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yat-kāraṇaṁ viśvam idaṁ ca māyā


yat-kāraṇaṁ viśvam idaṁ ca māyā

ājñā-karī yasya piśāca-caryā

aho vibhūmnaś caritaṁ viḍambanam


Even Brahmā and others observe the rules created by him. He is the cause of this universe, and māyā is dependent on him, following his order. His conduct as a ghost is surprising. This great lord is only appearing to be like a ghost.

We are nothing in comparison to Śiva. Brahmā and others observe the rules made by him, about associating with women during the twilight (yat-kṛta-setu-pālā), about eating, sleeping or passing nature at that time. He is the cause of the universe and māyā is dependent on him. His conduct as a ghost is surprising. It is an imitation performed by this great lord


|| 3.14.30 ||

maitreya uvāca

saivaṁ saṁvidite bhartrā


jagrāha vāso brahmarṣer

vṛṣalīva gata-trapā


Maitreya said: Though hearing this from her husband, Diti, her senses afflicted with lust, without shame, like a prostitute, grabbed the cloth of her husband.


Even though she was thus informed by her husband, she acted like a prostitute. Or because only her husband informed her, she acted like a prostitute. Lust devours discrimination which is shown by self respect. The proof of this is Brahmā among men and Diti among women.


|| 3.14.31 ||

sa viditvātha bhāryāyās

taṁ nirbandhaṁ vikarmaṇi

natvā diṣṭāya rahasi

tayāthopaviveśa hi


Understanding the obstinacy of his wife for this sinful act, bowing to his fate, he enjoyed with her in a private place.


Diṣṭāya means “unto fate.” Upaviveśa means “he enjoyed with her.”


|| 3.14.32 ||

athopaspṛśya salilaṁ

prāṇān āyamya vāg-yataḥ

dhyāyañ jajāpa virajaṁ

brahma jyotiḥ sanātanam



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