Transport reimbursmenthorses / Ponies 

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Transport reimbursmenthorses / Ponies



Transport expenses to be paid by:

The Organiser at per km.

The Athlete




The time and date of arrival of athletes, horses and their means of transport must be given to the Organiser in order to facilitate their arrival.

Please provide date and time of arrival to the OC by: +7 921 9309039




Walking distance


OrganiserShuttle Service

Public Transport to be paid by the Organiser/ the Athlete

If paid by Athlete approximate cost per round trip: 6 Euro




International Competitions must not start before 08:00 and should not finish after 23:00 unless otherwiseapproved by the FEI.


List of prizes in Kind and their value: 0



List of prizes in Kind and their value: 0




Name of Competition Amount (Currency)


Competition No1 CSIYH1* 1 500 Euro


Competition No 2 CSI2*-W ST 1 500 Euro


Competition No 3 CSI2*-W MT 2 500 Euro


Competition No 4 CSI2*-W BT 4 500 Euro


Competition No 5 CSI2*-W MT 2 500 Euro


Competition No 6 CSI2*-WBT Cup of the Governor of Len.Reg. 9 000 Euro


Competition No7 CSI2*-W ST 1 500 Euro


Competition No 8 CSIYH1* 1 500 Euro


Competition No 9 CSIYH1* 1 500 Euro


Competition No 10 CSI2*-W ST 2000 Euro


Competition No 11 CSI2*-W MT 3000 Euro


Competition No 12 CSI2*-W BT Gran Prix LR 24 600 Euro



Leading athlete award – no

Best foreign athlete - no

Best home athlete – no

Team awards – no





Full details of any deductions from prize money must be outlined in the schedule. This includes government taxes. If it is necessary for Organisers to deduct such taxes, they must provide participants with an official form indicating the amount of tax deducted.

The tax form must be provided to the athletes upon arrival and returned to the Organiser prior to departing.


  Square for organiser to include details if necessary  


The total amount of prize money shown for each Competition in the schedule must be distributed. (FEI General Regulationsarticles 127 and 128)


For details of the Breakdown for each competition please refer to the tables at the end of this document; the Organiser must specify which of the two (2) tables will be used. The total prize money for the Competition must be distributed among the first twelfth (12th) placed athletes.


The Organiser must provide additional created prizes for athletes placed beyond twelfth (12th) place. The minimum amount for each of these additional prizes, for athletes placed from thirteenth (13th) to last place, must be clearly specified in the approved schedule and not exceed the prize money of the athlete placed twelfth (12th).

FIRST DAY:Friday DATE (dd/mm/yy): 01/07/16

COMPETITION No: 1 Time: 9.00


Type of Competition: CSIYH1* Acc. to Article: 274.5.6Table A


Competition description: Competition in Two Phases


Jump-off (if any) no

Speed/Fixed time 350m/min

Obstacles height: max 120 cm – 6 years old horses

125 cm – 7 years old horses

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 1 500 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *

COMPETITION No: 2Small Tour Time: 11.30


Type of Competition: CSI2*-W Acc. to Article: 274.5.3 Table A


Competition description: Competition in Two Phases


Jump-off (if any) no

Speed/Fixed time 350m/min

Obstacles height: max 120 cm

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 1 500 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *


COMPETITION No: 3Medium Tour Time: 14.30


Type of Competition: CSI2*-W Acc. to Article: 274.5.6Table A


Competition description: Competition in Two Phases


Jump-off (if any) no

Speed/Fixed time 350m/min

Obstacles height: max 130 cm

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 2 500 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *

COMPETITION No: 4Big Tour Time: 17.00


Type of Competition: CSI2*-W Acc. to Article: 274.5.3 Table A


Competition description: Competition in Two Phases


Jump-off (if any) no

Speed/Fixed time 350m/min

Obstacles height: max 140 cm

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 4 500 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *

SECOND DAY:Saturday DATE (dd/mm/yy): 02/07/16


COMPETITION No: 5Medium Tour T ime: 10.00


Type of Competition: CSI2*-W Acc. to Article: 238.2.1 Table A


Competition description: Competition against the clock


Jump-off (if any) no

Speed/Fixed time 350 m/min

Obstacles height: max 135 cm

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 2 500 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *


COMPETITION No: 6Big Tour Time: 13.00


Type of Competition: CSI2*-W

Cup of the Governor of Leningrad Region Acc. to Article: 239.6 Table C

Qualifier for the GP

Competition description: Competition under Table C


Jump-off (if any) one

Speed/Fixed time 350 m/min

Obstacles height: max 145 cm

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 9 000 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 8 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *

COMPETITION No: 7Small Tour Time: 15.30


Type of Competition: CSI2*-W Acc. to Article: 238.2.1 Table A


Competition description: Competition against the clock


Jump-off (if any) no

Speed/Fixed time 350m/min

Obstacles height: max 125 cm

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 1 500 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *


COMPETITION No: 8 Time: 17.30


Type of Competition: CSIYH1* Acc. to Article: 238.1.2 Table A


Competition description: Competition not against the clock, jump-off against the clock.


Jump-off (if any) one

Speed/Fixed time 350m/min

Obstacles height: max 120 cm – 6 years old horses

125 cm – 7 years old horses

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 1 500 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *

THIRD DAY:Sunday DATE (dd/mm/yy): 03/07/16


COMPETITION No: 9 Time: 9.00


Type of Competition: CSIYH1* Acc. to Article: 238.2.2 Table A


Competition description: Competition against the clock


Jump-off (if any) one

Speed/Fixed time 350 m/min

Obstacles height: max 125 cm – 6 years old horses

130 cm – 7 years old horses

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 1 500 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *


COMPETITION No: 10Small Tour Time: 11.30


Type of Competition: CSI2*-W Acc. to Article: 238.2.2 Table A


Competition description: Competition against the clock


Jump-off (if any) one

Speed/Fixed time 350 m/min

Obstacles height: max 130 cm

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 2 000 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 4 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *

COMPETITION No: 11Medium Tour Time: 14.30


Type of Competition: CSI2*-W Acc. to Article: 238.2.2 Table A


Competition description: Competition against the clock


Jump-off (if any) one

Speed/Fixed time 350 m/min

Obstacles height: max 140 cm

Number of horses per athlete 2

Number of Starters: 100* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 3 000 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 5 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *


COMPETITION No: 12Big Tour Time: 17.00


Type of Competition:Grand Prix FEI World CupTM CompetitionAcc. to Article: 238.2.2,


EU QualificationLR

Competition description: Competition against the clock


Jump-off (if any) one

Speed/Fixed time 375 m/min

Obstacles height: max min 140 cm-max 160 cm

Number of horses per athlete 1

Number of Starters: 60* (if more than 100 take part then, the competition must be divided and the equivalent amount of prize money must be provided.)

Total prize money: 24 600 Euro

Chart to be used: 1 (25% to winner)

2 (33% to winner)

Please specify prize money amount for each athlete placed 13th and beyond: 10 Euro


* * * * * * * * * * *



*: Maximum Number of starters per competition: 100.


If more than 100 starters are declared, the OC must split the class and provide the equivalent amount of prize money for the additional Competition. OCs may apply either of the following methods for splitting the Competition:

The competition is split into two groups before it starts. There may be a different number of starters in each group. There may be athletes with multiple horses in each group but all horses of any one athlete must be in the same group.




The competition is run as one single competition and split afterwards into two groups and the classification established as follows: the athlete with the best score is the winner of the first group, the athlete with the second best score is the winner of the second group and so on until prizes have been allocated to 25% of the total number of starters. NB: In this case separate results must be sent to the FEI for each of the two groups, e.g. results for Competition 1a and for Competition 1b.

In both cases above ach group must offer the same amount of prize money as indicated for the original Competition. For the avoidance of doubt, it is the number of declared starters in the Competition, not the actual number of starters, that determines whether the Competition must be split.



Prize Money Distribution:

Please specify under each Competition which of the two charts you will be using for the distribution of the Prize Money (Chart 1 or Chart 2, see additional information).





Contact details for Customs Formalities:


Name: Transport company “Venta”

Address: 194044, Russia,Saint-Petersburg

B. Sampsonievskiy, 32, 2b, of.211


Telephone: +7 812 324 16 01

Fax: +7 812 324 27 75


Opening hours:


  Square for organiser to include details if necessary  






In accordance with the FEI Code of Conduct for the Welfare of the Horse it is imperative that all Horses at FEI Events are physically fit and free from infectious disease before being allowed to compete.



Required health tests and vaccinations:

Quarantine period:

Specimen Import Licence applied:


For questions or problems, please contact your Government Veterinary Services.

  Square for organiser to include details if necessary  




If applicable please provide:


  Square for organiser to include details if necessary  





2015 FEI Veterinary Regulations, Chapter IV:


For all Pony Events, Ponies must be available for Pony Measurement if requested by the FEI.




2015 FEI Veterinary Regulations, articles 1036, 1039 and 1040:


Horses participating in FEI Events are subject to injury surveillance protocols; and in the event of fatality, a post mortem examination.




Horses must be fit to travel and be transported in suitable vehicles for the transport of horses. Any government requirements for disease testing and control must be requested well in advance, to ensure that the horse is in compliance by the time of arrival at the border of the country where the Event is taking place. Athletes, or their representatives, have the responsibility to comply with national legislation in both their country of origin and the host nation of the Event.Where necessary athletes must contact local government authorities or veterinary advisors for information regarding animal health requirements and transport legislation. Within the European Union (EU), this includes EU Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 concerning the protection of animals during transport within the Member States of the EU.




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