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Establishing the European Community↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 15 из 15 Содержание книги
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10 EMU third stage
Declare the irreversible character of the Community's movement to the third stage of Economic and Monetary Union by signing the new Treaty provisions on Economic and Monetary Union. Therefore all Member States shall, whether they fulfill the necessary conditions for the adoption of a single currency or not, respect the will for the Community to enter swiftly into the third stage, and therefore no Member State shall prevent the entering into the third stage. If by the end of 1997 the date of the beginning of the third stage has not been set, the Member States concerned, the Community institutions and other bodies involved shall expedite all preparatory work during 1998, in order to enable the Community to enter into the third stage irrevocably on 1 January 1999 and to enable the ECB and ESCB to start their full functioning from this date. This Protocol shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community.
11 EMU and UK
RECOGNIZING that the United Kingdom shall not be obliged or committed to move to the third stage of economic and monetary union without a separate decision to do so by its government and Parliament, NOTING the practice of the government of the United Kingdom to fund its borrowing requirement by the sale of debt to the private sector. HAVE AGREED on the following provisions, which shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community:
1. The United Kingdom shall notify the Council whether it intends to move to the third stage before the Council makes its assessment under Article 109j(2) of this Treaty;
Unless the United Kingdom notifies the Council that it intends to move to the third stage, it shall be under no obligation to do so.
If no date is set for the beginning of the third stage under Article 109j (3) of this Treaty, the United Kingdom may notify its intention to move to the third stage before 1 January 1998.
2. Paragraphs 3 to 9 shall have effect if the United Kingdom notifies the Council that it does not intend to move to the third stage.
3. The United Kingdom shall not be included among the majority of Member States which fulfill the necessary conditions referred to in the second indent of Article 109j(2) and the first indent of Article 109j(1) of this Treaty.
4. The United Kingdom shall retain its powers in the field of monetary policy according to national law.
5. Articles 3a (2), 104c (l), (9) and (11), 105(1) to (5), 105a, 10! 108, 108a, 109, 109a (I) and (2) (b) and 1091(4) and (5) of the Treaty shall not apply to the United Kingdom. In these provision references to the Community or the Member States shall not include the United Kingdom and references to national central banks shall not include the Bank of England.
6. Articles 109e (4) and 109h and i of this Treaty shall continue to apply to the United Kingdom. Articles 109c (4) and 109m shall apply to the United Kingdom as if it had a derogation.
7. The voting rights of the United Kingdom shall be suspended in respect of acts of the Council referred to in Articles listed in paragraph 5. For this purpose the weighted votes of the United Kingdom shall be excluded from any calculation of a qualified majority under Article 109k (5) of this Treaty.
The United Kingdom shall also have no right to participate in the appointment of the President, the Vice-President and the other members of the Executive Board of the ECB under Articles 109a(2)(b) and 1091(1) of this Treaty.
8. Articles 3, 4, 6, 7, 9.2, 10.1, 10.3, 11.2, 12.1, 14, 16, 18 to 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30 to 34, 50 and 52 of the Protocol on the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central Bank ('the Statute') shall not apply to the United Kingdom.
Task 18. Study the excerpt of the document. Then summarize the treaty for the representatives of the diplomatic mission. Translate it into Ukrainian.
TREATY On Friendship and Cooperation Between (name of country) And (name of country)
Lead-in When one government wishes to accredit an ambassador or a minister to another government, it is necessary that the appointee should be approved by the government of the country to which he is being assigned. It is customary, in order to avoid personal embarrassments, to sound a foreign government privately before making a formal application for an agrément.
Task 1. Read the text and answer the checkup questions:
1. What is the usual procedure of appointing an ambassador or a minister to another government? 2. Why is it necessary to sound a foreign government privately before making a formal application for an agrément? 3. What provisions are laid down in Article 4 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations? 4. When is the appointment of an ambassador or a minister usually announced? 5. When can an ambassador-designate be admitted to the exercise of his functions? 6. What can be the reason for refusal of the agrément? 7. How should agrément be distinguished from agréation? Article 4 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations provides: "1. The sending State must make certain that the agrément of the receiving State has been given for the person it proposes to accredit as head of the mission to that State. 2. The receiving State is not obliged to give reasons to the sending State for a refusal of agrément." The sending state may, after it has given due notification to the receiving states concerned, accredit a head of mission or assign any member of the diplomatic staff, as the case may be, to more than one state, unless there is express objection by any of the receiving states. It is only when the agrément is secured that the ambassador-designate should take steps to proceed to the receiving state. Even then he should move with leisurely dignity. If he is a non-career diplomat, he will then discover that ambassadors do not start their jobs like ordinary mortals in less lofty walks of life. It is not good to book a seat on the first airplane to the foreign capital. In fact it is particularly undignified to appear too eager to get down to work. There is a certain stylized, slow-motion pace that must be observed. Several weeks are usually allowed to elapse before the announcement of the appointment and the departure.
Task 2. Read the text again and find Ukrainian equivalents for the words in bold. Task 3. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with suitable words:
There have been a) … cases of refusal of the agrément, the grounds ranging from the fact that the nomination was made suddenly and without previous b) … to the facts that the proposed envoy had made a speech critical of the c) … state, or the nominee had accorded ill treatment to the nationals of the receiving state. It is not proper for one d) … to intimate in any way to another that the appointment of a particular person as e) … would be agreeable to it. Agréation should be f) … from agrément in that the former is the process of determining whether the proposed envoy is acceptable to the receiving state, while the latter is the approval of the nomination by the receiving state.
Task 4. Match the terms with their definitions. Consult the dictionary if necessary:
Task 1. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above text:
1. When one government wishes to accredit an ambassador or minister to another government, it is necessary.... 2. The sending state may, after it has given due notification to the receiving states concerned,.... 3. Ambassadors do not start their jobs like.... 4. Several weeks are usually allowed to elapse before.... 5. There have been numerous cases of refusal of the agrément, the grounds ranging from... to.... 6. It is not proper for one government to intimate in any way to another that.... 7. Agréation is the process of....
Task 2. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of Diplomatic Terms if necessary:
accreditation, agréation, agrément, ambassador-at-large, ambassador-designate, chargé d'affaires, diplomatic immunity.
Task 3. Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Ukrainian equivalents: 1) a non-career diplomat; 2) the proposed envoy; 3) unless there is express objection by any of the receiving states; 4) to accord ill-treatment to smb; 5) to accredit an ambassador to another government; 6) to announce an appointment; 7) to approve the appointee; 8) to give reasons for a refusal of (an) agrément; 9) to give due notification to the receiving state; 10) to make c formal application for (an) agrément; 11) to make a nomination; 12) to make a speech critical of the receiving state.
Task 4. Point out the root in the word "accredit" and give a few derivatives with this root. Task 5. Suggest the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations: 1) акредитування при органах міжнародної організації; 2) акредитований при голові держави; 3) посол США, акредитований в Україні; 4) акредитувати когось як Надзвичайного і Повноважного Посла; 5) бути тимчасово (постійно) акредитованим в країні.
Task 6. Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their Ukrainian equivalents: ~ AMBASSADOR ~
~ -designate; A. Extraordinary; A. Plenipotentiary; A. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; resident ~; ~ at large; the newly appointed ~; in the capacity of ~; to appoint an ~;to appoint smb as ~; to accredit an ~ to another government; to confer the rank of ~; to exchange ~s; to hold the rank of ~; to raise to the rank of ~; to recall an ~.
~ AMBASSADORIAL ~ ~ law; ~ rank; ~ talks; at the ~ level.
~ agent; ~ archives; ~ bag; ~ charges; ~ commission; ~ corps; ~ correspondence; ~ district; ~ employee; ~ establishment; ~ functions; ~ identity card; ~ immunity; ~ officer; ~ post; ~ pouch; ~ premises; ~ relations; ~ service; ~ staff.
Task 7. Suggest the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian word combinations:
запит агремана; запит агремана не вимагається; відмова в агремані; дати агреман; запитувати агреман; відмовити в агремані; повідомляти державі, що акредитує мотиви відмови в агремані.
Task 8. There are two exhibits given below. Study the documents paying attention to their structure. Then translate them into Ukrainian:
Task 9. Reproduce the following in English using the suggested terminology:
Дипломатичні ранги (diplomatic rank) вводяться внутрішнім правом кожної країни і передбачаються для всіх посадових осіб, які працюють як у центральному апараті МЗС даної країни, так і в її закордонних дипломатичних представництвах (diplomatic missions). Згідно з постановою Верховної Ради України від 31 січня 1992 р. та указом Президента України "Про Положення про дипломатичну службу в Україні" від 16 липня 1993 р. (п. 6), "дипломатичним працівникам присвоюються (to confer) такі дипломатичні ранги України: аташе; (attaché) третій секретар; другий секретар другого класу; другий секретар першого класу; перший секретар другого класу; перший секретар першого класу; радник другого класу; (counsellor) радник першого класу; Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посланник (envoy) другого класу; Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посланник першого класу; Надзвичайний і Повноважний Посол. Дипломатичні ранги Надзвичайного і Повноважного Посла, Надзвичайного і Повноважного Посланника першого класу, Надзвичайного і Повноважного Посланника другого класу присвоюються Президентом України за поданням Міністра закордонних справ України. Інші дипломатичні ранги присвоюються Міністерством закордонних справ України на підставі рекомендації атестаційної комісії Міністерства закордонних справ України". Що стосується питання про відповідність дипломатичних рангів службовим посадам, то вони чітко регламентуються (to regulate) указом Президента України "Про Перелік посад, приписаних До дипломатичних рангів України" від 18 вересня 1996 р. З українських дипломатів, які мають один із вищезгаданих дипломатичних рангів, комплектується дипломатичний персонал (diplomatic personnel) посольств України за кордоном. Очолюваний послом дипломатичний персонал українських посольств на особливо важливих напрямах дипломатичної діяльності може мати у своєму складі у порядку старшинства (in order of seniority) таких дипломатичних співробітників: радників-посланників, радників (counsellor), торгового представника (trade representative), військового, військово-морського (navy attaché), військово-повітряного аташе (air attaché), перших секретарів, заступників торгпреда, других секретарів, третіх секретарів, аташе, помічників військового, військово-морського, військово-повітряного аташе.
Task 10. Translate the following into Ukrainian: No.____
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine presents its compliments to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Moscow and has the honour to inform the Embassy that the Government of Ukraine has agreed to the appointment of
as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to Ukraine.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Moscow the assurances of its highest consideration.
Kyiv, 2 November 19____
Task 11. Translate the following into English:
Посольство (назва країни)
Посольство (назва країни) засвідчує свою повагу Міністерству Закордонних Справ (назва країни) і має честь за дорученням свого Уряду просити агреман Уряду (назва країни) на призначення Його Високоповажності Пана (ім'я, прізвище) Надзвичайним і Повноважним Послом(назва країни). Посольство має честь надіслати при цьому коротку біографічну довідку на Пана (прізвище), який на даний час є Начальником Управління Міністерства закордонних справ з культурних зв'язків і справ громадян цієї країни за кордоном. Посольство користується цією нагодою, щоб поновити Міністерству запевнення у своїй вельми високій повазі.
Міністерству м.____ закордонних справ (дата) України Печатка м. Київ
Міністерство закордонних справ України засвідчує свою повагу Посольству(назва країни) і має честь повідомити, що Уряд України згідний на призначення Його Високоповажності Пана(ім'я та прізвище)Надзвичайним і Повноважним Послом(назва країни) в Україні. Міністерство користується цією нагодою, щоб поновити Посольству запевнення у своїй вельми високій повазі.
Посольству Київ(дата) (назва країни) Печатка м. Київ
Lead-in In international relations many diplomatic documents are essential for different purposes.
Task 1. Read the text and answer the checkup questions: 1. What is the medium for internal correspondence within the UN Secretariat? 2. What subjects require interoffice memoranda? 3. When are they generally used? 4. Who are they usually addressed to? 5. How many subjects are normally dealt with in each memorandum? 6. What is the basic outline of an interoffice memorandum? 7. What is the correct form of the date in interoffice memoranda? Interoffice memoranda are used for correspondence within the Secretariat. They are appropriate for correspondence both within a given duty station and with other duty stations. They are used to record facts, decisions or opinions to which reference may be necessary later, to make or respond to proposals or to convey information. They are incorporated in the official files kept by individual departments or offices. Each memorandum should normally deal with one subject only. Where a memorandum requires supporting analysis or detailed statistical information, these should be set out in an annex. Interoffice memoranda should be prepared on letter-size paper headed "INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM (emblem) MEMORANDUM INTERIEUR". They may be written in English or French. Opposite the printed word "TO", the name of the addressee preceded by "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Miss" or "Ms" should be typed, followed by his or her official title: The section, division and department should be typed below the name.
Task 2. Read the text again and find Ukrainian equivalents for the words in bold. Task 3. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with suitable words:
Memoranda a) … to more than one person may be prepared in any of the following forms, as appropriate: (а) The names and b) …, followed by the names of the division or section and the department or office, in abbreviated form if necessary, may be typed, one under the other, in the space opposite the word "To". If the c) … and the addressee(s) are in the same department, the department is mentioned only once. This applies also to the forms indicated in subparagraphs (b) and (d) below. If the word "Through" is not d) …, it may be deleted to provide extra space. The original should be sent to the senior addressee and copies to the other addressees; (b) The names and titles, followed by the name of the division or section and of the department or office, in e) … form if necessary, may be given on a separate page, in which case the words "See attached list" should be typed opposite the word "To"; (c) memorandum may be addressed to groups of f) …, such as "All directors and chiefs of section", and reproduced in ditto or in any other appropriate form; (d) memorandum may, if there are many addressees, be typed on ditto, with the name of the addressees given in a separate g) …, as in subparagraph (b) above; (e) memorandum may be typed once, with the name omitted after "To". It may then be photocopied and the names may be inserted on each of the copies. Where desirable, the list of addressees may be h) ….
Task 4. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with suitable sentences:
1. The right-hand margin is of about 15 spaces when the left-hand margin is aligned with the first letter of the word "Subject", and of about 20 spaces when the memorandum is short and the left-hand margin is aligned with the first letter of the typewritten indication of the subject. 2. A concise statement of the subject matter should appear opposite the printed word "Subject". 3. When two or more persons collaborate in the drafting of a memorandum, the initials of all of the persons concerned should be given, those of the person having primary responsibility being given first, e. g. AB/CD/EF. 4. The section, division and department should appear on the next line, with the department in abbreviated form if space is not sufficient.
When a memorandum is sent through an intermediary, the name of the intermediary, normally preceded by "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Miss" or "Ms" and followed by the official title, should be typed after the word "Through". a) … If the sender and addressee are in the same department, the department may be omitted from the address of the sender. After the printed word "From" the name of the sender (without "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Miss" or "Ms") should be typed, followed by the sender's official title. The section or division and the department should appear on the next line. b) …. The subject should be typed in lowercase letters, with an initial capital for the first word and in single spacing. It should be underlined completely, whether on one line or more. If any of the elements mentioned above is too long to fit on one line, the text may be continued, indented two spaces, on a second line. The date - given in the form "29 June 20 "____ and the reference number should be entered in the appropriate spaces provided on the right-hand side of the page. If a memorandum is confidential and/or personal, the word "CONFIDENTIAL" or "PERSONAL" or the words "PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL" should appear one and one-half spaces below the word "Reference". On all carbon copies the initials of the drafting official, in upper-case letters followed by an oblique line and the initials of the typist, also in upper-case letters, e. g. AB/CD, should be typed ending two spaces from the upper right-hand corner of the page. c) …. If a person makes minor changes on a draft prepared by someone else, his or her initials should not appear. The left-hand margin should normally be aligned with the printed word "Subject" (see exhibit 1). If the memorandum is short, the margin may, for aesthetic reasons, be aligned with the first letter of the typewritten indication of the subject (see exhibit 2). d) …. The text of a memorandum should begin four or more lines below the last line of the subject, depending on the length of the memorandum. Single spacing is normally used, although short memoranda (15 lines or less) may be typed in one-and-one-half spacing. Interoffice memoranda should be signed or initialled either beside the name of the sender at the top of the page or at the end of the text. (From "United Nations Correspondence Manual")
Task 5. Study the following exhibits given below paying attention to their structure mentioned in the text above. Then speak on the means of correspondence within the UN Secretariat:
Task 6. Match the terms with their definitions. Consult the dictionary if necessary:
ASSIGNMENTS Task 1. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above text:
1. Interoffice memoranda are used for.... 2. Each memorandum should deal with.... 3. It should be prepared on.... 4. The memorandum maybe addressed to.... 5. If the sender and the addressee(s) are in the same department,.... 6. When a memorandum is sent through an intermediary,.... 7. The text of a memorandum should begin....
Task 2. Decipher the following Latin abbreviations consulting: i.q.e.d.; I.c.; loc.cit.; 1.s.; NB; op/c.; op.cit.; p.a.; Q.E. D. Task 3. Summarize the following in English taking note of the words and phrases in bold type:
INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM To the Under-Secretary for Conference Services
1. You asked for our comments and advice on the subject of protection of United Nations cultural property in the event of an armed conflict, in particular as it related to the United Nations Office at Geneva. The question of the applicability to the United Nations of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of an Armed Conflict appeared, upon examination, to be one of considerable complexity. In order to clarify the various matters involved, we decided to seek the advice of UNESCO, under whose auspices the Convention was concluded and which under the Convention has certain special responsibilities in regard to its application. 2. Our observations would be as follows: · Because under the Convention "cultural property" covers property "irrespective of origin or ownership", United Nations cultural property is already protected, under Chapter I of the Convention, in those States which are parties to the Convention. · Article 3 of the Convention states that "The High Contracting Parties undertake to prepare in time of peace for the safeguarding of cultural property situated within their own territory against the foreseeable effects of an armed conflict, by taking such measures as they consider appropriate". There may be advantage for the United Nations Office at Geneva to retain contracts in this connection with the Swiss authorities, in order to be informed of the measures of protection envisaged or adopted by Switzerland. It would appear however to us that the United Nations itself should take the precautionary measures which it may deem fit while keeping the Swiss authorities informed in appropriate circumstances. 3. In the light of all relevant factors, our opinion would be that while we should remain in contact with Switzerland and possibly other host States Parties to the Convention as to the measures they are taking under the Convention and make them aware, at appropriate times, of the problem which the utilization for military purposes of areas surrounding United Nations buildings may present for the Organization, we should not, in the present circumstances, seek "special protection" under the Convention. Our position in this respect is motivated by the general attitude the United Nations has to preserve as regards the admissibility of armed conflicts, the responsibilities it has with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, and the fact that we may assume that the Organization's buildings and belongings would presumably be respected to the extent possible in case of an armed conflict, because of their very nature and purposes.
Task 4. Write an interoffice memorandum on behalf of the Director of Radio and Visual Services Division using the information below. See exhibits 1 and 2:
RVS staff members officially assigned to conferences, seminars and meetings away from Headquarters are reminded of their responsibility to submit post-mission reports to the Office of the Director upon their return. The reports are requested within one week of the end of the conference.
Task 5. Study the different uses of numbers in UN communications. Some of the principal rules are given below: 1. In general, numbers under 10 should be expressed in words: numbers from 10 on should be expressed in figures except when they begin a sentence. In statistical texts, however, numerals should be used exclusively. 2. Numerals rather than words should be used in referring to a chapter or section of a document (e. g., chapter V, paragraph 4). Care should be taken to distinguish between the Roman and Arabic numerals appropriate in such cases. 3. Sums of money and decimals are normally given in Arabic numerals, as in $ 6.50. The appropriate currency symbol should be given: for example, Jamaican dollars should be abbreviated $ "J", the symbol preceding the indication of the country. 4. Main Committees of the General Assembly are numbered by ordinals (e. g., the First Committee). Arabic numerals are used in the recording of votes, except for zero (e. g., The draft resolution was adopted by 12 votes to none, with 1 abstention). 5. The numbers of sessions of the General Assembly or of the Councils are spelt out (e. g., the thirty-eighth session), but the numbers of meetings are given in figures (e. g., the 9th meeting). 6. Percentages should be expressed in figures, and the words "per cent" should normally be written out. The sign may be used in tables, but only when space is limited. 7. Dates are given in the form: 4 January 1997, not January 4, 1997. Forms such as 4/1/97 are not used in official correspondence because of differences in usage regarding the positions of the numerals indicating the day and the month. Time is indicated as follows: 10.25 a. m., not 10:25 a. m..
Task 6. Translate the following Ukrainian word combinations into English:
1) внески членів-співробітників у розмірі 60% від мінімальної норми; 2) на 93% більше, ніж у 1995-1996 pp.; 3) нота від 10 грудня 1998 року; 4) порядок денний тридцять другої сесії Генеральної Асамблеї ООН; 5) резолюція 478 Ради Безпеки від 20 серпня 1990 року; 6) резолюція 1514 (XV) Генеральної Асамблеї ООН від 14 грудня 1960 року; 7) сорок друга сесія Генеральної Асамблеї ООН.
Lead-in Meetings between heads of government or state, as well as between ministers for foreign affairs, to discuss policies or problems of mutual interest to their countries have become common practice in intergovernmental relations. The results of such meetings are usually, for lack of time, not set out in formal treaties or agreements signed in the traditional manner. Very often, the participants confine themselves to the drawing up of a joint statement, declaration or communiqué, handed out during a press conference and usually published in newspapers. Such instruments, however important or binding upon the participating governments, have none of the classic character of international agreements.
Discuss the following questions: 1. How do you understand the terms “a communiqué” and “a joint statement”? 2. What purposes do they serve?
Task 1. Read the text and answer the checkup questions: 1. What are the final instruments of intergovernmental negotiations and visits? 2. Which final instrument gives a detailed description of the course of negotiations? 3. What is the role of final instruments in contemporary international relations? 4. What are the main differences between communiqués, statements and declarations? What is a final act? 5. Which of them is the most binding instrument? 6. What style is characteristic of final instruments? 7. How are they usually elaborated? The final documents of intergovernmental negotiations or visits - joint statements, communiqués or declarations (whether signed or unsigned) come to life only if there is prior agreement between the participants on each paragraph, phrase or word in the text. A communiqué is an official report on the course of international negotiations, and on the agreement achieved. It may be brief and contain an announcement of some fact or facts in general terms. Sometimes, however, it may be long and elaborate, and then it will include a detailed description of the course of negotiations, a declaration of the decisions adopted by the participants and the terms of the agreement achieved. Prior to World War II a shorter variety was predominant. Today the idea has undergone substantial change. Final documents of negotiations or visits now embrace a wide range of important international issues and are becoming more meaningful. Communiqués as well as joint statements and declarations have become increasingly widespread, playing a far more important role in international relations than they used to play in the past. The nature, content and tone of a final document are determined primarily by the nature of the states adopting the document - states with similar or different social systems, allied states or states members of the opposing military groupings, and so forth.
Task 2. Read the text again and find Ukrainian equivalents for the words in bold. Task 3. Read the text below and fill in the gaps with suitable words:
The first task of a a) … (joint statement or declaration) is called upon to fulfill is faithfully to reflect the outcome of the negotiations or exchange of views. In most cases the participants are interested in positive results - otherwise why enter into talks at all? Although communiqués, joint statements and declarations (either b) … or multilateral) are similar in their purpose, there are certain differences between them. A communiqué is a more general kind of document. Its prime objective is to inform the press and the public at large of the results of the c) … and of the atmosphere in which they were held. A joint statement is a document that is more binding on the sides. It presumes that something substantial has come out of the negotiations – either in the field of general international problems or in the field of bilateral relations — and in view of that the participants decided d) … a joint statement. Finally, a declaration is a still more weighty and binding document. Declarations proclaim identical views and joint intentions. All three forms of documents – communiqués, e) … and declarations — record the decisions which have been adopted during the talks (for instance, it is announced that a consular convention has been signed during the talks, or that an invitation to make an f) … visit has been extended or accepted, and so forth). The language of communiqués is business-like and dryish. Elevation of style is characteristic of joint statements, and particularly declarations. In terms of its subject matter, a final document (unless g) … specifically to one question or event) breaks down into two groups of questions — international and bilateral relations. Each side tries to reflect in the communiqué (joint statement or declaration) its attitude to the burning issues of the day (both global and regional ones). If such questions or events have been h) … in the final document, the omission invites the assumption that the sides have no common viewpoint on the topic.
Task 4. Read the text below and put the paragraphs into the correct order:
… Final instruments of intergovernmental negotiations are sometimes drawn up in the form of a memorandum of understanding, which has become common practice of late. … The chief merit of communiqués (joint statements or declarations) lies in a precise, realistic and faithful reflection of the results achieved and of the positions of the sides expounded during the talks. The final document does not reflect the ups and downs of negotiations but their end results, and it is in setting down those results on paper that each phrase, word or punctuation mark should be thoroughly weighed. … The usual pattern of a communiqué (joint statement, or declaration) is as follows: mention is first made of the negotiations (or a visit) that have taken place and their duration; then follows a reference to the meetings that have taken place and a list of their participants; then comes a general appraisal of the atmosphere of the talks and a range of issues considered; the part setting forth the results of the talks on international problems usually precedes the one relating to questions of bilateral relations. If an invitation to pay a visit has been extended, agreement on that is generally recorded in the final part of a document. It has been customary to note, at the very end of a final document, the significance of the negotiations for the development of relationship between the two countries, as well as for international security. … In most cases communiqués, joint statements and declarations have their own protocol part. When, besides negotiations, there has been a tour of the country, mention is usually made of the cities or important industrial, scientific or cultural centers or projects that were visited and of the reception accorded by the population. In listing the participants in the negotiations, it is important to be very precise in stating their surnames and initials in conformity with the rules of the language concerned, and in observing the precedence dictated by the protocol.
Task 5. Look at the exhibits given after the text above. Study the contents and the structure of these documents. Then translate them into Ukrainian:
Joint Communiqués
Communiqué is a specific form of a diplomatic document. This is a French term which is used to indicate an official announcement by two or more sides.
Task 6. Match the terms with their definitions. Consult the dictionary if necessary:
Task 1. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above text:
1. Meetings between heads of government or state to discuss policies or problems of mutual interest to their countries have become.... 2. Very often, the participants confine themselves to.... 3. The final documents of intergovernmental negotiations or visits come to life only if....4. They now embrace a variety of.... 5. The nature, content and tone of a final document are determined primarily by.... 6. The first task a communiqué (joint statement or declaration) is called upon to fulfil is.... 7. The chief merit of communiqués (joint statements or declarations) lies in....
Task 2. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English word combinations:
1) the burning issues of the day; 2) the contradictory tendencies in international development; 3) elevation of style; 4) a general appraisal of the international situation; 5) international and bilateral relations; 6) the public at large; 7) a weighty and binding document; 8) in terms of their subject matter; 9) to attract world-wide attention; 10) to avoid embarrassment or inaccuracy; 11) to issue a joint statement; 12) to reflect the outcome of the negotiations or exchange of views.
Task 3. Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Ukrainian equivalents:
1) to reaffirm one's joint determination; 2) to recognize the continuing importance of; 3) to reaffirm one's commitment to; 4) to share the view; 5) to reach a common recognition; 6) to affirm one's belief; 7) to grant the privileges and immunities to; 8) to accord every facility to; 9) to be briefed on; 10) to submit smth in writing; 11). upon receipt of a complaint; 12) to cease to exist; 13) to bear the cost; 14) to defray the travel expenses.
Task 4. Decipher the following Latin abbreviations:
et al.; etc.; ib.; ibid.; id; i. q.; p. p. s.; p. s.. Task 5. Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their Ukrainian equivalents:
customs ~; a joint ~; a political ~; a solemn ~; a ~ for (against) smth; a ~ of independence; a ~ of policy; a ~ of the poll; a ~ of rights; a ~ of war; the D. on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples; the UN D. on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the Universal D. of Human Rights; to make a ~; to sign a ~. ~ STATEMENT ~ <
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