up,

to give up a hobby,

to encourage one`s interest,

to keep something dry,

to put something down to,

to avoid

(2) to see, complain of something (to somebody),

to hear, put up a notice,

to watch, apologize to somebody,

to notice train for,

refuse to do something,

make an appointment,


(3) to find, one`s reasons, convincing,

to consider the matter, urgent,

the arrangement, convenient

the matter, settled,

the occasion, to be worth celebrating,

the complaint, to be worth considering,

the attempt (the film, the play), to be a


(4) to ask, to stay in the shade,

to order, to produce an explanation,

to tell, to come at the appointed time,

to allow (not) to give away,

to put off,

(not) to stare,

(not) to refuse

(5) to make, give in,

to let put up with,

take advantage of,



5. Перефразируйте предложения, используя Complex Subject:

(1) They are very happy. It seems so.

(2) It seems he is a genius in Math.

(3) It seemed she was working hard.

(4) It turned out that the translation of this text was uneasy.

(5) It happened that she was stopped by the police.

(6) It turned out that my watch was wrong.

(7) It seems that they are looking for something.

(8) It appeared that we have lost the way in the darkness.

(9) It did not seem that the question had been solved.


6.Прочитайте о том, что сделали бы эти люди, если бы у них было много денег. А вы? Что бы вы сделали, если бы были самым богатым человеком в мире? Запишите 3 предложения о том, что бы вы сделали и 3 предложения о том, чего бы делать не стали:

Anne If I were the richest person in the world, I would live in America.

John I wouldn`t spend my money if I were the richest person in the world. I would invest it.

Mr Thomas If I were the richest man in the world, I would give my money to my family and friends.

Miss Grant If I were the richest woman in the world, I would buy a fast car. I`ve always wanted a Ferrari.



1. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с. 591 – 592, 597, 602, 607.

2. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 2, с. 466 – 468, 476 – 479, 481 – 482.

3. Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 72 – 74, 113 – 117.

4. Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 122 – 123, 180 – 182, 415 – 417, 431 – 432.

5. Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 340 – 341.

6. Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с. 64 – 69, 78 – 87, 148 – 152.


Юридическая литература. Газетно-журнальный информационный текст по специальности. Деловое письмо. Юридическая документация. Отраслевые словари и справочники. Базовая терминологическая лексика по специальности

(4 часа):

1. особенности юридических текстов;

2. разнообразие юридической литературы;

3. особенности стиля газетной и журнальной статьи;

4. особенности подачи материала в статье, посвящённой правовым вопросам;

5.типы деловых писем;

6.составные части делового письма;

7.основные сокращения, употребляемые в деловых письмах;

8. стилистика делового письма, устойчивые словосочетания;

9.типы британских фирм;

10.стилистические особенности документов физических и юридических лиц;

11.виды документов физических лиц;

12.виды документов юридических лиц;

13.составление и перевод таких документов;

терминологические словосочетания;

14.основные двуязычные юридические словари;

15.толковые юридические словари;

16.структура юридических словарей и особенности изложения материала;

17.справочники и справочные пособия по специальности, их содержание.


1. Прочитайте текст из области Administration of the law:

Government Responsibilities

The United Kingdom judiciary is entirely independent of the Government and is not subject to ministerial direction or control. Responsibility for the administration of justice rests with the Lord Chancellor, the Home Secretary and the Secretaries of State for Scotland and Northern Ireland. Also concerned is the Prime Minister, who recommends the highest judicial appointments to the Crown.

England and Wales

The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary (and sometimes sits as a judge in the House of Lords): he is concerned with court procedure and is responsible for the administration of all courts other than magistrates` and coroners` courts, and for a number of administrative tribunals. He appoints magistrates, and has general responsibility for the legal aid and advice schemes. He is also responsible for the administration of civil law reform.

The Home Secretary is concerned with the criminal law, the police service, prisons, and the probation and after-care service; and has general supervision over magistrates` court, together with some specific responsibilities (such as approving the appointment of justices` clerks). Prison policy and the administration of custodial centres are functions of the Home Office Prison Department, and the

Home Secretary appoints to each prison establishment a Board of Visitors representing the local community who need to satisfy themselves as to the state of prison premises, administration and treatment of inmates. They are required to report to the Home Secretary any abuse or matter of concern which comes to their attention. Boards have disciplinary powers in relation to serious breaches of discipline and hear applications or complaints from inmates. The Home Secretary is advised by a special Parole Board on the release of prisoners on license.

Responsibility for the treatment of offenders under 17 is shared between the Home Office and the Department of Health. The Home Secretary is also responsible for advising the Queen on the exercise of the royal prerogative of mercy to pardon a person convicted of a crime or to remit all or part of a penalty imposed by a court.

The Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General are the Government`s principal advisers on English law, and represent the Crown in appropriate domestic and international cases. They are senior barristers, elected members of the House of Commons and hold ministerial posts. The Attorney-General is also Attorney-General for Northern Ireland. As well as exercising various civil law functions, the Attorney-General has final responsibility for enforcing the criminal law; the Director of Public Prosecutions is subject to the Attorney-General`s superintendence. The Attorney-General is concerned with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings, but must exercise an independent discretion, and must not be influenced by government colleagues. The Solicitor-General is, in effect, the deputy of the Attorney-General.


The Secretary of State for Scotland recommends the appointment of all judges other than the most serious ones, appoints the staff of the High Court of Justiciary and the Court of Session, and is responsible for the composition, staffing and organization of the sheriff courts. District courts are staffed and administered by the district and islands local authorities. The Secretary of State is also responsible for the criminal law of Scotland, crime prevention, and the police and the penal system, and is advised on parole matters by the Parole Board for Scotland. The Secretary of State is also responsible for legal aid in Scotland.

The Lord Advocate and the Solicitor-General for Scotland are the chief legal advisers to the Government on Scottish questions and the principal representatives of the Crown for the purposes of litigation in Scotland. Both are government ministers. The Lord Advocate is closely concerned with questions of legal policy and administration and is also responsible for the Scottish parliamentary draftsmen. He has overall responsibility for the prosecution of crime in Scotland and, although he holds a ministerial post, he must exercise an independent discretion on carrying out this responsibility.

Northern Ireland

The administration of all courts is the responsibility of the Lord Chancellor, while the Northern Ireland Office, under the Secretary of State, deals with the police and the penal system. The Lord Chancellor has general responsibility for the legal aid and advice scheme in Northern Ireland.

2.Проверьте своё понимание текста. Прочитайте предложение и выберите один из трёх вариантов высказываний по поводу него:

(1) The United Kingdom judiciary is entirely independent.

a – it is mostly true; it is independent of the Government and is subject to ministerial direction or control;

b – it is independent of the Government and is not subject to ministerial direction or control but there is a special Board of Lords which influences the administration of judiciary;

c – yes, it is true, it is entirely independent of the Government and is not subject to ministerial direction or control. It is under the supervision of the public and mass media.

(2) The Lord Chancellor is the head of the judiciary, he appoints magistrates, and has general responsibility for the legal aid and advice schemes.

a – no, it is not true. The Lord Chancellor is concerned with the criminal law and appoints the heads of the police service;

b – it is partly true; the Lord Chancellor is really the head of the judiciary, but he does not appoint magistrates as it is a function of a local authority;

c – yes, these are his powers and he is also responsible for the administration of civil law reform.

(3) The Home Secretary appoints to each prison establishment a Board of Visitors representing the local community.

a – it is not true. The Home Secretary appoints a special independent adviser to control the state of prison premises;

b – yes, it is true, it should be added that the functions of such Boards are great. They must be aware of all the events that take place in prison: how inmates are treated and administered. These Boards have certain disciplinary powers.

c – yes, such Boards of Visitors function, but their functions are limited, they are only required to report to the Home Secretary any abuse or matter of concern which comes to their attention.

(4) Responsibility for the treatment of offenders under 17 is shared between the Home Office and the Department of Health.

a – no, it is not quite true, as responsibility for the treatment of offenders under 17 is a direct function of the Department of Health;

b – it is a matter of concern of a special medical committee which is directly subject to the Government;

c – yes, it is true. All the matters connected with treatment of young offenders are under the jurisdiction of the Home Office and the Department of Health.

(5) The Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General are the Government`s principal advisers on English law.

a – they are advisers, but they are not principal ones; for these purposes there exists a special law committee of Parliament;

b – the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General have many office functions, but the function of the Government`s advisers on English law is not principal for them;

c - yes, it is true, in addition, they represent the Crown in appropriate domestic and international cases. They are senior barristers, elected members of the House of Commons and hold ministerial posts.

(6)The Attorney-General is concerned with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings.

a – a special law committee deals with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings. This committee is not under the Attorney-General;

b – yes, it is true, these matters are under the jurisdiction of the Attorney-General and it should be added, that the members of the government do not have a right to exercise influence on the Attorney-General;

c – the High Courts deal with instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings.

(7)District courts are staffed and administered by the district and islands local authorities in Scotland.

a – these matters are under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State in Scotland;

b – these matters are under the jurisdiction of the High Court in Scotland;

c – yes, it is true.

(8) The Lord Advocate is closely concerned with questions of legal policy and administration and is also responsible for the Scottish parliamentary draftsmen.

a – the Lord Advocate is concerned with questions of legal policy but he is not responsible for the Scottish parliamentary draftsmen;

b – the Lord Advocate has overall responsibility for the prosecution of crime in Scotland, but he does not deal with parliamentary draftsmen;

c – these questions are under the jurisdiction of the Lord Advocate in Scotland.

1. Выпишите из текста все словосочетания со следующими словами и переведите их на русский язык:

- responsible, responsibility

- secretary

- judiciary

- administrative, administration

- appoint, appointment

- staff

- exercise

- advice, advise

- penal, penalty

- General

2. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим русским фразам:

- высшие судебные назначения;

- глава судейской корпорации;

- отвечать за проведение реформы гражданского права;

- условное освобождение на поруки подсудимого;

- центры по содержанию под стражей;

- Сове опекунов, представляющих местное общество;

- советы обладают дисциплинарными полномочиями;

- специальный совет по условно-досрочному освобождению заключённых;

- заниматься установлением и ведением конкретных типов уголовных процедур;

- осуществлять независимые полномочия (свобода действий);

- назначать состав Высшего суда и Сессионного суда;

- окружные суды (районные) комплектуются и управляются…;

- ответственный за юридическую помощь в Шотландии;

- главные юридические советники правительства;

- цели (результаты) судейских процессов в Шотландии;

- консультативная программа в Северной Ирландии.

3. Объясните значение следующих слов и словосочетаний:

- administration of justice;

- the Lord Chancellor;

- legal aid;

- the Home Secretary;

- probation;

- a Board of Visitors;

- the Parole Board;

- the royal prerogative of mercy;

- the Attorney-General;

- the Solicitor-General.

4. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

(1) What can you say about the judiciary in the United Kingdom?

(2) Who recommends the highest judicial appointments to the Crown?

(3) What are the Lord Chancellor`s functions? May the Lord Chancellor sit as a judge in the House of Lords?

(4) What is the Home Secretary concerned with?

(5) What is known to you about the functions of the Home Office Prison Department?

(6) What do you know about a Board of Visitors? Do they have any disciplinary powers in relation to serious breaches of discipline?

(7) What does a special Parole Board on the release of prisoners deal with?

(8) What are the way of exercising mercy in England and Wales?

(9) What are the main functions of the Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General?

(10) What kind of discretion must the Attorney-General exercise while instituting and prosecuting certain types of criminal proceedings?

(11) Is the Solicitor-General the deputy of the Attorney-General?

(12) What can you say about the powers of the Secretary of State for Scotland?

(13) Who is responsible for the composition, staffing and administering of district courts?

(14) Who is responsible for legal aid in Scotland?

(15) What is known to you about the Lord Advocate and the Solicitor-General for Scotland?

(16) Whose responsibility is the administration of all courts in Northern Ireland?

(17) What questions does the Secretary of State deal with in Northern Ireland?


7.Прочитайте статью из английской газеты:

Azeri Death Sentence

BAKU, Azerbaijan (Reuters) – The Supreme Court in Azerbaijan sentenced former agriculture minister Muzamil Abdullayev to death after finding him guilty of treason over his role in an attempt coup in October 1994.

Abdullayev, who was arrested last year, was found guilty Sunday after a two-month trial to which access was limited to reporters working for state-controlled media. He had tried to commit suicide earlier this month by cutting his veins.

The former minister has the right of appeal, but only President Heidar Aliyev, against whom Abdullaev is accused of plotting, can revoke the sentence. Death sentence in Azerbaijan must be carried out within one month.

8.Найдите эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

To sentence smb. to death; to find smb. guilty; treason; a two month trail; state-controlled media; to commit suicide; accused of plotting; revoke the sentence.

9.Переведите предложения на английский язык:

(1) Он признан виновным после неудачной попытки переворота.

(2) Он пытался покончить жизнь самоубийством.

(3) Отменить приговор о смертной казни виновному в заговоре может только президент.



10.Прочитайте письмо потенциального работника, которое он написал работодателю в связи с объявлением о вакансии. Используйте следующие слова и выражения для того, чтобы стилистически улучшить подчёркнутые части письма:

(enclosed), Sir or Madam, a new challenge, look forward to hearing, would like to apply for, reached retirement age.


45 Walpole Rd

Bournemouth BH1 4EH

Reynold`s Department Store

100-105 Wimbourne Rd

Bournemouth BH2 6TG


Dear Mr or Mrs

I saw your advertisement for a job as sales assistant in your garden furniture department and I want the job.

I am an experienced shop assistant and I have worked in many different departments. Please see my curriculum vitae in the same envelope for more details.

I started working in shops when I was twenty-one, forty-five years ago. I left my last job six years ago when I got too old, but I get terribly bored at home. I feel I am ready for new things now.

I would be available for an interview at any time, even at short notice.

I can`t wait to hear from you.


Yours faithfully,

Edna Smith (Miss)


11.Напишите к следующим аббревиатурам соответствующие слова и словосочетания. Скажите, для чего они используются в деловых письмах:


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