Артиклі в назвахдеякихкраїн, націй, жителівкраїн і мов 

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Артиклі в назвахдеякихкраїн, націй, жителівкраїн і мов



Назвакраїни Прикметник Національність Жителікраїни Назвамови
Belgium Belgian a Belgian theBelgians Dutch, French, German
Britain / England / Great Britain / the UK British / English a Brition a Brit a Britisher anEnglishman (Englishwoman) the British Britions Britisher the English Englishmen English
Chile Chilean a Chilean theChileans Spanish
Cyprus Cyprian a Cypriote theCyprians Greek, Turkish
Denmark Danish a Dane theDanish / (the) Danes Danish
Finland Finnish a Finn theFinnish / Finns Finnish
France French a Frenchman a Frenchwoman theFrench / Frenchmen French
Holland / theNetherlands Dutch a Dutchman a Dutchwoman theDutch / Dutchmen Dutch
Iraq (Irak) Iraqi anIraqi theIraqi Arabic / Kurdish
Israel Israeli anIsraeli theIsraelis Hebrew
thePhilippines Filipino a Filipino (the) Filipinos Filipino (Tagalog)
Poland Polish a Pole (the) Poles Polish
Russia Russian a Russian (the) Russians Russian
Scotland Scottish / Scotch a Scot / a Scotsman (Scotswoman) (the) Scots Scottish
Spain Spanish a Spaniard (a Spanish woman) the Spanish Spanish
the Sudan Sudanese / Sudani a Sudanese / a Sudani the Sudanese / the Sudani Arabic
Sweden Swedish a Swede the Swedish / (the) Swedes Swedish
Switzerland Swiss a Swiss the Swiss German, French, Italian
Thailand Thai a Thai the Thais Thai
Turkey Turkish a Turk (the) Turks Turkish
Ukraine Ukrainian a Ukrainian (the) Ukrainians Ukrainian
the USA / America American an American (the) Americans English
Zimbabwe Zimbabwean the Zimbabwean the Zimbabwean English



Артиклі з іменниками, що означають часові поняття, назви періоду доби, днів тижня, місяців, пір року і свят


Без артикля А The
Загальнезначення Описовевизначення Лімітованевизначеннячи контекст
Monday is always a bad day. It was a very hectic Monday The Monday you are speaking about was tiring.
We'll wait till night and then call the police. I could never imagine such an awful night. We stayed at the motel for the night.
We get good crops of apples in autumn. We are having a wonderful autumn this year. The autumn in Colorado was long and wet.
at dawn, at midnight, before morning, by day, in winter, on Tuesday, on New Year's day, in March, every other day, day after day, from morning till night next week, last year in a day a week from today a fortnightfromtomorrow in th evening, in the morning, the other morning, the day after tomorrow, the following day, the year after next, in the past, in the future, in the end, in the 19th century, in the holidays, at the moment
  Артиклі з назвамиприйомуїжі  
Без артикля А The
Загльнезначення Описовевизначення Лімітованевизначеннячи контекст
Dinner is served.   Let's have lunch.   That was a very nice dinner. We had a late lunch. Soon the dinner was served. I was not invited to the formal dinner.
  Взначенні «порція»: to have a meal to have a drink to have a snack  
  В значенні «прийом гостей, вечір, вечірка»: We met him at a public dinner.  
  He couldn't afford in a cheap cafe.  



Артиклі з особовимиіменами

Без артикля A The
GeorgeBush PresidentBush В значенні «хтосьізсім’ї»: He was a Bush and wanted to become president. В значенні «члени однієїсім’ї»: The Bushes are coming to this dinner.
АЛЕ: There are many Wilsons, Smiths and Browns in England. (значення просто множини)    
MrSmith Linda Взначенні «хтось»: A Mr Smith left a message for you. A Lindacalled. Взначенні «визначенаособа»: He’s the Smith I met last night. Linda at 45 was still the Linda of 20.
David Beckham Alice in Wonderland При вказівці на риси, якіасоціюються з кимось: Jack plays football well, but he’ll never be a Beckham. She felt like an Alice in Wonderland.  
SalvadorDali ChristianDior Зціллювказівки на авторські твори: The art dealer agreed to buy a Dali. She wants to wear a Dior this time.  
Артиклізіменниками bed, hospital, church, school, class, college, court, market, prison, university
Без артикля A/The
Якщоціпредмети і закладивикористовуються за призначенням Якщо вони означають просто місце
My father is in hospital (налікуванні) He was taken to hospital after the heart attack. (з метою лікування) I saw my father in the hospital. (уприміщеннілікарні) This is a new hospital. (приміщення)
The children are in school now, and my mother is in church. It’s an old school. There’s a meeting at the school at 7 o’cloc.
  АЛЕ: at a/the office/factory, cathedral, mosque



Артиклі з іменникамиуфункції прикладки


A The Без артикля
Ізобчислюваними іменниками в однині Зіменемвідомоїперсони, при наявностілімітованоговизначеннячи контексту При зазначенніна посаду чипропозицію, яку можезаймати одна людина: president, head, author, minister
D.H. Lawrence, an author from Nottingham, wrote a book called ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’. (авторможебутиневідомим) My friend, a dentist, works long hours. D.H. Lawrence, the author of ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’, died in 1930. (ім’яавторавідомобагатьом) Miss Hicks, the supervising nurse, is coming to see you. D.H. Lawrence, author of ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’, died in 1930. (ім’яавторавідомозагалу) Mrs Banks, Head of Logistics, is from Toronto.
  АЛЕ: The prime minister is fond of dogs. (мовайде про людину, а не її посаду) Mr Blair, prime minister of England, has arrived in Paris.
  the painter Rubens the playwright Pinter the calculating Becky the Emperor Napoleon АЛЕ: Queen Anne Pope Benedict President Lincoln DoctorHouse
    Іменники, якіозначаютьофіційну посаду, в функціїпредикативутакожвживаються без артикля: HecametoKyivwhenhewasMinisterofDefense.



Артиклі з іменниками в словосполученнях з прийменниками

Прийменники A Без артикля The
from не вживається from memory from day to day fromscratch from the cradle from the stable fromthewordgo
in in a mess in a minute in a whisper in debt in tears in comfort in the egg in the end inthe couds
on on a bet on a diet on a leash on time on strike on reflection on the hour on the radio ontheway
with with a nod with a heavy heart with a bounce with smiles with good grace with kid gloves with the word with the colors withtheexceptionof
like like a dream like a brother like a king like beans, like show business, like clock-work likethewind
as as brave as a lion as fit as a fiddle as mad as a hatter as good as gold as hard as nails assafeashouses as the crow files as good as the first time  
by by a majority by a hair by a closeshave by post by degrees by credit card by the way by the head and ears bythedozen
at at a profit at a glance at a moment’snotice at sea at first hand at pains at the cross-roads at the moment attheweekend
for for a walk for a change for a rainyday for sale for fun for starters for the record for the rest for the time being



Артиклівмісцевихзворотахіззначенням «цілетайогочастина»

A/TheNoun + of + Noun


Здійснимиіменниками a bit of chalk – two bits of chalk a roll of paper a can of beer a kilo of sugar a grain of rice
Знеобчислюваними абстрактнимиіменниками an item of news – some items of news a branch of knowledge a period of calm a piece of research a vase of flower
Зіменниками в множині a book of stamps – ten books of stamps a cartoon of cigarettes a box of matches a tin of sardines a vase of flowers
Зназвами ігор a game of football- many games of football a game of chess a game of billiards
Зназвамипарнихпредметів і одягу a pair of gloves – two pairs of gloves a pair of jeans a pair of skates
Знеобчислюваними іменниками і обчислюваними іменниками в однині в значенні«тип, сорт, вид будь-чого» a type of cloth – some types of cloth a brand of soap a sort of cake a species of insect a kind of friendship





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