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*Вправа 1. (Робота у невеликих групах). У кожному з поданих нижче речень: 2) установіть функцію підкресленої частини; 3) користуючись інструкціями 1 - 3, напишіть речення англійською мовою.
1. Південний схід Англії – найбільш густо заселена частина Британії. (to populate) 2. Ви перевищили строк кредиту, який зазвичай надається. (to allow) 3. Рахунок, відкритий у нашому банку, принесе вам річний доход у 15%. (to open) 4. Ви виглядаєте втомленим. (to tire) 5. Банк Англії - одна з найдужче захищених будівель у Лондоні. (to protect) 6. Товари, що купуються за кордоном, називаються видимим імпортом. (to buy) 7. Ми живемо у місті, заснованому майже 230 років тому. (to found) 8. Він був таким схвильованим, що не міг заснути. (to excite) 9. Товари, що постачаються на ринки нашого міста, потребують експертної оцінки. (to supply) 10. Акції, випущені компанією “Дженерал Моторс”, піднялись на 3 пункти. (to issue)
*Вправа 2. (Робота у парах). Намагаючись не звертатися за допомогою до інструкцій, напишіть англійською мовою подані нижче речення, вживаючи Past Participle.
1. Заявник має надати засвідчену копію документу про освіту. (to authenticate) 2. Юнак виглядав дуже здивованим. (to surprise) 3. Зафрахтоване судно прибуде до Одеси наступного тижня. (to freight) 4. Більшість компаній з обмеженою відповідальністю – це акціонерні компанії, якими володіють акціонери. (to limit; to own) 5. Корпорацією володіють люди, які називаються акціонерами. (to call) 6. Більшість корпорацій – це закриті корпорації. (to close) 7. Секретар компанії повинен бути кваліфікованою особою, членом визнаної установи або асоціації. (to qualify; to recognise) 8. Товари, що продаються за кордон, називаються видимим експортом. (to sell) 9. Премія зазвичай виплачується за певну виконану роботу. (to do) 10. Долари випускаються Федеральною Резервною Системою, заснованою Конгресом у 1913 році. (to establish)
*Вправа 3. (Робота у парах). Користуючись у разі необхідності словником, напишіть речення, вживаючи Present Participle або Past Participle.
1. He works very hard. It’s not (surprising / surprised) that he’s always (tiring / tired). 2. I find going round art galleries and museums very (tiring / tired). 3. He’s one of the most (boring / bored) people I’ve ever met. He never stops talking and he never says anything (interesting / interested). 4. I’ve got nothing to do. I’m (boring / bored). 5. The teacher’s explanation was (confusing / confused). Most of the students didn’t understand it. 6. There is no need to get (annoying / annoyed) just because I’m a few minutes late. 7. I’m starting a new job next week. I’m quite (exciting / excited) about it. 8. I was (disappointing / disappointed) with this position. I had expected it to be better. 9. It’s sometimes (embarrassing / embarrassed) when you have to ask people for money. 10. I had never expected to get the job. I was really (amazing / amazed) when I was offered it. 11. The news was (shocking / shocked). 12. We were very (shocking / shocked) when we heard the news. Вправа 4 (контрольна). Напишіть англійською мовою подані нижче речення, вживаючи Present Participle або Past Participle.
1. Чоловік, що розмовляє по телефону, працює в нашому офісі. (to speak) 2. Прайс-лист, що додається до контракту, ви отримаєте завтра. (to attach) 3. Послуги, запропоновані банком, були розглянуті нашим бухгалтером. (to offer) 4. Фільм був дуже хвилюючим. (to excite) 5. Ми бажаємо придбати акції, які випускає ваш концерн. (to issue) 6. Існує два види людей, що ведуть справи на фондових біржах. (to deal) 7. Оплату за обладнання, придбане на вашому заводі, було зроблено через акредитив. (to buy)
8. Дівчина виглядала дуже здивованою. (to surprise) 9. Страховий поліс – це документ, який встановлює точні строки та умови страхової угоди. (to set out) 10. Гроші, зароблені на будівництві, були вкладені в нове підприємство. (to earn) 11. Виконана робота має оплачуватися своєчасно. (to do) 12. Тайвань – одна з країн, що найбільш швидко розвиваються. (to develop)
Етап VI Формування навичок читання В англійських текстах з економіки та фінансів неособові форми дієслова використовуються досить часто. Отже, треба вміти розпізнавати неособові форми під час читання і правильно передавати їх засобами рідної мови.
The Infinitive
*Вправа 1. (Робота у парах). У поданих нижче реченнях визначте випадки, коли слово to не є часткою інфінітива.
1. The European Union membership allows imports to enter member countries either free of duty or at lower customs duties. 2. All member countries contribute to a common budget for certain purposes. 3. People of member countries may freely enter another member state to travel or to work there. 4. We are looking forward to hearing from you in the near future. 5. We would urge you to place an order as soon as possible as there has been a huge response to our advertisement. 6. Are you used to working long hours? 7. We used to work on Saturday then. 8. In addition to looking after the company payroll, I am in charge of finances for the new building. 9. In the course of making inquires and offers, the parties meet to agree upon one or another question. 10. Offers usually state the terms on which the goods are to be paid. 11. After the two parties come to an agreement about terms and conditions of the transaction, they sign a contract. 12. This is to certify the insurance cover to the order of Procter & Gamble, Kyiv, of chemicals. 13. The accountant’s responsibility is to analyse and interpret the data in the Ledger and the Trial Balance. 14. A company’s share capital is often referred to as equity capital. 15. Part of the company’s profit is paid to shareholders as a dividend according to the number of shares they own. 16. If the company needs to raise more capital for expansion, it might issue new shares. 17. If the company wants to turn some of its profit into capital, it can issue new shares at no cost to the existing shareholders. 18. Only Stock Exchange members are admitted to transact business at the Stock Exchange. 19. I regret to say that we will not be able to offer you the job. 20. A lot of business people in this country object to paying such high taxes.
*Вправа 2. (Робота у невеликих групах). У поданих нижче реченнях: 1) визначте функцію інфінітива; 2) визначте форму інфінітива; 3) користуючись інструкціями 1-2, передайте речення засобами рідної мови; 4) прочитайте англійські речення уголос.
1. The most important rule for a businessman is to keep his word and to be honest. 2. The businessman should observe various rules. 3. If you forget a person’s name or did not hear the name, do not hesitate to say: I’m sorry I’ve forgotten your name or I’m sorry I didn’t hear your name. 4. In fact, most telephoned communications have to be confirmed in writing. 5. To serve effectively as money, a commodity should be fairly durable, easily divisible, and portable. 6. If the state does not take measures to combat stagflation, this leads to deflation. 7. The quality of the chemicals is to be confirmed by certificate issued by a competent independent and recognized laboratory. 8. Everybody expects him to go on a business trip on Monday. 9. To elect and to be elected is the right of every citizen. 10. He is said to be good at financial accounting. 11. I stayed here to see what would happen. 12. I regret to inform you that your application has been unsuccessful. 13. He is too old to be sent there. 14. This company is going to go bankrupt. 15. The board of directors appoints one of their number to the position of managing director to be in charge of the day-to-day running of the company. 16. Every company is required, under the law, to have a company secretary. 17. In the case of private companies, the directors are free to appoint any suitable person for this position. 18. This research is likely to throw some light on the problem. 19. They used a number of methods to investigate the problem. 20. This method is known to have some disadvantages. 21. There used to be a beautiful old building where that car park is now. 22. Our secretary happened to know their address. 23. WTO member countries agreed not to show trading discriminations against each other. 24. We seem to know the solution of this problem. 25. Computers help carry out increasingly complex tasks. 26. The leaders of Europe’s ailing computer manufacturing companies wanted Brussels to ensure the survival of a significant European information technology industry.
27. In case of life assurance the risk is certain to occur sooner or later. 28. They made us work extremely hard on the training course.
*Вправа 3. (Робота у парах). У поданих нижче реченнях: 1) визначте функцію інфінітива; 2) визначте форму інфінітива; 3) намагаючись не звертатися до інструкцій, передайте речення засобами рідної мови; 4) прочитайте англійські речення вголос.
1. To analyse the situation is to know it in details. 2. I won’t forget to give her your message. 3. We’d like to know if you are offering any trade discounts. 4. This fact does not seem to raise any doubt. 5. Money helps us economize on scarce resources. 6. These events are known to have much in common. 7. To get money in, the bank offers favourable terms to potential depositors. 8. The Stock Exchange Council in London has drawn up a code of practice to regulate take-overs to prevent some abuses. 9. One such abuse is secret dealing when a company wishes to take over secretly and buys its shares secretly. 10. I don’t know him well enough to ask him for help. 11. Application of computer techniques permits us to considerably facilitate data processing. 12. Interest in this problem appears to be growing. 13. A company often gives shareholders the right to buy new shares at a low price. 14. At 12.00 we stopped to have a break. 15. Exports are expected to grow in May. 16. Did you use to have a Saturday job when you were at school? 17. I considered her to be the best person for this job. 18. We made them complete the report by Friday. 19. Auditors’ duty is to reduce the possibility of misappropriation, to identify mistakes or detect fraudulent transactions. 20. Auditors are requested to propose solutions for these problems. 21. I’ll write down his phone number so as not to forget it. 22. All companies are to be registered with the Registrar of companies. 23. The goods are reported to have been insured by the sellers. 24. Usually taxpayers are given 30 days to pay from the date of issue of an assessment. 25. In a futures market traders take an option to buy or sell the product in the future. 26. I regret to say that we will not be able to give you the discount. 27. Your claim in writing should certify that the Buyers have failed to make due payment. 28. Personal checks can be used to pay for almost any purchase or transaction. Вправа 4 (контрольна). Прочитайте уголос і перекладіть на рідну мову подані нижче речення.
1. With a large population, small land area, and few natural resources, Great Britain depends on foreign trade to supply the raw materials for its factories and to provide a market for the sale of manufactured goods. 2. To regulate the money supply is the primary function of a central bank. 3. The Committee is expected to report in February. 4. An investor who wishes to buy or sell securities must act through a broker. 5. The date of the bill of lading is to be considered the date of delivery. 6. The discount rate used to be known in the UK as the Bank Rate or Minimum Lending Rate. 7. The general aim of General Agreement on Tariff and Trade was to reduce the trade restrictions, or tariffs, and to increase the volume of international trade. 8. GATT member countries agreed to work towards a general reduction in tariff barriers. 9. Originally, GATT was not intended to be a permanent institution. 10. The essential condition for the survival of token money is the restriction of the right to supply it. 11. Her parents encouraged her to do what she most enjoyed. 12. All corporations require a certificate to do business in the state where they would prefer to operate. 13. They have very little experience of the entertainment industry, so they are unlikely to win the contract for a national television network. 14. In the case of public companies, the company secretary must be a properly qualified person, a member of a recognised institute. 15. It is important to note that commercial banks have two type of customers: depositors and borrowers. 16. To operate legally, banks must be charted by individual states or the federal government. 17. The negotiators persuaded the union to accept the pay deal. 18. They introduced these changes in order not to suffer losses. 19. The fall in demand forced them to cut production. 20. Before I went to New York, a colleague warned me not to go out alone at night. The Gerund and the Present Participle (ing-forms)
Оскільки формальною ознакою і герундія, і Present Participle є суфікс -ing, необхідно вміти розрізняти їх у процесі читання.
*Вправа 5. (Робота у невеликих групах). У поданих нижче реченнях: 1) визначте функцію ing -форми; 2) визначте форму ing- форми; 3) користуючись інструкціями 4 - 5, передайте речення засобами рідної мови; 4) прочитайте англійські речення вголос.
1. A lot of special security features are usually used in making banknotes of every country. 2. Having been made many years ago, the equipment is out of date. 3. The Federal Reserve Banks act to commercial banks as lenders by rediscounting bills. 4. Having sent the letter, we left the post-office. 5. I will not be able to translate this document without looking up a few words in the dictionary. 6. Their breaking the agreement made us seek another supplier. 7. Money has three functions, the crucial feature being its acceptance as a means of payment. 8. They have been the agents of Peterson & Co for a few years, selling cosmetics all over the world. 9. He regrets telling us this very unpleasant news. 10. He heard the manager discussing the price with the suppliers. 11. Merchant banks and discount houses deal only with special customers providing funds for special purposes. 12. She insisted on my being sent to the conference. 13. Developing a high technology product like a compact disc requires a great deal of investment. 14. The Board members disagreed as to the crediting opportunities of the bank for the next year. *Вправа 6. (Робота у парах). У поданих нижче реченнях: 1) визначте функцію ing -форми; 2) визначте форму ing -форми; 3) намагаючись не звертатися до інструкцій, передайте речення засобами рідної мови; 4) прочитайте англійські речення вголос.
1. The conference participants discussed possible ways of overcoming the recession. 2. I felt Jim touching my elbow. 3. He is proud of having been appointed to this post. 4. Modern banks play a key role in determining the total quantity of money in the economy. 5. A central bank acts as banker to the government, taking responsibility for the control of the money supply and the funding of the government’s budget deficit. 6. Maria’s agreeing to the company’s terms was being discussed during the evening meal. 7. The government, operating through profit incentives or direct controls on the banking system, seeks to control the quantity of money in the economy. 8. A reserve requirement of the central bank acts like a tax on commercial banks by forcing them to hold a higher fraction of their total assets as bank reserves. 9. When imposing a reserve requirement, the central bank wants to reduce the money supply. 10. On coming home, I began to work at once. 11. Some monetarists say that inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. 12. Dealing with financial forecasts is the most difficult part of my job. 13. The results justify our not following the rules. 14. A clearing system is a set of arrangements in which debts between banks are settled by adding up all the transactions in a given period and paying only the net amounts that are needed to balance inter-bank accounts.
Вправа 7 (контрольна). Прочитайте уголос і перекладіть на рідну мову подані нижче речення.
1. A commercial bank borrows money from the public, crediting them with a deposit. 2. In turn, the bank lends money to firms, households or governments wishing to borrow. 3. Some building societies have started issuing cheque books to their depositors. 4. There is practical difficulty in deciding which financial intermediaries are banks. 5. We use money for payments or receipts when making transactions in other markets. 6. The clearing banks are so named because they have a central clearing house for handling payments by cheque. 7. The central bank can affect the banks’ cash reserves ratio in two ways: by imposing required reserve ratios on the commercial banking system or by setting the discount rate at a penalty level which induces banks to play safe and hold extra cash reserves to minimize the risk of having to borrow from the central bank. 8. Banks do not charge directly for the expenses of clearing and processing cheques. 9. An open market operation occurs when the central bank alters the monetary base by buying or selling financial securities in the open market. 10. The government can finance the budget deficit by printing money. 11. It sells securities to the Bank in exchange for cash, which is then used to meet the excess of spending over tax revenue. 12. Trying to keep everyone in the office happy is the most difficult part of my job. 13. His being sent to our Paris office was quite unexpected. 14. We listened to Jane giving an account of the negotiations. The Past Participle
*Вправа 8. (Робота у парах). У поданих нижче реченнях: 1) визначте випадки, коли слово з закінченням –ed є Past Participle; 2) установіть функцію Past Participle.
1. The newspaper featured the sharp rise predicated by economists. 2. The measures declared by the government have changed the situation for the better. 3. They are supposed to be developing a revolutionary new product. 4. When I arrived at the office, the meeting had started. 5. The figures published in The Economist demonstrated a certain rise in productivity. 6. We published the figures obtained during the market research. 7. We used the forecast based on the present market condition. 8. They showed us a list of the invited guests. 9. They are regularly informed of the latest developments at the Stock Exchange. 10. You should have the photocopier mended. 11. Most of the senior managers were fired after the takeover. 12. The captain has informed us of the quantity of wheat loaded. *Вправа 9. (Робота у невеликих групах). У поданих нижче реченнях: 1) визначте функцію Past Participle; 2) користуючись інструкціями 6 - 7, передайте речення засобами рідної мови; 3) прочитайте англійські речення уголос.
1. The figures given in the report are not interesting for our department. 2. The equipment bought last year is in a good condition. 3. The exchange rates for currencies sold and bought in exchange offices are only valid regionally. 4. Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the USA, set up by the Federal Government in 1913. 5. The US dollar is now the most counterfeited currency in the world. 6. The Aluminium Alloy Co. Ltd., Great Britain, hereinafter referred to as the Seller, on the one part, and the Jameson Construction Co. Ltd., Australia, hereinafter referred to as the Buyer, on the other part, have concluded the present Contract. 7. Income tax and capital gains tax are charged for a tax year, sometimes called a fiscal year. 8. The head of the Bank is Governor of the Bank appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the Prime Minister.
*Вправа 10. (Робота у парах). У поданих нижче реченнях: 1) визначте функцію Past Participle; 2) намагаючись не звертатися до інструкцій, передайте речення засобами рідної мови; 3) прочитайте англійські речення уголос.
1. When his tax position is clarified, the employee receives a refund of any tax overpaid. 2. Money is any generally accepted means of payment for delivery of goods or the settlement of debt. 3. By collectively agreeing to use token money, society economises on the scarce resources required to produce money as a medium of exchange. 4. In the UK, the commercial banking system comprises about 600 registered banks. 5. The Issue Department of the Bank of England purchases financial securities issued by the government. 6. A required reserve ratio is a minimum ratio of cash reserves to deposits that the central bank requires commercial banks to hold. 7. The money market is in equilibrium when the quantity of real balances demanded equals the quantity supplied. 8. Commercial banks try to make a profit by efficiently using the funds given to them by depositors.
Вправа 11 (контрольна). У поданих нижче реченнях визначте всі випадки неособових форм дієслова. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
1. The mining industry figures are expected to jump. 2. The visitors watched Mr. Clark unpacking the parcel. 3. The company produces various drinks, exporting them to many European countries. 4. To be accepted in exchange, money has to be a store of value. 5. Nobody will accept money as payment for goods supplied today if the money is going to be of no value when they try to buy goods with it tomorrow. 6. It is usually convenient to make money the unit of account and standard of deferred payment. 7. The money supply being the monetary base multiplied by the money multiplier, open market operations, altering the monetary base, alter the money supply.
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