ananya-dṛṣṭyā bhajatāṁ guhāśayaḥ 

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ananya-dṛṣṭyā bhajatāṁ guhāśayaḥ


ananya-dṛṣṭyā bhajatāṁ guhāśayaḥ

svayaṁ vidhatte sva-gatiṁ paraḥ parām

When the Lord is satisfied, no blessing is unobtainable. But what is the use of these insignificant material benedictions? The Lord dwelling in the heart of the devotee personally arranges his supreme abode for the devotees who worship him without material motivations.

By pleasing the Lord, what is difficult to attain becomes easy to attain, but what is the use of such benedictions? They are insignificant (lavātmabhiḥ). One should not worry that one’s worship of the Lord will not bring fruit. For those who engage in bhakti without any other desires (ananya-dṛṣtyā), the Lord himself (svayam) arranges the attainment of his own abode. Because the Lord is in the heart of the devotee (guhāśayaḥ) he knows the pure bhakti of the devotee. This is Śrīdhara Svamī’s explanation.



|| 3.13.50 ||

ko nāma loke puruṣārtha-sāravit

purā-kathānāṁ bhagavat-kathā-sudhām

āpīya karṇāñjalibhir bhavāpahām

aho virajyeta vinā naretaram

Using his ears as hands to take the nectar, knowing the essence of all human goals to be bhakti, having drunk the sweet stories of the Lord among all the past narrations, which destroy material existence, what person would then reject them? Only an animal would reject them!

Bhakti is the greatest attainment for the human being among all goals. Knowing this one knows the essence of everything. The person who says that bhakti is a practice for the ultimate goal but is not itself the final result is an animal. Puṛā-kathānām means “among previous events.” Bhavāpahām means “that which destroys material existence.” It is most astonishing (aho)! Who except an animal would refuse this? A person who refuses is an animal. Later the animal nature of the yogī who rejects the attractive topics of Lord will be described.


evaṁ harau bhagavati pratilabdha-bhāvo

bhaktyā dravad-dhṛdaya utpulakaḥ pramodāt

autkaṇṭhya-bāṣpa-kalayā muhur ardyamānas

tac cāpi citta-baḍiśaṁ śanakair viyuṅkte


The unfortunate yogī who has developed love for the Lord, full of all sweet qualities, whose heart is somewhat soft because of devotion, whose body hairs stand on end in ecstasy, who is constantly overcome with intense tears of joy, gradually withdraws his hook-like mind from the Lord’s form.SB 3.28.34


Thus ends the commentary on Thirteenth Chapter of the Third Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas



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