sāvitraṁ prājāpatyaṁ ca 

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sāvitraṁ prājāpatyaṁ ca


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sāvitraṁ prājāpatyaṁ ca

brāhmaṁ cātha bṛhat tathā

vārtā sañcaya-śālīna-

śiloñcha iti vai gṛhe

The four types of brahmacarya –sāvitra, prājāpatya, brāhmana and bṛhat arose from Brahmā’s four mouths. The four occupations of the householder—vārtā, sañcaya, śālīna and śiloñcha arose from his four mouths.

After taking the sacred thread, remaining celibate for three nights is called sāvitra. Remaining celibate for a year is called prājāpatya. Remaining celibate until learning the Vedas is called brāhma. Brhāt means celibacy till death. Vārtā refers to occupations not forbidden such a s agriculture. Sañcaya means performing sacrifices. Śālīna means taking alms without begging. Śiloñchana means taking the fallen grains in the field. Śila and uñccha are combined a dvandva in the singular as in the phrase ukāla jjhrasva-hīrgha-plutaḥ (Pāninī 1.2.27). They are combined together with the same meaning. These are the four types of occupation for the householder (gṛhe).

|| 3.12.43 ||

vaikhānasā vālakhilyau-

dumbarāḥ phenapā vane

nyāse kuṭīcakaḥ pūrvaṁ

bahvodo haṁsa-niṣkriyau

From Brahmā’s mouths starting from the eastern mouth arose the four divisions of vanapraṣṭhas: vaikhṇasa, vālakhilya, audumbara and phenapa. From Brahmā’s four mouths arose the four types of sannyasīs: kuṭīcaka, bahvoda, haṁsa and niṣkriya.


The vaikhānasa vanapraṣṭha lives on wild grains. The vālakhilya gives away accumulated grains on gaining new grains. The audumbara lives off what he acquires by walking in the direction he sees on getting up the morning. The phenapa lives off grains or fruit which have naturally fallen on the ground. These are the different types of vanapraṣṭha arising from their different means of sustenance.  There are four types of sannyasīs. The kuṭicaka mainly concenterates on karma in his own hermitage. The bahvoda rejects action and mainly concentrates on jñāna. The haṁsa is fixed in knowledge. The niśkriya has attained realization. The later types in the list are superior to the previous ones.

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