Model: strong – stronger – the strongest 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Model: strong – stronger – the strongest


Сильный – более сильный – самый сильный

Efficient – more efficient – the most efficient

Эффективный – более эффективный - самый эффективный

large ? ? более крупный/большой the largest ?
convenient ? ? ? the most convenient ?
Good ? Better ? ? самый лучший
Bad ? ? ? the worst ?
Interesting ? ? более интересный ? ?
time- consuming ? more time-consuming ? ? ?
Wide ? ? более широкий ? ?



Task 7

Translate the text. Переведите текст.

The first and most important storage device

1. The hard disk inside your computer is the biggest and most important storage device. It is like a filling cabinet1, but instead of paper cards, it saves everything electronically.

2. It can hold all the software you have on your computer and all your files.

3. A hard disk normally contains a few disks which are stacked on top each other. There are five or more in many computers.

4. The drive motor spins the disks very quickly. It runs all the time while your computer is in use.

5. There is a gap, a space between disks. The computer needs gaps, so that read/write heads can move across the disks and reach all the parts of disks very quickly. The head motor controls the read/write heads.

6. The space between the head and the disk surface is tiny. Even smoke from cigarette can cause a crash. A crash is what happens when the head touches the surface of the disk. To keep out dust and smoke, the drive disk is inside a sealed case.

Note: 1 – каталожный ящик.


Task 8

Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты следующим русским словам и словосочетаниям.

Read the text and find the equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions.

Зазор между дисками, герметично закрытый, устройство хранения, поверхность диска, двигаться и считывать, жесткий диск, двигатель, сохранять в электронном виде, быстро вращать, между дисками, вместо бумажных карточек.


Task 9

Answer the questions. Дайте ответы на вопросы по тексту.

1. What is the function of the hard disk?

2. Are a few disks that make a hard disk drive stacked on top of each other/

3. Why is there a gap between the disks?

4. Which element of the hard disk controls the read/write heads?

5. What protects hard disk from smoke and dust?


Task 10

В каком параграфе (укажите номер параграфа) текста “ The first and most important storage device” говорится о:

Which paragraph of the text “ The first and most important storage device” tells about:

a) The structure of the hard disk drive;

b) What allows read/write heads move across the disks;

c) The element that protects the hard disk drive;

d) The function of the drive motor?


Task 11

Прочитайте и переведите письмо. Примечание: asap is as soon as possible.

From: Euromechanics
To: Nexus Retail Systems
Subject: Request for a technical support

Dear Mr. Davis,

We are having a problem with cash registers systems.

Could you send us your technical support person to fix the problem asap?

We would be glad to meet John Bright again – he was of much help when we were installing that system.

Looking forward to your reply.


Ann Keller

Finance department Manager



Variant III

Task 1

Употребите глагол to be в нужной форме (am, is, are, was, were, will/shall be) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. First year students …… in the conference hall.

2. In four years these undergraduates …… Bachelors of Sciences

3. A Bachelor of Science … a graduate of higher educational institution who studied four years and passed the final exams.

4. About sixty years ago there …… only two faculties at our Academy, they …… Agronomy and Agro chemistry faculties.

5. Our lecturer … on business trip this week, she …… back next Monday.

6. Last term (=semester) we …… very busy; we had examinations in two new special subjects.

7. Life … short, art … is long.


Task 2

Поставьте глагол to have в нужную временную форму (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We usually …… two or three lectures and one or two practicals every day.

2. … you … Philosophy and History of Russia last year?

3. Next term all the students ……practical classes in laboratories.

4. …we …… an opportunity to test our ideas next year?

5. Twenty-five years ago the Academy …… a computer center (в отрицательной форме).

6. Our Academy library… many helpful scientific journals on different branches of agriculture.

7. Almost all extra-mural students … full-time jobs in the fields of their future profession.

Task 3

Вставьте нужный предлог и переведите предложения.

1. This scientific journal … ecology has got many interesting articles.

2. The examinations will begin …… two weeks; we don’t have much time left.

3. … summer students have two-months holidays, but many of them work.

4. The progress …… this group is very good.

5. Skilled specialists … Information Technologies are always in great demand.

6. I need some additional information …… the latest developments in hardware architecture.

7. …… the end …… our studies we are to write a diploma paper.


Task 4

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в соответствующее время группы времен Simple. Переведите предложения.

1. Capacity of a computer (depend) on how much memory there is.

2. At industrial enterprises computers (control) technological processes.

3. Next year I (upgrade) my PC; then I (use) it for high-quality graphics and animation.

4. Last term all of us ( visit) companies and state organizations and ( study) computers application in business and industry.

Task 5

Вставьте походящие по смыслу модальные глаголы (can, could, must, may, might) и переведите предложения. Помните, что у модальных глаголов есть заменители (have to, has to, had to, am/is/are to, was/were to), которые придется употребить в некоторых временах.

1. You ….. analyze these facts before starting to work on the project..

2. We …… make a final decision without additional data (модальный глагол в отрицательной форме).

3. Extra-mural students … to study from 8.30 am to 7 pm every day without exception because their term of studies in the Academy is only one month long.

4. They don’t understand you. You … present your idea more clearly.

5. In four years you …… to take a post graduate course.

6. …. I borrow this text-book in the Academy library?

7. You … find our technician in office 4 on the ground floor. He … be there now.


Task 6

Заполните таблицу отсутствующими (в сравнительной или превосходной степенях) формами прилагательных и переведите их.

Fill in the blanks with absent comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives or participles and translate them.

Model: strong – stronger – the strongest

Сильный – более сильный – самый сильный

Efficient – more efficient – the most efficient

Эффективный – более эффективный - самый эффективный

small ? ? меньший the smallest ?
profitable ? ? ? the most profitable ?
Good ? Better ? ? самый лучший
Bad ? ? ? the worst ?
successful ? ? более успешный ? ?
time- consuming ? more time-consuming ? ? ?
narrow ? ? более узкий ? ?


Task 7

Translate the text. Переведите текст.

The Central Processing Unit

1. The central processing unit, The CPU, has three main parts: the Control Unit, the Arithmetic and Logic Unit and Registers. These components are connected to the rest of the computer by buses.

2. The Arithmetic and Logic Unit, ALU for short, performs arithmetic functions like addition and subtraction, and logic operations such as AND, OR and NOT.

3. The Control Unit makes the computer carry out each instruction of a program in the right order and controls the operation of all hardware.

4. Registers are temporary storage areas for instructions or data. They work under the direction of the control unit.

5. The function of registers is to hold instructions or data immediately required for an operation. The function of the main memory is a little different: the main memory stores data required in the near future.

6. Registers work at high speed. Actually, all components of a CPU work at very high speed. Thanks to that many personal computers can execute instructions in less than one-millionth of a second.


Task 8

Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты следующим русским словам и словосочетаниям. Read the text and find the equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions.

С помощью шин, выполнять арифметические операции, блок управления, АЛУ, немедленно необходимы для выполнения операции, управлять работой аппаратной части, вычитание, регистры, в правильном порядке, с высокой скоростью.

Task 9

Answer the questions. Дайте ответы на вопросы по тексту.

1. What main parts does the CPU have?

2. How are CU, ALU and Registers connected to the rest of the computer?

3. What are registers for?

4. What is the function of the Control Unit?

5. Does the Control Unit control the operations of all hardware in the computer?

Task 10

В каком параграфе (укажите номер параграфа) текстаThe Central Processing Unit” говорится о:

Which paragraph of the textThe Central Processing Unit” tells about:

a) The function of the registers;

b) The three main components of the CPU;

c) The operation of the ALU;

d) The way by which CU, ALU and Registers are connected to the rest of the computer?


Task 11

Прочитайте и переведите письмо. Примечание: asap is as soon as possible.

From: Meyer-Consulting. com
To: Texnet com
Subject: Monitors


Dear Mr. Braithwaite,

I am writing to enquire about the monitors you informed us last month.

Please, could you send us a brochure and a price list?

We would also appreciate a visit from your representative to give more information about the products. Could you ask one of them to contact us?

Looking forward to your reply.


Sidney Evans

Purchasing Manager



Variant IV

Task 1

Употребите глагол to be в нужной форме ( am, is, are, was, were, will/shall be ) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We …… qualified specialists in Information Systems in five years.

2. Many students … good at computer work today.

3. Lecturers and professors give consultations to students, if it … necessary.

4. This year the number of students at Classical University … about twenty thousand.

5. There … different techniques of programming today.

6. Two months ago I … very busy at work.

7. Understanding … the best way between two points of view.

Task 2

Поставьте глагол to have в нужную временную форму (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. We …… extra-mural department in Agricultural Academy.

2. … you … Linear Algebra Last term?

3. The academic year in Russian universities and academies … two terms and a third period of practical work for full-time students.

4. Thirty years ago the academy …… a computer center (модальный глагол в отрицательной форме).

5. We …… examinations in English next term.

6. When you are in your first year, you … a lot of work.

7. … we … a lecture on Calculus tomorrow?

Task 3

Вставьте нужный предлог и переведите предложения.

1. My brother is a student …… financial college.

2. …August I entered the Academy and became an extra-mural student.

3. ……the end …… each term we have tests and examinations.

4. Text-books … all subjects can be borrowed from the library.

5. It is November now. The first semester will finish …… two months.

6. What do you do? Tell me …… your job.

7. She is an office worker. She usually works …9 …… 5 pm.

Task 4

Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в соответствующее время группы времен Simple. Переведите предложения.

1. This young lecturer always (use ) multimedia computer to illustrate his lectures.

2. In six months we (upgrade) the whole computer network

3. Today programmers (use) about two hundred programming languages.

4. Fifty-sixty years ago only mathematicians and scientists ( work) on computers.

Task 5

Вставьте походящие по смыслу модальные глаголы (can, could, must, may, might) и переведите предложения. Помните, что у модальных глаголов есть заменители (have to, has to, had to, am/is/are to, was/were to), которые придется употребить в некоторых временах.

1. You … have your passport about you, if you want to open a bank account.

2. It was so dark; we … to switch on the light.

3. You …… find something useful in IT technologies in on-line journals on this subject.

4. Students … use PCs in the computer centre in the library.

5. In many large shops you … pay by credit cards now.

6. The weather forecast says it … rain in the afternoon.

7. The IT consultant was very good; he … answer all our questions.


Task 6

Заполните таблицу отсутствующими (сравнительной или превосходной) формами прилагательных и переведите их.

Fill in the blanks with absent comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives or participles and translate them.

Model: strong – stronger – the strongest

Сильный – более сильный – самый сильный

Efficient – more efficient – the most efficient

Эффективный – более эффективный - самый эффективный

easy ? ? более длинный/долгий the easiest ?
great ? ? ? the greatest ?
good ? better ? ? самый лучший
bad ? ? ? the worst ?
complicated ? ? более сложный ? ?
time- consuming ? more time-consuming ? ? ?
far ? ? более далекий ? ?

Task 7

Translate the text. Переведите текст.


1. All components of the CPU are connected to the rest of the computer by buses.

2. A bus is a group of parallel wires which carry different signals between different parts of the computer.

3. Some buses are bidirectional, which means they allow data to flow in both directions.

4. Most computers have three main buses: the data bus, the address bus and the control bus.

5. The data bus is a bidirectional bus. It carries data and instructions from the memory to the CPU and from the CPU to memory.

6. The address bus is a unidirectional bus. Data can flow only one way - from the processor to the memory. Data are addresses which identify places in the memory where data or instructions may be found or stored.

7. The control bus is a bidirectional bus. It carries instructions to and from the CPU and from the CPU and other parts of the computer.

8. The control bus is a collection of lines which carry different signals. For example, the clock line carries a signal from the clock chip to synchronize the operations of the processor.


Task 8

Прочитайте текст и найдите в нем английские эквиваленты следующим русским словам и словосочетаниям. Read the text and find the equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions.

Шина управления, адресная шина, тактовый генератор, двунаправленная шина, переносить различные сигналы, большинство компьютеров, могут быть найдены или храниться, поток данных может идти только в одном направлении, между различными частями компьютера.


Task 9

Answer the questions. Дайте ответы на вопросы по тексту.

1. What do bidirectional buses allow?

2. What three main buses most computer have?

3. Is the address bus unidirectional or bidirectional?

4. What does the address bus do?

5. Do lines of the control bus carry different signals?


Task 10

В каком параграфе (укажите номер параграфа) текстаBuses” говорится о:

Which paragraph of the textBuses” tells about:

a) the function of the address bus;

b) bidirectional busses;

c) the bus that carries data and instructions from the memory to the CPU and back;

d) the line in the control bus that helps to synchronize the operation of the processor?


Task 11

Прочитайте и переведите письмо. Примечание: asap is as soon as possible.

From: Alice York, HR Manager
To: HR Assistants
Subject: Internet use


Dear colleagues,

Please note that starting immediately Internet use during working hours will be limited. Access will be granted from 15.00-18.00 every day.

Thank you for cooperation.


Alice York

Human Resources Manager





Данная контрольная работа предназначена для студентов-заочников факультета прикладной информатики. Даны четыре варианта. В каждом варианте есть как грамматические, так и лексические задания. При выполнении грамматических заданий вам потребуется повторить следующие разделы грамматики английского языка:

Спряжение глаголов to be и to have во временах группы Simple (Indefinite) в активном и страдательном залогах, степени сравнения прилагательных, порядок слов в английском предложении, перевод существительных в функции определения.

Указания к заданию 1. Глагол to be (am, is, are, was, were, will be) имеет несколько функций:

1. Он переводится так, как дан в словаре, т.е. словами «является, находится, состоит в том, чтобы…». Глагол to be в личной форме в настоящем простом времени можно вообще не переводить, а поставить тире.

The Dean’s office is on the first floor. Деканат находится на втором этаже. Он является нашим новым преподавателем по геологии. Или Он наш новый преподаватель по геологии.
The Dean’s office is on the first floor. Деканат находится на втором этаже.
Our plan is to design the site for the academy. Наш план состоит в том, чтобы создать сайт для академии.

2. Означает «должен» по плану, по расписанию или договоренности.

The network technician is to checkall the connections in the network. Техник должен проверить все соединения сети.

3. Выполняет функции вспомогательного глагола при образовании времен группы Continuous (Progressive) и всех времен страдательного залога.

The city council is discussing the project. Городской совет обсуждает проект.
The project is discussed by the Committee. Проект обсуждаетсякомитетом.

Указания к заданию 2. Глагол to have (have, has, will have) имеет несколько функций:

1. Он переводится, как дано в словаре, словами «имеет, есть»

We have our site in the web. У нас есть сайт в сети.

2. Означает «должен, вынужден (в силу обстоятельств)».

The students have to take four credit-tests and two exams this semester. Студенты должны (им придется) сдавать четыре зачета и два экзамена в этом семестре.


3. Выполняет функции вспомогательного глагола при образовании времен группы Perfect.

They have installed new application programs. Они установили новое прикладное ПО.

Указания к заданию № 7. Внимательно прочитайте весь текст задания №7, а также задание № 8. Найдите незнакомые слова к каждому параграфу и только после этого приступайте к переводу. Чтобы отредактировать выполненный перевод, прочитайте его вслух – вы сразу услышите все неудачные с точки зрения русского языка обороты.

Variant 1

Task 1

Переведите предложения, помня, что глагол “be” (am/is/are/was/were/will be) выполняет несколько функций в предложении.

Translate sentences, keeping in mind about many functions of the verb “be” (am/is/are/was/were/will be) in the sentence.

1. My future profession is a specialist in Information Technology.

2. This students’ group is to take exams on Saturday.

3. Computer architects are improving hardware constantly.

4. Will you be a web site designer?

5. Vacuum tube computers are not used now.


Task 2

Переведите предложения, помня, что глагол “have”(have, has, had, will have) выполняет несколько функций в предложении.

Translate sentences, keeping in mind about many functions of the verb “have” (have, has, had, will have) in the sentence.

1. We have some new subjects this term.

2. Do you have lectures on programming this week?

3. Future IT specialists have to update their knowledge in order work with new technologies.

4. We have finished the course of “Networks”.

5. Have you found the article in the Internet?


Task 3

Так выглядит реклама компьютерного магазина на английском языке. Расшифруйте сокращения, о каком компьютере идет речь?

This is a computer ad (advertisement). Decipher abbreviations, what computer is advertised?

· 1 GB dual channel DDR2 SDRAM

· 200 GB Serial ATA hard drive (7200 rpm.)

· 19˝ TFT flat panel XGA 91024 [ 768) monitor

· 48 X CD-RW drives.

Task 4

Подчеркните сказуемое и переведите предложения.

Underline predicates and translate the sentences.

1. Transistor was invented in 1948.

2. Computers are widely used for data processing.

3. Personal information is often stored on PCs without passwords.

4. In the near future speech recognition will be employed on many user interfaces.

5. Are computers considered a threat by some people?

6. Was they MIS (Management Information System) designed by a team of third – year students?

7. Some tasks are not performed without computers.


Task 5

Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на подчеркнутые слова. Будьте внимательны – в каждом предложении есть причастие или причастный оборот, который в английском предложении не выделяется запятыми.

1. Vacuum tube computers named “first generation computers ” were bulky, slow and very unreliable.

2. People paying by electronic transfer should be very careful and follow certain rules.

3. Data processed by computers will become information.

4. The stored data won’t be lost.

5. IT specialists taking special courses on new software developments have serious advantages for employers.

6. The new antivirus program and filters installed on my PC protect my system from most common viruses and spam coming with e-mail.

7. The main processing chip called “Pentium4” was designed and manufactured by the Intel Corporation.


Task 6

Переведите предложения. Помните, что инфинитив может переводиться по-разному. Подчеркните инфинитив.

Translate the sentences. Keep in mind different ways of translating the infinitive. Underline the infinitive.

1. The problem to be solved is very difficult.

2. To protect your personal information is a priority.

3. We need more data to make a decision.

4. To document this program will take much time; we need two more days to finish.

5. Statistical data to be used in this report should be checked and rechecked.

6. The best thing to do is to use antivirus and anti-spam software.

7. To download unauthorized copies of software is to break the law.

Task 7

Переведите текст World-Wide Web на русский язык. Translate the text World-Wide Web into Russian.

World-Wide Web

1. The web (World-Wide Web) is an Internet-based computer network that allows users on one PC to access information stored on another computers through the world wide network.

The popularity of the Internet is increasing and people become more aware of its colossal potential.

2. The WWW project is based on the principle of universal readership.

“If information is available, then any person has a right to access it”.

3. The structure of the internet has two principles: the client and the server. The client, like the Netscape or Lynx, knows how to present data, and the servers know where to take information, how to extract it.

4. One of the main features of the WWW documents is their hypertext structure. The user is to click with a mouse and the referenced document will appear. Hypertext structure allows not to copy information every time a user needs it; data is stored only once, and all referenced to it is linked to the original document.

Task 8

Ответьте на вопросы. Answer the questions.

1. What is a WWW?

2. What is the basic principle of the WWW project?

3. Does any Internet user have a right to the information if it is available on the net?

4. What are the functions of the client and the server?

5. Why is the hypertext structure of the documents convenient for the users?

Task 9

Закончите предложения. Finish the sentences.

1. The WWW allows internet users ……..

2. If the information is available, the ……..

3. The WWW project is based on

4. A referenced document will appear after you ……

5. Hypertext structure allows not to ……

Task 10

Определите, является ли каждое утверждение истинным или ложным, поставив для верного утверждения T и F – для ложного.

Read these statements and decide which is true and which is false. Put “ T ” or “ F ” against each statement.

1. The Internet project is based on the principle of universal readership.

2. The Internet structure has got clients and servers.

3. Data is stored in the Internet many times and occupies much memory.

4. Internet does not have potential.

5. The hypertext structure of the Web-documents helps to find referenced information very easily.

Variant 2

Task 1

Переведите предложения, помня, что глагол “be” (am/is/are/was/were/will be) выполняет несколько функций в предложении.

Translate sentences, keeping in mind about many functions of the verb “be” (am/is/are/was/were/will be) in the sentence.

1. We are to write two course papers on special subjects this year.

2. Now I am working as a hot-line technician in a call center, but I will be a network administrator after finishing the Academy.

3. We are upgrading our computer park and I am very busy this month.

4. “Management Information Systems are not studied this term”.

5. Were you informed about the change of the time-table next week?

Task 2

Переведите предложения, помня, что глагол “have”(have, has, had, will have) выполняет несколько функций в предложении.

Translate sentences, keeping in mind about many functions of the verb “have” (have, has, had, will have) in the sentence.

1. They have a new lecturer on Higher Mathematics.

2. The students did not have much practice in designing application programs before they started a course of Programming.

3. We had to search the Internet to find the new information on this topic.

4. This semester the IT students have performed a lot of practical assignments.

5. The new application program has been documented and tested.


Task 3

Так выглядит реклама компьютерного магазина на английском языке. Расшифруйте сокращения, о каком компьютере идет речь?

This is a computer ad (advertisement). Decipher abbreviations, what computer is advertised?

· 800 MHz FSB

· 2 GB ECC DDR2 (400 MHz)

· SD RAM (upgradeable to 8 GB)

· 19˝ TFT XGA (1024 x 768) flat panel monitor.


Task 4

Подчеркните сказуемое и переведите предложения.

Underline predicates and translate the sentences.

1. Computer control is applied in many agricultural works in developed countries.

2. Safety of many technological processes in industry is provided by computers.

3. The progress of information technology was discussed at the conference of European computer manufacturing companies.

4. Is application software exported?

5. The best webpage was designed by a group of young IT specialists from the Technological University.

6. Hardware and software are improved constantly.

7. New tendencies in PC evolution are not analyzed in the student’s report.

Task 5

Переведите предложения, обратите внимание на подчеркнутые слова. Будьте внимательны – в каждом предложении есть причастие или причастный оборот, который в английском предложении не выделяется запятыми.

1. Data stored in the cache memory are quickly found by the processor.

2. A small number of chips installed between the main memory and the processor enabled the PC to operate faster.

3. The chips acting as a buffer between the main memory and the processor make up the cache memory.

4. Logic circuits controlling the process of finding and taking out the data from the cache memory are cache controllers.

5. The data absent in cache but foundin the main memory will be copied into cache.


Task 6

Переведите предложения. Помните, что инфинитив может переводиться по-разному. Подчеркните инфинитив.

Translate the sentences. Keep in mind different ways of translating the infinitive. Underline the infinitive.

1. To choose the best ISP (Internet Service Provider) a user should study all the possibilities.

2. To connect to a well-known ISP that usually offers friendly start-up services is the best choice for inexperienced users.

3. The best ISPs offer technical support to deal with any access and connection problems.

4. To have a faster connection to the Internet ISPs use high-speed technologies, such as digital subscriber line (DSL) or a satellite.

5. To block spam users must choose the ISP which offers the anti-spam and anti-virus services.

6. Fees to cover the cost of the Internet services should be checked beforehand.

7. To have access to the Internet at peak hours is not always possible.


Task 7

Переведите текстComputer maintenance technician” (Professions in IT) на русский язык.

Translate the text “Computer maintenance technician” into Russian.


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