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Неличных форм глагола, сослагательного наклонения, Условных предложений, эмфазы и синтаксиса 174. Chaucer's outlook on life was certainly narrower than Shakespeare's; he would have been unable to realize, much less to describe, the awful tragedy of the life of Lear or Othello. But what he has seen he describes perfectly and vividly. 175. In the past few decades much serious and effective work has been done by American linguists in order to produce scientific descriptions of the still-spoken Amerindian languages (as they are sometimes called). This work is 19 ad infinitum — бесконечно, постоянно. 206 the more important since some of the communities in question appear to face extinction in the near future. 176. That such a vast area should have bread many different peoples each with its own language, customs and religious observances is only natural. 177. Once an abstract idea is formed and embodied in words, then the possibility arises that these words will be taken to refer to special kinds of objects which exist apart from the objects of material world which are reflected in sense-perceptions. And this possibility is the more apt to be realized, the more the handling of abstract ideas becomes a special social activity separated from material labour. 178. And it is precisely here that the comedies of Johnson and Shakespeare differ most profoundly; for whatever labels we apply to them, whatever the general nature of their materials, whatever their connections with classical or Renaissance concepts of comedy, these plays differ most significantly in that they dramatize two different responses to the human situation. 179. As interesting as Inge's ideas and comments were, what he was as a human being was even more fascinating. 180. Whether this conviction was independently reached by him we do not know. We do know that some time during 1924 there came to his attention a book which could have buttressed his beliefs, and which at any rate drew him closer to linguistics. 181. But exactly how much this influence was exerted and how important was its role will only be disclosed when further first-hand researches have been concluded in Asia Minor. 182. The semantic difficulties of our topic are troublesome, and no ready relief seems possible beyond constant attention to how terms are used in their contexts, especially to their polar oppositions. 183. In some continental European countries, there are language Academies which practically legislate the language. Not that the Academies really want to halt the process of language change. They only want to turn it into what they consider desirable channels. But the Academy's view of what is a desirable channel and the view of the great body of speakers aren't always quite the same. 184. From etymology we learn that the Gauls whom Caesar fought wore clan tartans, as do their modern descendants. 185. After 1500 В. С. presumably as the result of the development of mining, metal became commoner everywhere. Even barbarians could now afford to provide carpenters and smiths with bronze tools. In the civilized Orient bronze hoe-blades and sickles became commoner. Even so, bronze never replaced stone in the way iron did. 186. It should be remembered, too, that it was a Dane, King Knut, who achieved what every English ruler had failed to achieve, the union of the whole of England into one peaceful realm. 187. Much of the material the biographer ought to consult, moreover, is widely dispersed or difficult to access. As the result of this, for a long while the amount of reputable criticism was small. Примеры, содержащие лексические трудности 188. So far as biblical or ecclesiastical books were concerned, bound books were far more common, and as often as not the more important ones were elaborately illustrated. 189. This Mr. B. was of much assistance to me. A very interesting, all-round man I found him. I should say his like was not easily to be found in any country. 190. From time to time one reads, in the correspondence columns of newspapers and magazines, letters which lay objections against words containing parts derived from different languages. 191. This does not imply that hunting by means of traps and pitfalls fell into disuse. 192. The Greeks took it for granted that back of language was a universal, uncontaminated essence of reason, shared by all men, at least by all thinkers. Words, they believed, were but the medium in which this deeper effulgence found expression. 193. It must be pointed out that no one belongs exclusively to his family. Every single member of the circle also comes in contact with many people outside it. This is especially the case when life is as varied and as many-sided as it is today. 194. That similarity all but passed unnoticed, even though it deserves detailed attention. 195. Unlike the surface waters (of the ocean), which know day and night, and change as the seasons change, the deep waters are a place where change comes slowly, if at all. 196. The only psychological term I know of that expresses connection between ideas is «association», but this has quite a definite meaning and one that will not do for the meaning that I have in mind. 197. There is little point in providing a classified catalogue unless it conforms with the scheme in use for the books. 198. The chapter-end references include the more comprehensive publications dealing with the subject matter of the chapter in question and are carefully selected for supplementary reading. 199. Crabbe's 20 poems mainly had to do with the lives of the poor; their joys, their sorrows, and their crimes. 200. As for the authors, their name is legion. Among them, however, two poets stand out with some degree of eminence — viz., Hitomare and Akahito. The former flourished at the end of the seventh century, the latter in the reign of Shomu (724—756). Little is known of either further than they were officials of the Mikado's court. 201. The modern science of etymology has shown what is and what is not possible, has established many a relationship and destroyed many an ancient illusion. 202. Of lesser imaginary beings, the most unique are the thunderbird and the plumed or horned serpent. The former is widely distributed in the United States, the latter is found from Chile to Lake Superior. 203. Of much longer duration was the activity of those volcanoes which gave rise to the numerous craters and masses of basaltic rock. 204. Unlike the language in which they are expressed, the views of society are products of a particular system of production relations, of particular classes. 20 Crabbe George — Джордж Крэб (1754—1832), английский поэт-романтик. 205. In the present case I have criticized the theories of others because I believed it to be demonstrable that they were false, and because, although some of them have been proclaimed loudly and with a certain intolerance, there has hardly been a voice raised to call them in question and to present the other side. 206. Aristotle, for all his mastery in the sphere of scientific observational method, remained politically identified with an obsolescent environment. 207. A purely literary and aesthetic use of stylistics limits it to the study of a work of art or a group of works which are to be described in terms of their aesthetic function and meaning. Only if this aesthetic interest is central will stylistics be a part of literary scholarship. 208. Views as to the actual date of the manuscript varied; the seventh century was the most usually favoured, but it was generally agreed that the illustrations must have followed an archetype perhaps as early as the 2d century. 209. So great was the practical value of Latin that it continued in use as a literary language until medieval times, a language well able to meet all the demands made upon it. 210. Traces of tamed hog are almost entirely wanting in the old settlements of the Stone Age. 211. For all the differences between the modes and conditions of life of the shepherds and peasants in the interior, the miners in the South-West, and the clerks, workers and students in Cagliary, all Sardinians are equally concerned for Sardinia's plight. 212. The whole piece rarely occupies more than six or seven pages of print, and it usually takes less than an hour to perform. Within this narrow compass it might be expected that the unities of time, place and action would have been observed. This is far from being the case. ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ Стр. От составителя 3 Страдательный залог 1. Основные способы перевода страдательного залога... 5 2. Перевод сочетаний модального глагола с инфинитивом в страдательном залоге........................................... 7 3. Особенности перевода подлежащего при сказуемом в страдательном залоге........................................... 8 4. Особенности перевода страдательного залога от глаголов, принимающих предложное дополнение 11 5. Особенности перевода страдательного залога от переходных глаголов 14 6. Особенности перевода страдательного залога, выраженного сочетанием глагола с существительным 17 7. Особенности перевода безличных конструкций в страдательном залоге 19
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