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A lady who lives on the plane.



Joanne Ussery, 54, from Mississippi is a big favourite with her two grandsons because she lives on a jet plane. Her home is a Boeing 727, so a visit to grandma is very special.

Joanne`s front door is at the top of the plane`s steps, but you don`t need a ticket or a passport when you visit. There are three bedrooms, a living room, a modern kitchen, a luxury bathroom. The bathroom is in the cockpit, with the bath under the windows. Next to this is Joanne`s bedroom in the first class section of the plane. Then there`s the living room with four emergency exit doors, which she opens on summer evenings. On the wall there`s a photo of the plane flying for Continental Airlines from Florida to the Caribbean. There are also four toilets, all with No Smoking signs.

“The plane is 27 years old and it`s the best home in the world”, says Joanne. “It has all the things you want in a home: a telephone, air conditioning, a cooker, a washing machine, even a dishwasher. It`s always very warm, even in winter, and it`s very big, 42 meters long. My grandchildren love running up and down. And my friends love parties here, but there aren`t any flight attendants to serve them their drinks!”

The plane cost Joanne just $ 2,000. “Next time”, she says, “I want a Boeing 727, because they have an upstairs and downstairs, and I want to go upstairs to bed!”


1. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с.529 – 532, 545, 557 – 558, 561 – 566, 603 – 604, 609 – 615.

2. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 2, с. 499.

3. Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 7 – 14, 17 -20, 22 – 23, 26 – 29, 92 – 93, 99 – 102.

4. Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 13, 16, 24, 33 – 34, 57, 65 – 66, 91 – 92,

5. Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 16, 30 – 31, 45 - 46, 59 - 62, 273 – 274.

6. Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с. 9 – 11, 25 – 28, 34 – 36, 41 – 43, 118 – 119, 131 – 137.


Времена глагола Past Simple и Future Simple. Фразовые глаголы. Отрицание. Вопросительные предложения. Основные двуязычные словари. Устойчивые выражения

(2 часа):

1. Правильные и неправильные глаголы;

2. Образование простого прошедшего времени глагола;

3. Произношение окончания глаголов в прошедшем времени;

4. Употребление в предложениях глаголов в простом прошедшем времени;

5. Образование простого будущего времени, сокращённая разговорная форма;

6. Употребление простого будущего времени;

7. Понятие о фразовом глаголе;

8. Употребление дополнений в предложениях с фразовыми глаголами;

9. Многозначные фразовые глаголы;

10. Фразовые глаголы и синонимичные им слова и словосочетания;

11. Краткий отрицательный ответ;

12. Отрицательная форма повелительного наклонения;

13. Отрицательные частицы;

14. Двойное отрицание;

15. Употребление слов nothing, nobody, nowhere, а также частицы not со словами any, anybody, anything, anywhere;

16. Отрицательные предложения с глаголами, употреблёнными в разных временах;

17. Порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях с глаголами, употребляемыми в разных временных формах;

18.Общий вопрос;

19.Специальный вопрос;

20.Альтернативный вопрос;

21.Разделительный вопрос;

22.Вопрос к подлежащему или его определению;

23.Основные современные двуязычные словари;

24.Организация материала в двуязычном словаре;

25.Структура словарной статьи;

26.Многозначность слова, синонимические ряды;

27.Прямое и переносное значения слов;

28.Слово в свободных и фразеологических сочетаниях;

29.Отличительные особенности двуязычных словарей разных авторов;

30.Устойчивые выражения: наиболее распространённые разговорные формулы-клише (обращение, приветствие, благодарность, извинение и.т.п.);

31.Устойчивые словосочетания, наиболее часто встречающиеся в профессиональной речи.


1. Перепишите следующую историю, употребляя все глаголы, выделенные курсивом, в простом прошедшем времени:

A London Fog.

It is a very foggy day in London. The fog is so thick that it is impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis are not able to run and are standing by the side of the road. People are trying to find their way about on foot but are losing their way in the fog. Mr. Smith has a very important meeting at the House of Commons and has to get there but no one can take him. He tries to walk there but finds he is quite lost. Suddenly he bumps into a stranger. The stranger asks if he can help him. Mr. Smith says he wants to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger tells him he will take him there. Mr. Smith thanks him and they start to walk there. The fog is getting thicker every minute but the stranger has no difficulty in finding the way. He goes along one street, turns down another, crosses a square and at last after about half an hour`s walk they arrive at the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Smith can`t understand how the stranger finds his way. “It is wonderful,” he says. “How do you find the way in this fog?”

“It is no trouble at all to me”, says the stranger. “I am blind”.

2. Прочитайте и переведите прогноз погоды из английской газеты:

Cloud and outbreaks of rain over England and Wales will clear during the morning. The afternoon will be mostly dry with bright or sunny spells, although wintry showers will develop at times in the north and north-west.

Scotland and Nothern Ireland will have another cold day with sunshine and blustery showers expected. The showers will be heavy in places and falling as snow over the high ground.

Outlook: Bright with wintry showers at times, especially in the north. Rain spreading eastwards on Monday.


“Daily Express”

3. Прочитайте определения часто употребляемых разговорных фразовых глаголов, а затем заполните пропуски в данных ниже предложениях:

Blow over – be forgotten; cease to arouse feeling or interest

eg– You shouldn`t have been so rude to your head of department. But don`t worry, I expect the fuss will blow over in a few days.

Catch on – become popular or fashionable

eg – Breakfast television (= TV at breakfast time) was slow to catch on in Britain.

Cry off – withdraw from some previous arrangement or agreement

eg – Roy agreed to organize the conference but I`m afraid he`ll cry off now that he`s retiring.

Fall through – fail to be completed or to take place

eg – Their idea to build a house on the coast fell through because they were refused planning permission.

Get by – manage to live more or less normally, succeed, in spite of difficulties, etc.

eg – Things are rather difficult at the moment but we`ll get by somehow.

Let up – relax one`s efforts

eg – George never lets up for a minute. I don`t know where he gets his energy from.

Pass out – lose consciousness, faint

eg – Some people pass out at the sight of blood.

Slip up – make a (careless) mistake

eg - - I forgot to change the address on the parcel.

Well, you slipped up badly there.

Split up – end a relationship; stop working together

eg – After the Beatles split up Paul McCartney started a new group. Wings.

Turn in – go to bed

eg – You can stay up if you like but I`m turning in.


(1) – I haven`t seen Philip and Alison together lately.

Oh, didn`t you know? They`ve…………...

(2) It sounds a good idea but do you think it will……..

(3) – I thought you were going on a Central Asian tour in the spring.

I was, but unfortunately it…………...

(4) When the details were published there was a big scandal but it soon……...

(5) I`ve had a hard day today, so I think I`ll…….early tonight.

(6) Somebody has………….I was told that the lecture was at 7 o`clock but according to the timetable it`s at 8.30.

(7) It`s very inconsiderate of Barbara to…………at the last minute. How can we find anyone else to baby-sit at such short notice?

(8) Mother`s on her feet from morning till night. If she doesn`t………..soon she`ll make herself ill.

(9) When Marion heard that the plane her parents were traveling in had crashed she………...

(10) – Sheila seems to have a lot of problems at home.

Yes, but don`t worry. She`ll………...


4. Переведите отрицательные предложения на английский язык два раза, но сначала используйте частицу no, а затем частицу not:

(1) У меня нет денег.

(2) У него нет друзей.

(3) Он не солдат.

(4) Я не пишу писем.

(5) Он не дурак.

(6) Она не была медсестрой.

(7) Они не будут писать стихи.

(8) У нас не было мелочи.


5. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

(1) It is our classroom.

(2) It`s a light room.

(3) The walls in my room are yellow.

(4) This cup is white.

(5) They are new ties.

(6) The table is at the window.

(7) The chairs are at the table.

(8) Klimov is our teacher.

6. Составьте список устойчивых выражений, которыми вы пользуетесь в повседневной жизни.


7.Составьте список устойчивых выражений, которые пригодятся вам в вашей профессиональной деятельности.



1. Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с. 522, 528, 532 - 535, 538, 540 - 542, 549 – 550, 555 – 556, 563, 566 – 567, 569, 581 – 586.

2. Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 36 – 45, 56 – 58, 103 – 106.

3.Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 23 – 24, 31 – 33, 48 – 56.

4.Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 19 – 20, 31 – 33, 47, 62 - 63, 76 – 79, 93, 108, 134 – 135, 203 – 205, 242 – 243.

5.Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с. 48 – 52, 137 – 143.

6.Eckersley and Macaulay. Brighter Grammar, c. 159 – 165.

7. Jane Povey. Phrasal Verbs and How to Use Them.

8.Новый большой англо-русский словарь в 3-х томах под общим руководством Ю.Д. Апресяна, М., 2000.

9.Мюллер В.К. Новый русско-английский словарь, М., 2005.

10.Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь, М., 2004.

11.Ахманова О.С. и др. Русско-английский словарь: 160000 слов и словосочетаний, М., 1997.

12.О`Брайн М.А. Новый русско-английский и англо-русский словарь, М., 1999.

13.Оксфордский русско-английский словарь: 70000 слов, сост. Маркус Уиллер, М., 1994.

14.Hornby A.S. Oxford student`s dictionary of current English, Oxford, 1978.

15.Бурова З.И. Лексический минимум по английскому языку для гуманитарных вузов, М., 1982.

16.Гарибян С.А. Мой новый Вавилон: Словарь ключей запоминания 1300 английских слов, М., 1996.


Интонация английского предложения. Present Perfect. Модальные глаголы. Неличные формы глагола: инфинитив и герундий. Словообразование. Стилистика

(4 часа):

1. Нисходящий ядерный тон в повествовательных фразах;

2.Фразовое ударение;

3.Редукция гласных в служебных словах;

4.Восходящий тон;

5.Употребление восходящего тона в общих вопросах;

6.Интонация разделительных вопросов;

7.Интонация специальных вопросов;

8.Интонация альтернативных вопросов;

9.Употребление низкого восходящего тона в незавершённых интонационных группах;

10.Характер действия, выражаемого глаголом в данном времени;

11.Образование данной временной формы глагола;

12.Разница между формами глагола Present Perfect и Past Simple;

13.Особенности и употребление модальных глаголов;

14.Лексическое значение модальных глаголов can, must, may, should, ought to, be to, have to;

15.Эквиваленты некоторых модальных глаголов;

16.Личные и неличные формы глагола;

17.Герундий, его формы, образование и употребление;

18.Инфинитив, его формы, образование и употребление;

19.Образование новых слов при помощи суффиксов и приставок;

20.Образование новых слов путём словосложения;

21.Конверсия (переход одной части речи в другую);

22.Языковая система, функциональные стили;

23.Основные противопоставления на уровне нормы;

24.Поэтический стиль;

25.Научный стиль;

26.Разговорный стиль;

27.Газетно-публицистический стиль.


1. Произнесите следующие распространённые вопросы. Следите за постепенным понижением голоса на каждом ударном слоге в предъядерной части:

(1)`Is this `text ` difficult? (5) `Is their `flat ` big?

(2) `Is this `sentence ` simple? (6) `Is `his `name ` Flint?

(3) `Is that `hat ` dear? (7) Is `Ted’s sister ` nine?

(4) `Is this `meat ` fat? (8) Is `Sam’s `child ` little?


2. Прочитайте следующие фразы. Соблюдайте ассимиляцию на стыке слов в следующих фразах:

(1) It’s a `lamp. (5) It’s a `lake.

(2) It’s a `big lamp. (6) It’s a `deep lake.

(3) It’s a `cat. (7) It’s a `day.

(4) It’s a `black cat. (8) It’s a `sad day.


3.Произнесите следующие специальные вопросы. Следите за высоким уровнем голоса на первом ударном слоге (вопросительном слове) и крутизной падения голоса на ядерном слоге:

(1) `What’s ` this? (4) `What is Tom’s ` job?

(2) `Where ` is he? (5) `What has he in this ` box?

(3) `Why is he ` late? (6) `What’s there on the ` floor?

4.Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол либо во времени Present Perfect, либо во времени Past Simple:

(1) I just (tell) you the answer.

(2) I (tell) you the answer yesterday.

(3) George never (sail) to America up to the present.

(4) John and Richard just (go) away.

(5) She already (answer) it the letter.

(6) She (answer) it on Tuesday.

(7) John and David (go) away five minutes ago.

(8) I (read) that book in the summer holidays.

(9) The baker (sell) now all his cakes.

(10) He (sell) the last one half an hour ago.


5.Выберите один из подчеркнутых модальных глаголов:

(1) We mustn`t / don`t have to go to school on Tuesday. It`s a holiday.

(2) In this country, you have to / should have an identity card.

(3) Sorry, I`m late. I must / had to go to the doctor`s.

(4) You don`t have to / shouldn`t eat so much chocolate. It`s bad for you!

(5) I`m sorry, but I`m not able to / don`t have to meet you tomorrow.

(6) You mustn`t / don`t have to leave the room without permission.

(7) David is only ten, but he must / can play chess very well.

(8) Where did you have to / must you go yesterday?

(9) I don`t think you must / should go out today.

(10) Sorry, I don`t understand. I can`t / mustn`t speak German.


6.Перепишите предложения, употребив инфинитив вместо слов, выделенных курсивом:

(1) I like a walk along the sea-shore.

(2) The shipwrecked sailors were overjoyed at the sight of land.

(3) Truthfulness is sometimes more difficult than winning a battle.

(4) I was glad at the sound of his voice.

(5) I should be sorry if I heard that you couldn’t do this exercise.

(6) Richard was told that he must not touch the cakes.

(7) Mr. Brown asked if he could see the headmaster.

(8) I was very sorry when I heard that you had had an accident.

(9) Richard said that he did not expect that he would get all the exercise right.

(10) The boys laughed when they saw the comical tricks of the clown.

(11) George asked if he could borrow John’s bicycle.

(12) The explorer said that he hoped that he would reach the North Pole.

(13) If I don’t prepare my work it is certain that the teacher will ask me a question that I can’t answer.


7.В следующих предложениях подчеркните герундий:

(1) Swimming is a very enjoyable exercise.

(2) I like swimming very much.

(3) John is fond of swimming but Margaret prefers dancing.

(4) Every Friday afternoon we have singing.

(5) Richard doesn’t like singing very much.

(6) We use a knife and fork for eating meat.

(7) You will only succeed by trying hard.

(8) Mr. Green likes gardening; but he doesn’t like cutting the grass.

(9) I don’t want to force you into doing something against your will.

(10) Richard hates getting up early in the morning.


8.Раскройте скобки и прибавьте к слову суффикс или приставку:

(1) If the word is important, (line) it.

(2) Thank you for inviting me. It was an (enjoy) evening.

(3) I enjoyed this programme. It was really (interest).

(4) Harry was (honest), and stole his friend`s money.

(5) Thank you very much. You`ve been very (help).

(6) Mary cried all night, and felt very (happy).

(7) Don`t touch the lion! That`s (danger).


9.Определите стиль следующего текста:

- Have you interrogate the accused?

- Yes, I have, several times.

- Was it an official interrogation?

- Yes, The objective was to learn the facts and circumstances concerning the crime.

- Has the accused admitted his guilt?

- Oh, no. He alleged to be innocent.

- And have you already interviewed the witnesses?

- Yes, and their statements substantiate the guilt of the accused.

- Have you got the records of the interrogations of the accused and the witnesses?

- Oh, yes, they are in the safe.


1).Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка, Ленинград, 1973.

2).Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 1, с. 522, 528, 533, 535, 538, 540 – 541, 550, 563, 566 – 569, 571 – 578.

3).Бонк П.А. Учебник английского языка, часть 2, с. 471 – 476, 480 – 487, 525. 4).Коссман Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка, с. 48 – 53, 74 – 85.

5).Куценко Л.И. Английский язык, с. 31 – 33, 44, 64, 68, 72 – 73, 86, 114, 144 – 145, 177 – 180, 202 – 210, 228 – 229.

6).Панова И.И. Английский для начинающих, с. 19 – 20, 31 – 33, 47, 63, 78 – 79, 93, 108, 168, 187, 243 – 244, 299 – 300, 313 – 314.

7).Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка, с.58 – 61, 88 – 97, 100 – 117, 155 – 158.


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