Тема: распознавание значений слов по контексту 

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Тема: распознавание значений слов по контексту


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Those seeking employment will want to investigate all available possibilities. The following are the main sources of information about job vacancies.

– Job centers.

– Employment agencies.

– Local careers officers.

– Newspaper advertisements.

– Friends and relatives.

Advertisements are the most common way of publicising a job vacancy and inviting applications. Prospective applicants should read the advertisement carefully. Not only it will give important information about the job and the firm, but it may also offer clues of what should be included in the letter of application.

In some cases it may be acceptable to type a letter, in others the advertisement may state that the application should be in “first hand”, in which case the letter should be handwritten, preferably on plain paper. It is sensible to make a rough draft of the proposed letter before writing it out in detail.

a) будущие претенденты

b) перспектива претендентов

c) предполагаемые претенденты

d) будущие заявления


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Traffic in Russia is on the right-hand side of streets and roads with traffic way wide enough for several cars moving abreast in one direction. It is forbidden to drive in the left-hand lane if the right-hand lane is free. In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left. Motorcars, motor vans, buses and cyclists must all keep to the left side of the road. In most other countries traffic keeps to the right.

a) адрес

b) сфера

c) руководство

d) направление


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It should be noted that a resume (CV) can be structured differently and may vary in length from one page to three or more.

Send your Resume, along with a Cover Letter and a Letter of Recommendation or Reference to a specific person.

The person should be the top person in the area where, you want to work. The Cover Letter should appeal to your reader’s own needs. Briefly explain why you are approaching his company. Refer him to your Resume and ask for an interview.

a) личная вершина

b) самый главный человек

c) макушка головы человека

d) самый главный персонаж


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A large modern supermarket has been opened recently not far from my block of flats and most often I go shopping there. I am its regular customer now. When you come into the supermarket, you have to take a food basket or a shopping cart to put all the products you buy. All the necessary foodstuffs can be bought here: meat, fish, milk, grocery, baked items, sweets, cooked sausages, smoked foods, vegetables and fruit. In the meat aisle the customers can buy beef, pork, mutton, veal, poultry and game. There is always a rich choice of fish there: live carp, pike, bream and sheat fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and some other like pike-perch and sturgeon. There is herring, kipper and much tinned fish too.

a) консервированная рыба

b) консервировать рыбу

c) мариновать рыбу

d) маринованная рыба


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The combinations of two or more different materials are called composite materials. They usually have unique mechanical and physical properties because they combine the best properties of different materials. For example, a fibre-glass reinforced plastic combines the high strength of thin glass fibres with the ductility and chemical resistance of plastic. Nowadays composites are being used for structures such as bridges, boat-building etc.

a) устройства

b) структуры

c) здания

d) сооружения


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Some measuring instruments are fitted with dials. To prevent incorrect readings, always read the dial correctly. Read the deal from directly in front so that the reflection is behind the needle. If the dial is not viewed from the front the reading will be incorrect.

a) тень

b) пятно

c) осуждение

d) образ


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A resume of your career, sometimes called a Curriculum Vitae or CV, informs the employer about the experience and skills you have.

A good resume should:

1. Attract attention.

2. Create a positive impression.

3. Present your skills and qualities clearly and concisely.

The purpose of your resume is to tell the employer why you should be hired. A good resume is the first step to a job interview.

The resume may be photocopied and sent off to many employers. You can change the sections of the content according to the different needs of the organizations.

a) служащий

b) работодатель

c) предприниматель

d) работа, занятие


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Practically all building materials have their advantages and disadvantages. That’s why some materials are used most widely in building construction for the purpose of binding together masonry units. Among them are lime, gypsum and cement. Last material forms very important elements in all masonry structures, such as stone, a brick.

a) элементы

b) подразделения

c) основы

d) секции


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Ductility is the ability of a material to deform without breaking. One of the great advantages of metals is their ability to be formed into the shape that is needed, such as car body parts. Materials that are not ductile are brittle. Ductile materials can absorb energy by deformation but brittle materials cannot.

a) призрак

b) создавать

c) форма

d) шаблон


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The letter of application can be as important as the CV because it is the first direct contact between a candidate for a position and an employer. This letter must be well written and presented to make a good impression. The letter of application normally contains four parts in which you should:

– confirm that you wish to get the job and say where you learned about the vacancy;

– say why you are interested in this position and your interests are the same as those of the company;

– show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your skills and experience;

– indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possibly say when you would be free to attend).

a) положительный

b) положение, позиция

c) определять местоположение

d) должность


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Although a certain percentage of graduates will still be unemployed six months after leaving university, the majority will have found employment by then. Many of these will even have been offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair.

Job fairs are held at many universities each year. Companies come along to advertise jobs, which are usually in management, and the career structures and benefit packages that go with them. Job fairs are an effective way for undergraduates to find out what kind of job they might be interested in.

If you go to a job fair, dress professionally. Don’t wear jeans and a T-shirt. Wear a suit! You don’t want to look irresponsible when you have your first meeting with your potential employer. If you’re interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an application form, so it’s helpful to take along relevant information with you. You’ll also need proof of all your qualifications, so don’t forget to take photocopies of all your certificates with you.

a) потенциальная работа

b) потенциальный работодатель

c) потенциал работодателя

d) напряжение работодателя


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The letter of application is also called the covering letter. It provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. If it is not written properly, it can produce a bad impression. First of all, you should point out:

– Your home address – note use of post code and home town in capitals.

– Name and address of the person you are writing to.

Usually the letter of application contains 3 or more paragraphs in which you should:

– Say which job you are applying for.

– Qualifications or examinations taken.

– Relevant past experience and why you think you are suitable.

– Indicate your willingness to attend an interview.

a) плохое издание

b) сильное впечатление

c) плохое впечатление

d) плохой отпечаток


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If you are applying for a new work place before the interview you have to send your Resume, the Cover Letter, and the Letter of Recommendation that are expected in such cases.

A resume or a CV (curriculum vitae) is a summary of your history and professional qualifications.

Make sure your resume (CV) focuses on the kind of work you can and want to do.

If you have worked successfully in an area related to the job you are applying for, emphasize it. It sometimes happens that the most qualified people don’t always get the job. It goes to the person who presents himself well in person and on paper.

a) квалифицированные люди

b) квалифицировать людей

c) ограниченные люди

d) квалификация людей


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Applicants for employment are invariably interviewed (usually in the Personal Department) before any job offer is made. The aim of the interview is not only to assess the suitability of the candidate for the vacant position, but also to give the applicant the opportunity to seek further information about the job. During the interview the applicants may be required to complete an aptitude test designed to assess their suitability for the job available.

The interview is crucial for the applicant because it is at this time that the interviewer assesses the candidate’s appearance, ability to communicate and general manner. Consequently, it is important to be thoroughly prepared for the interview.

a) незанятая должность

b) свободное положение

c) свободная позиция

d) вакантная должность


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Iron does not always behave like a magnet and this is because its atoms are usually disorganized. A needle, for example, that contains iron is not a magnet but when you rub the needle with a magnet, its atoms line up and the needle becomes a magnet. The needle can then attract other metals. This property of some substances to attract metals is called magnetism.

a) железо

b) утюг

c) железный

d) утюжить


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Meetings are an important means of communication within organizations. They give the opportunity for exchange of ideas and collective efforts to solve problems and formulate policies. They also provide a convenient means of issuing instructions or information to many people at one time.

The principal officers of a meeting are the chairman, secretary and treasurer:

– The chairman is responsible for the correct conduct of the meeting.

– The secretary sends out notices of the meeting and a copy of the agenda, ensures meeting decisions are carried out.

– The treasurer is responsible for finance matters. Sometimes the job of secretary and treasurer are combined.

a) способы коммуникации

b) способы общения

c) средства сообщения

d) средства связи


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We know that an atom is made from protons and neutrons in a nucleus, and electrons spinning around this nucleus. The protons have a positive electric charge and the electrons have a negative electric charge. The neutrons have no electric charge. As the electrons spin around the nucleus, they produce small currents. These currents create a magnetic field around the electrons and the atom. This magnetic field makes the atom behave like a small magnet.

a) забота

b) ответственность

c) заряжать

d) заряд


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In the grocery aisle you can see all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley. You can buy cooking soda, spices, flour, pea, potato flour, salt, oil, macaroni, vermicelli, noodles and some other products. Everything is sold in ready packets.

You go to the dairy counter to buy milk products. There is always a wide choice of them: milk in bottles and packets, cream, kefir, sour cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, cream cheese, many kinds of yogurt, mayonnaise, margarine and butter. Most often eggs are sold in the dairy department too.

a) продукты

b) продажа

c) продается

d) продавать



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